Cortana Essays

  • Red vs. Blue vs. Modern Media

    904 Words  | 2 Pages

    Over the years many new forms of media have emerged. The internet has increased the pace of the media ten fold. That might not be such a good thing. With the ability to collaborate information from all over the world in mere seconds, the entertainment sections of media exploded. This resulted in a lot of shrapnel of creative groups all over the internet. The most common way to understand this is taking to people that both consider themselves “youtubers”. Both of them may have seen years’ worth of

  • Halo 3

    1493 Words  | 3 Pages

    "Halo: Reach for us is not Halo 4," says Executive Producer Joseph Tung, who was originally Halo 3's Multiplayer Producer. "It's not a continuation of the Master Chief story, nor is it the start of a new trilogy. For us, it's a completely standalone game." Gone are the bright greens, luminescent blues, neon purples and glow-in-the-dark pinks. The little Grunt aliens don't squeal jokes or make pratfalls. Don't expect that Gregorian choir Bungie has on retainer to chant the all-too-familiar theme

  • HALO:The Flood

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    HALO:The Flood Today I am going to tell you about a great book I read lately. It is called HALO:The Flood. The Flood is based on the award-winning Xbox game, Halo. This book was interesting because it tells the story through several different perspectives. Some of the perspectives include: the super-soldier, Master Chief, an alien, another alien, a sergeant, and a few soldiers. Although some new character perspectives are introduced in some chapters, the characters die later in the chapter

  • Halo: The Fall Of Reach

    969 Words  | 2 Pages

    Title: "Halo: The Fall of Reach" Genre: Science-Fiction State major events - Major events are those revolving around, leading up to, and resulting from the conflict or major problems in the work. 1. Spartans' (super soldiers, highly advanced warriors, specially bioengineered and technologically augmented, the best in the universe - quiet, professional, and deadly) completion of training camp on the planet REACH (human's last station of defense to stop the covenant from finding the location

  • Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial: Microsoft 2014 Super Bowl Commercial

    943 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cortana ad, or by trying to sell products by using their name, Microsoft decided to focus on showing what their technology has been able to do. For Example, because of Microsoft’s technology a little boy is able to run because he was able to get prosthetic

  • College Admissions Essay: How Technology Changed My Life

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    daunting task of being on time, and in general planning my day. A crucial piece of technology to me now would be my laptop, with Windows 10 and Cortana. Using Cortana I set daily reminders for myself, whether it be for an important assignment for class or my friend’s birthday. Not only do I use my laptop for setting reminders for myself, but I also use Cortana paired with Internet Explorer to look up anything I need to know. I can search for anything, whether it be tomorrow’s forecast or a question

  • Advancements Of Artificial Intelligence

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    Technology in the recent century has grown tremendously and it is evident that technology will be involved in every aspect of our daily lives. Today we have the Internet, smartphones, laptops and even autonomous vehicles. One of the most innovations that have intrigued human beings for many years is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is the computer science are computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence such as speech recognition, decision-making and etc. AI is

  • Emotional Intelligence Case Study Analysis

    1445 Words  | 3 Pages

    Specific personality traits have the ability to enhance the understandings of design thinkers and their emotional intelligence. According to analysis undertaken by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence has been proven to not only identify successful design thinkers and leaders, but is also linked to strong business performance (Goleman, 2004). The arising concept of design thinking can be defined as the ability to create better suited ideas to the needs and desires of consumers, as opposed to the

  • Artificial Intelligence Dbq

    1821 Words  | 4 Pages

    During the late 20th century, Artificial Intelligence was quickly becoming a method for exceeding the limitations of human thought due to its immense number crunching abilities. Due to the information that AI offered, the unlimited potential of AI was discovered. It is debatable over what it means for something to be intelligent and be considered AI1. In 1952, the first AI conference was held place in Dartmouth College and they spent lots of money in order to research AI and create it . They believed

  • Interpersonal Communication And Communication

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    or in group talking in face to face or using the media that allows each participant to capture the reaction of others directly, either verbally or nonverbally. 3. Based on this case in my opinion talking to artificial intelligence (such as Siri, Cortana, or Google assistant) is not part of interpersonal communication. Because of some

