Ferret Essays

  • Mustela Furo: The Domesticated Ferret

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    The ferret, known to the scientific community as Mustela Furo, is a domesticated version the European pole-cat and has been introduced into many parts of the world. But they threaten native prey species, ground nesting and flightless birds. Their habitat usually consists of semi-forested areas near a source of water. In Europe, you can usually find them in dune systems with large rabbit populations. In New Zealand they reside in grasslands, scrub, forest fringes, and suburban areas. Some ferrets are

  • Persuasive Speech: Ferrets Make Good Pets

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    Introduction: I. Ferrets are amusing creatures that can make good pets. II. Many people would be interested in a low maintenance pet that is softer than a turtle and more affectionate than a goldfish. III. I currently have three ferrets. I got my first one about five years ago. I found my second and third ferrets a couple of years later at the Oregon Ferret Shelter, where I ended up adopting them for a modest price. I have also volunteered at the shelter now and then and have learned a

  • Black Footed Ferret Essay

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    What is a black-footed ferret, what do they look like, and why they are endangered. A black-footed ferret is a critically endangered species which belongs to the weasel family (Mustelids), it is a carnivore which means that it only eats meat, black-footed ferrets are also a secondary consumer which means that it is in the third part of a life cycle. A black-footed ferret has a slim and long body covered with yellowish brown fur, with blackish fur on the back. It also has black feet, long claws

  • The Click Click Click of the Metronome

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    For the past five years, perhaps longer, the only things I hear are my own raspy breaths and a constant, monotonous, clicking noise. That, and the walls of my box, are enough to drive anyone past the brink of sanity. For me, it already has. I live in a box. Twenty feet high, twenty feet long, twenty feet wide. A perfect cube. The floor, ceiling, and walls are covered with one long, continuous mirror, replicating itself and every one of my miniscule movements. Not only that, but it seems like I am

  • The Ethical Use Of Ferrets

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    The HSUS believes that ferrets should not be bred for commercial purposes or sold in retail pet stores. Therefore, Ferrets can be adopted and can not shop (“Is a Ferret Right for You? ”, n.d.). Ferrets are very much different from other pets like cats and dogs. As it been said that ferrets are very unusual pet, it requires an immensely committed owner who can spare special time of taking care of it. Ferrets are having very sharp teeth and it bites sometimes when scared

  • Black Endangered Ferret

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    The black-footed ferret (Mustela Nigripes) is known as the most endangered mammal in North America and it belongs to the weasel family. Researchers paid little attention to this species until it was discovered as threatened in 1967. According to an article issued in 1985, black-footed ferrets were perceived to be extinct until Lucille Hogg’s dog discovered a dead carcass of the species in 1981 (Gustkey, 1985). The discovery made by taxidermists reintroduced the species to the world as endangered

  • Summary Of Sredni Vashtar

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    defense, Conradin treats her the same way. She "represented those three-fifths of the world that are necessary and disagreeable and real" (Munro). Conradin has a large pole cat ferret, Sredni Vashtar, which he eventually begins to worship as a god. Sredni Vashtar is kept in the shed, along with the Houdan Hen. The ferret and the hen are “Two inmates of flesh and blood” (Allen 149). The short story takes place at Mrs. De Ropp’s estate, on which she has a home and a sizeable, yet abandoned tool shed

  • Animal Restriction In The United States

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    animals pose a potential safety hazard to both owners and neighbors. In New York, the state passed a law restricting any wildlife being kept as pets in homes after encountering a tiger who was captured in an apartment in Harlem. Other wildlife such as ferrets have become more popular as pets, yet due to their aggressive behavior among young children, California

  • Hector Hugh Munro's Sredni Vashtar and John Collier's Thus I Refute Beelzy

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    begins to disrupt Conradin’s source for protection, and in turn Conradin cannot psychologically grow, as it has become rather hard when lacking a safe environment to express oneself. Conradin’s insufficient protection can be proven when he befriends a ferret and names it Sredni Vashtar, who he also worships as God. While Mrs. de Ropp should be Conr... ... middle of paper ... ... imagination, which was rampant under the spur of loneliness, he would have succumbed long ago.” (Munro). Although restricted

  • Definition Essay On Lily

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    She though that is was cute name. My mom had agreed with her thinking I would fit the name Lily perfect. I think that my name does fit me good. My mom, however said that she had a ferret named Lily when she was younger. I wasn’t named after her ferret. It just so happened that she had a ferret named Lily. So the name Lily just stuck around. The name Lily can definitely describe me. When you hear Lily you think of sweet like a flower, or adventuress like a tiger Lily. I think of my

