Dormancy Essays

  • Radish Seed Germination Essay

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    Optimal pH Levels for Radish Seed Germination Question Do radish seeds germinate best in neutral, acidic or alkaline solutions? Introduction Germination is the reestablishment of metabolic processes in a seed after a period of dormancy. The germination process varies for different seed varieties. Generally, germination begins when water causes the outer covering of the seed to loosen. The uptake of water by the seed triggers the release of hormones needed for respiration, protein synthesis,

  • Essay On Venus Flytrap

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    have the ability to survive in this environment, this plant is able to acquire nutrients, such as nitrogen, by digesting the nutrients in bugs that the nutrient poor soil does not possess. This plant has a lifespan of about 25 years. Dormancy Some plants have a dormancy during which almost all activity ceases, or the only growth that happens is below the ground in the root zone. However, Venus Flytraps continue to grow and to pho... ... middle of paper ... ..., the trap will reopen in about twelve

  • Seed Germination Essay

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    the field of botany, this phenomenon is known as “physiological seed dormancy” (will be referred to as PSD from here on out). In plain language, PSD is like a “hibernation” stage that occurs after seed maturation but before germination. After the seeds of a mother plant mature, they respond to environmental cues that signal the end of the growing season is near and begin PSD (hibernation). If the seed did not enter this dormancy phase, it would attempt to grow as soon as it reached maturity in the

  • Plant hormones

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    Gibberellins     Roots and young leaves     •     Cell (stem) elongation (works in stems and leaves, but not roots) •     breaking seed/bud dormancy •     stimulating fruit set Cytokinins     roots, embryos, fruits actively growing     •     Promote cell division --signal axillary/lateral bud growth --prevent leaf abscission •     chloroplast development •     breaking dormancy in some seeds •     enhance flowering •     promote fruit development Abscissic Acid     ... ... middle of paper ... ...ascade

  • How Climate Change Affects Fruit Production

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    dormant during the winter to protect themselves from frost damage. In order to know when to come out of dormancy, they internally keep track of the amount of cold that has occurred over winter.” He goes on to explain that once exposed to the chilling requirement, the amount of cold weather plants need to break dormancy, they will flower then bear fruit. The trees do not properly break dormancy when there is inadequate cold weather, and often can cause them to produce less and even completely fail

  • Eucalyptus Globulus' Effect on the Germination of Radish Seeds

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    has been shed the root emerges first so that it can absorb water and nutrients. After the roots have come out of the embryo the cotyledons will follow. Some seeds need certain conditions to germinate and go through a period of dormancy before they germinate. Seed dormancy ensures that the seed is protected until the conditions are right for it to germinate. Allelopathy is the beneficial or harmful effect that one plant has on another. It occurs by the discharge of chemicals from plants by leaching

  • Plants

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    Germination is the process of the plant embryo sprouting a seedling after a period of dormancy in a seed. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed., 2008) Dormancy comes from the Latin word meaning “to sleep.” This period of inaction in the seed is an adaptation to support the seed so it can survive though the harsh growing conditions. (Campbell, Reece, Urry, Cain, Qasserman, Minorsky & Jackson, 2008) Once these poor conditions are absent, the seed can then germinate. The seed will absorb the water

  • bs 497

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    regulation. For example, changing skin color from a lighter shade of green to a dark shade of brown to increase absorption of heat. Reptiles can also shut down body processes and enter a state of dormancy in order to survive low temperatures or stressful environmental pressures. Reptilian dormancy is known as brumation and is similar to hibernation. Reptiles usually enter brumation in late fall when temperatures and day length decrease. They will sleep for months, however, they will wake up

  • Microbial Biofilms

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    Microbial biofilms are populations of microorganisms that are concentrated at an interface and typically surrounded by an extra cellular polymeric slime matrix. Biofilms can form on both solid surfaces such as teeth or dental implants and soft tissue such as gums and cheek walls. Microbial biofilms cause dental caries and periodontal infections. Normal host immune defenses do no remove microbial biofilms and they are also resistant to the effects of antimicrobial agents. Biofilm moves through

  • Death in Different Religions

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    religions have answered this question for us according to their faiths. Buddhism is a religion where Buddhists believe in the concept of death and reincarnation or rebirth. On the other hand, Christians believe that after you die you go into a period of dormancy and until the second coming of Jesus will you be woken up and decided your fate whether you go to heaven or hell according to how you have lived your life. Christianity teaches salvation from sin through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Through Him

