Ethnic groups in the United Kingdom Essays

  • The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black British or British/Asian

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    The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black British or British/Asian When referring to British Asians, the majority of us often fall into the trap of understanding the Asians referred to are linked to the Indian Subcontinent, i.e. India, Pakistan etc. What we tend to forget is that Asians are associated with a number of different countries and with Asia being the largest continent in the world, what exactly is meant by the term 'British Asians?' Generally, here in Britain, they

  • The Gold Coast after Gaining Independence from Colonialism

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    In 1957, Ghana gained independence from Britain. Ghanaian kingdoms varied religiously, ethnically, and culturally. Because of this, Ghana, which the regions of Togo and the Ivory Coast presently surround, has been plagued with the effects of too much ethnic diversity.The developing movements for political expansion of early established kingdoms created the foundation for the later independence movements. Pre- independent Ghana a.k.a The Gold Coast, consisted of an imperial authority and colonial

  • Mental Health Equality

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    human right in relation to mental health settings. It will focus on potential barriers on poor engagement of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups with mental health care settings. Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCPMH), (2014) described BAME groups as people who are residents in United Kingdom but are nominated as being part of a non-white group. This essay will also explore on bridging the language barriers, issues in providing an interpreter for individual who are non-English

  • Experiencing Minority Status: Rima and Nitya's Story

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    their life. A minority is defined as “a group in society distinguished from, and less dominant than, the larger and more numerous majority” according to the dictionary and a minority group is defined by Martin M. Merger (Race & Ethnic Relations, Martin N. Marger, 1991) states that “being apart of a group that, on the basis of their physical and or cultural traits.” Growing up in Pakistan, Rima was not a minority and was inevitably a part of the dominant group in Pakistan due to her heritage and ethnicity

  • Race in A Different Mirror’ by Ronald Takaki

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    with different ethnic groups that moved from their homelands to settle in the United States. The chapter discusses the settlement of various racial groups such as; English immigrants, African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicanos and the Irish. The English immigrants are given a brief introduction as the first ethnic group to settle in America. The group has defined the culture and society throughout centuries of American history. The African Americans are viewed as a minority group that were introduced

  • Essay On Bosnia And Herzegovina

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    World War I, the Baltic region was controlled by Austria-Hungary. The trigger for WWI actually took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia, when a group of insubordinate Serbs assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to Austria-Hungary). In the ashes of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, the Baltic countries formed the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes in 1918. The Kingdom united as the country of Yugoslavia in 1929, of which Bosnia was a constituent republic until Nazi Germany invaded in 1941. After Nazi Germany

  • Discordant Neighbours Summary

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    self-awareness” as a distinct ethnic group since the Georgian identity has been forced on them in 1930s. In fact, a clear majority of Megrelians have never considered themselves as anyone other than Georgians and no evidence has been discovered so far that claimed the opposite. Also, for a scholar examining the Abkhaz-Georgian

  • Essay On Hawaii Government

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    In the United States every state is granted the right to govern itself without inference, with the exception being that it must adhere to the rules of the United States Constitution. Each state is entitled to create their own constitution that they deem appropriate for governance. Firstly, we will delve into the history of Hawaii before it was a state. Next, we will examine the demographics of the state. Then, we will examine the organization of the state government of Hawaii as well as the role

  • Nationalism And Primordialism

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    also described as nationalism is created by people being surrounded by distinct cultural features like religion, custom, and language. This view believes that nations are unchanging and primordial from their beginning (Özkirimli 2000, 64-65). Thus, ethnic and national ties are given at birth. One subset of primordialism is the perennalist approach. This approach believes that modern nations are clear descendants of their

  • Ethnicity And Ethnicity

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    the given terms for a culture. In a culture, groups that may not think that they form a circle for their existence will be discussed in my review of “Focus on Globalization: The Gray and the Brown” (Kottak,

  • Map Of Nigeria

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    Post-Independence History to Present…………………………………………………….7 CURRENT GOVERNMENT/LEADERSHIP…………………………………………………………7 GEOGRAPHY/CLIMATE………………………………………………………………..7 PEOPLE…………………………………………………………………………………...8 Population…………………………………………………………………………………8 Major Ethnic Groups………………………………………………………………………9 Major Languages………………………………………………………………………….9

  • The Basques and Their Claim to Nationhood

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    the map below. Euskera-Herria, is the Basque name given to these seven provinces. The Basques are the descendants of the native inhabitants of the area who are referred to as the proto-Basques and for the most part did not mix with other ethnic groups. Basque speak a language called Euskera, which has been proven to be older any other Indo-European language. It is considered by linguistic experts, as perhaps, the oldest living languages in Europe and it is unrelated to any of the families of

  • Multiculturalism in London

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    At this point London is the leading city when is comes to immigration, London receives even more immigrants than cosmopolitan metropolis cities as New York and Los Angeles. The article “London’s Comings and Goings” describes some of the advantages and disadvantages about the massive immigration that has happened these years. The immigration makes a total of two thirds of the immigration in Great Britain, and is the reason why London’s economic increases faster than other cities in Great Britain.

  • Language and Ethnicity

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    social group that has a common national or cultural tradition’ (MacMillan Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, etc.). Dictionary of Cultural Literacy does single out and include language into the ethnicity definition saying that it is an “identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group and observance of that group's customs, beliefs, and language”. However, is language always an inevitable part of one’s ethnicity or the ethnicity of a group? Definitely

  • Nation State Essay

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    sovereign territory (Hutchinson, 2012). The state is a geopolitical as well as a political organ and the nation is a cultural body, therefore, nation state draws its existence in both geopolitical and ethnic cultural backgrounds. Further, transnational entities are societies made of a divergent group of people and individuals who are located in different national societies. These international entities act on the grounds of their shared interests or goals which may comprise language, religion or territorial

  • Evolution of Nationhood and Nationalism in the US

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    believed to exercise the collective right to sovereign control over a given territory.” Over the last 200 years, the United States has grown larger and stronger with every change, and with that, the understanding of nationhood and nationalism in the US has changed within the constraints of this definition. In the beginning, nationhood was very different. It was elite driven. The united states was built on immigrants brought together with the idea of building a free nation. This could be described by

  • The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

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    personality. Psytech South Africa is conscious that literacy and education levels is a challenge and does put constraints on the test’s use and interpretation, therefore, it does not endorse using the 15FQ+ for broad entry level screening outside the United Kingdom. (Tyler

  • Racial Struggle in America

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    Yes East and West and North and South, the Palm and the pine, the pole and the equator, the crescent and the cross - how the great Alchemist melts and fuses them with his purging flame! Here shall they all unite to build the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God. (Rereading America 535) The myth of the melting pot, similarly to The American Dream [i] , brings a lot of immigrants to America hoping to find equality, freedom and opportunity. The promise of a new race in which individuals of all nations

  • Ethnic Groups And Boundaries: The Social Organization Of Culture Difference

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    Argyle, Michael. Social Interaction. United States of America: Library of Congress Catalog- in -Publication, 2009. Print. Barth, Fredrik. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. United States of America: Waveland Press, 1998. Print. ---. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. United States of America: Waveland Press, 1969. Print. Berger & Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality. England: Clays Ltd, 1966. Print. Briggs

  • United Kingdom

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    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly referred to as the United Kingdom, or “UK” for short, is a country located in Western Europe. It rests between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea and is a medium sized country, ranked 80th in the world based on its size of 243,610 km2 (CIA 1). It has a temperate climate, with rugged hills and low mountains. The Fens is the lowest point in the UK at four meters below sea level (CIA 4). In contrast, the highest point is in Ben