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of AI

    1851 Words  | 4 Pages

    Kenton Moore Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors March 23, 2018 Even though People think that AI could help sustain the human population in such a way that the way we live life changes to only leisure and pleasure and no labor of work, people also believe that AI could change life for the worst, ruin the economy and eventually destroy the human race. AI could be useful for the world's population, if made correctly, by benefiting it in many major ways, but AI could also increase the unemployment rate

  • Comparing Mac Operating System (OS X) And Windows 10 Windows

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    The similarities and the differences between Mac operating system (OS X) and Windows 10 operating system. As the internet is becoming faster and faster, an operating system (OS) is needed to manage the data in computers. An Operating system can be considered to be a set of programed codes that are created to control hardware such as computers. In 1985 Windows was established as an operating system and a year earlier Mac OS was established, and they have dominated the market of the computer programs

  • Sexism Research Paper

    1948 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sexism is a very big topic with video games. People always make it so the girls have little to no clothes on. Almost never do they have the guys in video games like this. The guys will get some sweet looking gear and the girls get this little piece of fabric that barley covers the girl’s assets. Guys almost always get the main role in video games, some have where you can choose if you want to be a girl or guy but normally there are less options for the girls and you have to be close to naked. Now

  • George Orwell's Warning Towards The Future Analysis

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Orwell’s Warning Toward the Future As generations evolve, technology does as well we live in a society where people are always using digital media and are constantly becoming unaware of the damage it will do in the future, they are also being distracted away from the fact that National Security Agency (NSA) is constantly surveilling Its citizens. As explored in 1984 citizens were constantly being surveilled and media always controlled and corrupted. The novel 1984 was persistent toward the warning

  • Are Robots Take Over White Collar Jobs In Today's Society?

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are robots taking over white collar jobs in today's society? Modern technology is taking over every facet of our lives. We use technology for entertainment, for work and wherever else we can put it to make every and any aspects of our lives easier. But as technology advances and flourishes there will come many complications and the complications are already coming to the forefront of many people’s lives. Will machines start to take over white collar jobs? Yes and it is starting in present day

  • Artificial Intelligence: The Causes Of Artificial Intelligence

    903 Words  | 2 Pages

    Life assistants such as Siri and Cortana are AI. You merely ask these devices questions or tell them commands, and they will answer or carry put you wish. Easy! Some cars already have features powered by AI, such as advanced highway options and parking features. These functions use AI to

  • Operating System Security: Operating Systems Security

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    Julia Williams 10/19/2017 Honor’s Project Operating systems Security Ms. Joanne Phillips-Edley Operating Systems Security What is an operating system? An operating system is the software that supports a computer’s most basic functions, such as scheduling the upcoming tasks, executing a myriad of applications, and controlling peripherals. It is the most important software that runs a computer. The operating system manages the computer’s memory and processes, it’s software and hardware. It translates

  • What Made Microsoft Unique

    893 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of the factors that makes Microsoft unique is that they develop on multiple platforms. If one category becomes less valuable over time, Microsoft has other platforms that can still be profitable. Another factor that makes Microsoft unique is that they provide devices and softwares that work well with technologies their costumers already have and are available on a device or via the cloud. Furthermore, Microsoft covers more countries and regions than any other cloud provider. Also, they partner

  • The Spartan-II Project

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    It all started with the Spartan Project, without it The Spartan-II project never would have been born, it was to make a special forces team that would be better than a large army filled with foot soldiers. Large scale armies were too costly the damage was becoming too great from the losses. This new idea was cheeped saved the lives of soldiers and well over all would be able to getting the job done better. At this point combating with the insurgents was becoming too much for the UNSC to manage. But

  • The Era of Artificial Intelligence

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    The era of Artificial Intelligence is upon us, the rising technology within the AI field is quickly becoming one of the largest technological fields within the technology industry. The rise of AI is so prevalent that even basic AI within devices today now seems commonplace; the introduction of AI like Siri on the IPhone seems trivial yet is a prime example of how prevalent the technology of Artificial Intelligence is becoming. The rise of AI becomes of great importance to a large majority of the