  • Character Analysis Of Characterization In 'Sredni Vashtar'

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    intellectual ability of Conradin is extremely advanced compared with other young people similar to him. To put this over the top, this juvenile boy was able to invent a whole new life and religion using nothing but an abandoned tool shed and a feral ferret (paragraph 3). Through his new religion and lifestyle, created by his potent imagination, he was able to instigate a murder (paragraph

  • Captive Animals

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    Everyday, while people are living their comfortable lives, animals are getting closer and closer to being wiped out. Animals live in fear of poaching, habitat destruction, and many more dangers that people could help control. People may have the ability to stop these issues but few care, they would rather sit back and watch as millions of animals die each year. Zoos are taking the lead in conserving endangered animals by acting as sanctuaries and giving animals the protection they lack in the wild

  • Analysis Of The Short Story 'Sredni Vashtar'

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    Conradin loves this chicken. In his eyes it is his companion. The hen helps him keep his spirits up. Paragraph three also says, “...large polecat-ferret...was his most treasured possession… wonderful name… from that moment grew it into a god and a religion.” As silly as it may seem, Conradin takes his own religion very serious. To him, that small ferret is a god. This gives him faith. He believes in it so much that it keeps him fighting his illness. “...a disused tool-shed of respectable proportions…

  • Essay On Enhanced Pathogens

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    Gain of Function or Gain or Risk? In the world of viral research today, the study of Enhanced Pathogens is a risky, if not dangerous, field of research.The big question regarding research on enhanced pathogens stands with: is deeper knowledge about the pathogen worth the risk of accidentally spreading them, or is it too hazardous? Well, Enhanced Pathogens are dangerous, but they aren't as dangerous and complicated as they seem to be. In fact, they are the least harmful in a few cases, but still can

  • A Comparison of The Darkness Out There, Shredni Vashtar and The Signalman

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    A Comparison of The Darkness Out There, Shredni Vashtar and The Signalman In "The darkness out there", "Shredni vashtar" and "The signalman", authors create an atmosphere of mystery and suspense. How do the authors achieve this and which do you think is the most successful? "The Signalman" takes place in and around a deep railway cutting during the 19th century. The genre is ghost story? The language used like 'damp stains', frozen finger tracing my spine' and 'disagreeable shudder' shows

  • Persuasive Essay About Zoos

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    Imagine you’re in the zoo, and you see so many exotic animals that your head is overwhelmed with the amazement of each one. You decide to witness one more animal before you head out home. You check out the black-footed ferret. When you look at the sign, it says “endangered”. Suddenly, you have this strong urge to protect this species. Why? Since there is not a lot of them left, you want others to see these beautiful animals. This is what many people feel, and their emotions can actually help species

  • Cystic Fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease; it is passed down through families. Cystic Fibrosis causes sticky mucus to build up in lungs, digestive track, and other areas of the body. The mucus clogs can lead to life threatening mucus infections. {Board, A.D.A.M. Editorial. Cystic fibrosis. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 May 2012. Web. 11 Jan. 2014.} Some of the most common symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis are salty skin, wheezing or shortness of breath, and persistent cough, sometimes with thick mucus

  • Understanding Asthma: A Personal Perspective

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    Millions of people suffer from asthma.. Many of them have different things that can trigger an attack. (Thesis) What is Asthma?/Sick Building syndrome? First, what is asthma; asthma is a disease of the lungs that makes it difficult to breathe at times, but what is happening to someone during an asthma attack? The airways become restricted or more narrow when an asthmatic comes in contact with allergens making it more difficult for air to be present in the lungs. Coughing and wheezing and breathing

  • The Importance Of Zoos

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    Most people never receive the opportunity to view a bengal tiger in its natural habitat. Even those people who live near the tiger’s native area rarely see this creature since only 2500 still survive in the wild today. Their numbers, as well as the populations of countless other species, are plumbing because of poaching, deforestation, and other harmful human activity. With the busy world we live in today, nobody bats an eye to this startling truth about the decline of animal populations. The only

  • Macaws Persuasive Essay

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    There are at least seventeen species of macaws, and several of the species are in danger of being killed in the rainforest. Most macaws cost over one thousand dollars to have them as pets. Many macaws are illegal to trap or kill in the rain forest. Sadly, a lot of people do capture them from the rainforest for pets so they do not have to buy them. The rain forest homes that have so much macaws living in them are dying or getting captured at a very high speed. The glaucous and spix macaws may already