Michelle Obama's Speech Honoring Women In The Military

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Throughout history when the word military is said , a strong man is what comes to mind. Former first lady Michelle Obama is known for strongly believing in women being powerful and educated. She took a trip to North Africa in summer of 2016 to address gender- based issues.(Michelle Obama Biography) That does not come as a surprise since she gave her November 18 ,2009 speech Speech Honoring Women in the Military at women’s history month. She performed her speech to her audience of veterans and to the viewers at home hence her speech is online for anyone whom wishes to watch. Anyone who was able to see this speech can tell how empowering and grateful Michelle Obama is for the women in the military. In her speech Michelle Obama uses anecdotes about the veterans and repetitive phrases to show the fact that there are many powerful and strong women in the military that should be honored for their astonishing accomplishments. First, Obama demonstrates the use of anecdotes about veterans to support her claim that there are women in the military who need to be honored . Throughout her speech Obama shares life stories and accomplishments of veterans and present military women. She employs this technique to prove that women are strong and powerful and can accomplish great things in the …show more content…

2017, www.biography.com/people/michelle-obama-307592. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
Obama, Michelle. “ Speech Honoring Women in the Military.” Americanrhetoric, www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/michelleobamacelebratingmilitarywomen.htm`. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
“Remarks by the First Lady at Women's History Month Event Honoring Women Veterans For Their Service To Our Country.” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/03/02/remarks-first-lady-womens-history-month-event-honoring-women-veterans. Accessed 28 Mar.

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