Elodea nuttallii Essays

  • Elodea

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    Elodea Elodea is a genus of aquatic plants often called water weeds. Elodea is native to North America and it is also widely used as aquarium vegetation. The introduction of some species of Elodea into waterways in parts of Europe, the Australia, Africa, Asia, and New Zealand has created a significant problem, and it is now considered a noxious weed in these areas. Elodea canadensis, sometimes called American or Canadican waterweed or Anacharis (a former scientific name) is widely known

  • Investigating Factors that Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis in Elodea

    2099 Words  | 5 Pages

    Investigating Factors that Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis in Elodea Aim: To find out which factors affect the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea. Variables: The variables that might affect the rate of photosynthesis in this experiment are: Temperature: When the temperature rises so does the rate of photosynthesis; this is because as the temperature around the plant rises the enzymes controlling photosynthesis inside the chloroplasts heat up and start moving around faster, the fast

  • How Light Intensity Affects the Photosynthesis of a Canadian Water Weed

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    see that at what rates photosynthesis happens in this Elodea. We intend to use bulbs, to provide the ‘sunlight’ for our Elodea, if we use any kind of filter, then we would use a blue filter, red filter and yellow. We would not use the green filter, as that would turn the light green. If we turn the light green then the green chlorophyll would reflect the light. We would also have to control the temperature in the beaker full of Elodea, as if the temperature increased too much it would either

  • Elodea Photosynthesis

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    I. Objective: How does the rate of photosynthesis affect the plant? II. Background Research: The Elodea plant (scientific names: Egeria densa, Egeria brasiliensis) has dark green leaves that become crowded toward the top. The Elodea plant grows in a variety of pond habitats but prefers to grow at the bottom of cool ponds. Elodea plants can remain green all winter long. . Water is one of the factors that affect photosynthesis. A shortage of water can slow down or even stop photosynthesis. Temperature

  • The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Of Elodea Canadensis

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Of Elodea Canadensis Introduction I wanted to find out how much the light intensity affected the Photosynthesis in Elodea Camadensa. I decided to do this by measuring the amount of oxygen created during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the procedure all plants go through to make food. This process uses Carbon dioxide, water and light energy. It produces Oxygen and Glucose. [IMAGE]Carbon dioxide + water Light Energy glucose + oxygen

  • An Investigation into the Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis on a Piece of Elodea

    1510 Words  | 4 Pages

    Investigation into the Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis on a Piece of Elodea Plan: Method: 1) First I will put some water into a boiling tube and add 5 spatulas of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. I will add 5 spatulas of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate as it reacts with water and forms carbon dioxide; also I have so much so that I have carbon dioxide in excess. 2) Then I will cut off 5cm of elodea and place it into the boiling tube. 3) Thirdly I will place the boiling tube in

  • The Effect of Wavelength on Photosynthesis Rate

    1354 Words  | 3 Pages

    Photosynthesis Rate Aim: To investigate how different wavelength (colors) of light affect the photosynthetic rate. I will use a pant that is a pond weed called elodea. I will measure the rate of photosynthesis by measuring the amount of o2 given off in bubbles per minuet from the elodea. I will do this by placing the Elodea in a test tube with sodium hydrogen carbonate then I will vary the light wavelength (color) using colored filters and count the number of oxygen bubbles given off using

  • The Effect of Light on the Organic Plant Elodea

    845 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Light on the Organic Plant Elodea Aim: To calculate the rate of photosynthesis from the number of oxygen bubbles produced by the plant. Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants use the sun's energy to build up carbohydrate reserves. Plants make their own organic food such as starch. Plants need Carbon dioxide, water, light and chlorophyll in order to make food; and starch and oxygen are produced. Carbon dioxide and water are the raw materials of photosynthesis