  • The 1815 Eruption of Mount Tambora

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    of West Nusa Tenggara3. A map of Mount Tambora is shown in Figure 1 to provide a better perspective of its location. Interestingly enough, Tambora forms its own peninsula on Sumbawa, known as the Sanggar Peninsula. In April of 1815, after years of dormancy, Mount Tambora erupted with great intensity, approximately 7 on the volcanic explosivity index, which is shown in Figure 2. It has been estimated that the eject volume of Tambora was 160 cubic kilometres, which represents the largest volcanic eruption

  • Seed Germination

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    embryo. However, most of the plant seeds do not germinate immediately and they under goes period of dormancy. These dormant seeds are normally dehydrated, containing inactive enzymes and resistant to unfavorable condition. These characteristic allowed the seed to be dispersed before germination occur and survive adverse environmental condition such as drought. In order for a seed to break its dormancy, optimum conditions were required for seed to germinate. There are three important conditions for

  • Physics Of Basketball Essay

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    Physics of Basketball Speed can be characterized as the velocity of something in a provided guidance. Increasing speed is the vector amount that is characterized as the rate at which an item changes its speed. Jumpers ought to quicken to idle speed and keep up speed through the bounce. Ideal speed is at full speed, however capable and controllable sprint so that the run is steady. The state ought to concentrate on force (see underneath) while the move from the begin ought to display ideal sprint

  • Investigate the Effect of Moisture Content on Wheat Grain Seed's Respiration Rate

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    crop throughout the world, and its storage is essential. To store grain effectively it is important to stop germination from occurring at all. Germination is the onset of growth of the embryo in a seed, this usually happens after a period of dormancy. Dormancy is the state where germination will not occur, even if environmental conditions are favourable. This is often an advantage for seeds, as it allows germination to occur in a more favourable season. In the case of wheat seeds they need several

  • The Misanthrope Essay

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    advocate giving oneself completely over to "the irrationality of love." Some tact and observance of decorum is certainly necessary. But, one must be assertive in satisfying one's emotions. Part of the comedy of the play derives from the romantic dormancy of the suitors. They show up at Célimène's house and essentially sit around and wait on her to bestow her affections upon them. At least Alceste actively discusses his attraction to Célimène, however angst-ridden that attraction may be. Philinte

  • The Eastern Chipmunk

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    The Eastern Chipmunk The Eastern chipmunk is a small rodent of the Sciuridae family. This chipmunk is closely related to the red and grey fox, the flying squirrel, and the woodchuck. Its Taxonomic name is Tamias Striatus. The word Tamias, Means collector or keeper and Striatus refers to its bold stripes and coloring. The body of the average Eastern Chipmunk is about 8 to 10 inches long, the weigh about 2 ½ to 4 ounces. The ears are rounded with ears that stick straight up. It has short legs

  • Marine Mammal: The Nawhal Monoceros

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    The Narwhal, Monodon monoceros, is a social, specialized deep-water marine mammal characterized by a unique tooth growth protruding from the upper jaw. Narwhals lives along the coasts and rivers throughout the Arctic,characterized by icy ocean temperatures. Narwhals are usually found in groups of 15 to 20, but herds of several thousand have been seen in the Arctic waters since 1871. Regularly found eastwards from the Canadian Arctic to central Russia they have also been distributed throughout the

  • Summary Of Diseases And Human Evolution

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    the evolutionary mechanism. Even though you are expected to have resistance to reinfection, even though you don’t experience any symptoms, the eggs and flukes continue to live in your body with the potential to cause problems years down the line. Dormancy as a whole is something many parasites share, and it is a mechanism that allows them to continue to reproduce and thrive.

  • Persuasive Speech On Felining

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    Felines, similar to individuals, become ill now and again. They are great at covering their side effects so it will truly help on the off chance that you know your feline well. When you discover something uncommon about your feline's conduct and typical schedule, possibly the time has come to contact a feline vet and have your pet checked. One of the best practices in dealing with a cat is to get it to a specialist. Your picked feline vet will be your accomplice in dealing with your home pet. Beside

  • Venus Flytrap Research Paper

    1599 Words  | 4 Pages

    Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant native in bogs and swamp lands in North and South Carolina. It was discovered in the 1700s and named after the Greek goddess Dione which gave it the scientific name Dionaea. The species name muscipula came from the Latin word “Mus” (mouse) and “Cipula” (trap). Venus flytrap is one of the only two known species of plants that use fast-closing, double-spaced trap mechanism to capture insects. The leaf of a Venus flytrap have two primary regions: a leaf-base that