Construction site safety Essays

  • Construction Site Safety: The Importance Of Construction Site Safety

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    Construction is one of the most dangerous works during this era. The advanced technologies are to be utilized in the construction work but still it is not really safe work. Many of the human beings are now involved in the construction work. It is one of the most typical working fields. Most of the persons who have lack of knowledge, degree and skills join the construction teams in order to earn living. It is said that most of the workers related to the construction industry are not really well educated

  • Higher Accidents at Constuction Sites Means More Safety Practice

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    of accidents at construction sites proofs that Malaysian construction industry is one of the critical sectors that need to take the site safety practices seriously. Accident is not a natural incidence. It happens because of unsafe acts, unsafe conditions or both. In general, accidents are a combination of contributing causes, unsafe acts and unsafe condition. The root causes of construction accidents is the main thing that need to be highlighted in order to improve the overall safety performance. That

  • Construction site establishment

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    A series of preparations need to be meticulously established on the working site prior to the commencement of the construction project in order to lead and systematize procedures to run smoothly and ensure workers are on schedule to complete the project within the stipulated timeframe. Site establishment can be anything from site layout and environmental investigations to the construction team itself, and good site establishment often requires quality staffing to maximize project efficiencies. To

  • Implementing Safe Design in Construction

    2910 Words  | 6 Pages

    United States, construction has always been one of the most dangerous industries to work in. The number of fatalities that occur in this industry year after year demonstrate this. In 2014, 19.6% of worker fatalities, in private industry, were in construction (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015) despite the industry comprising only 6.8% of the total work force. This epidemic is not unique to the United States. Essentially every country faces similar problems regarding construction safety. For example

  • Importance Of Quality In Construction

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    conflicts and contractual disputes; job satisfaction of all parties; improvement of safety and health without major accidents or injuries; and improvement of environmental friendliness and controlling on waste management. Time, cost and quality are widely known as the fundamental criteria to achieved success in a project (Enshassi et. al. 2009). Timely completion of the project has become the most concerned issue in a construction project in Malaysia. According to Lim and Mohamed (2000), from the macro view

  • Best Practices in Construction Industry for GHG Emissions Reduction

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    Construction industry is one of the significant industries in Canada. The low interest rates in Canada fuelled the demand of housing, which brings the Canadian construction industry with a CAGR of 2% between 2008 and 2012 (Companies and Markets, 2013). The fact is that building construction has a considerable effect on the environment. It is a major consumer of raw materials, land and energy, as well as generates a mass of Greenhouse gas and other pollution (USA EPA, 2008). According to the data

  • Progress Monitoring Advantages And Disadvantages

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    1. Introduction Constant progress monitoring at construction sites is crucial to reducing cost and schedule overruns and enhancing quality control, documentation, and communication [1]. Therefore, there has been extensive research on automating the monitoring processes to ensure that the project managers can make informed decisions and take preventive measures at the right time. The state-of-the-art technologies for automated progress monitoring mainly include radio frequency identification (RFID)

  • Importance Of Construction Industry In Construction

    1059 Words  | 3 Pages

    Construction industry has been contributing Hong Kong’s development for long times. It is one of the pillars which is important for supporting Hong Kong to be a better place. There are many large-scaled construction works over history including residential estates, commercial buildings, public utilities and transportation networks. Construction industry can be classified into two sectors: public sector which is mainly the government itself or appointed by government such as Hong Kong Housing Authority

  • Fall Hazard And Prevention Case Study

    1753 Words  | 4 Pages

    is expanded and corrections initiated then fall prevention on construction sites could be reduced. The training and curriculum should cover on handling of ladders-ladder set up, ladder use, step ladder use, and the extension ladder use-, for instance in the training on falls resulting from ladders. Other preventive measures can be outlined as: holding meetings frequently among crews to strengthen on the importance of upholding safety standards, wear high-visibility

  • Essay On Responsibility In Construction

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    chapter also will explain about their responsibilities in managing safety during construction work carried out. 3.2 Definitions 3.2.1 Contractor A contractor is someone who enters into a binding agreement to perform a certain service or provide a certain product in exchange for valuable consideration, monetary, goods, services, even barter arrangements. In the building trades, a contractor is one who is engaged in the construction or building related services for a client. The contractor can defined

  • Reflective Account For Health And Safety

    999 Words  | 2 Pages

    Health and Safety law. Most importantly I have understood the importance of knowing my competence, to judge my skills and experience, for the required work. I have undertaken several internal courses to learn and refresh my knowledge, including: • WSP | PB’s E-learning module on company’s approach to Health and Safety, industry’s requirements and internal policies. • Took a one day course on “Safety in Design” focusing on CDM regulations.

  • Health And Safety In Construction Case Study

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The Health and Safety management is one of the most important functions in the construction industry. Among all, health and safety has to be given initial priority in this sector. Accident rates are high in construction sector compared to the other sectors (Bust et al, 2008; Gregory and Simon, 2006; Wang et al, 2006). The things affected due to accidents in site are costs, time and quality sometimes. The company has to bare the costs of the accident that has taken place on site and the budget will

  • Personal Protective Equipment Case Study

    918 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.4.6 Personal protective equipment (PPE) According to Hughes and Ferret (2008:332), PPE is common in the construction industry and refers to protective clothing or other gear designed to protect the wearer’s body, for job-related OHS purposes. Alaqqad (2009:29); Olson et al. (2009:384); Kheni, Gibb and Dainty (2006); Rajendran and Gambatese (2009) indicated that, construction organisations should provide appropriate equipment to avoid the probabilities of accidents to workers. Kenrick (2012) supported

  • Importance Of Site Layout

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    reasoning behind efficient site layout. It is very important to manage space on a job site before and during a project. The way you lay out the location can affect the efficiency of the job as well as the safety of your employees. I am going to discuss the thought that goes into a site layout. How to plan a project location and use the space on the site effectively. Where to put access roads and driveways, lines for utilities, and even temporary objects such as equipment and site trailers. The reason

  • CDM Regulations: Outline The Roles And Responsibilities

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    health, safety and welfare obligations are met on this construction project. Main Contractor: McLaughlin & Harvey : This is the main contractor for the project of the new omagh hospital and they have many roles and responsibilities such as: • Must make sure that there is a high level of co-operation between all of the contractors on a site. • That only authorised personnel are allowed on to a site and if not they must possess a CSR card and appropriate PPE. • That all relevant Health & Safety information

  • Benefits of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

    1085 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Benefits of OSHA Work place safety is not something to be scoffed about. Although many employers and employees often overlook this pre-caution, the government has created a whole agency, OSHA (occupational safety and health administration) to address work place related injuries and deaths. For many years OSHA has implemented training programs for the employees and workers of companies in the industry of construction and general hard labor. Not all working sites were created equal. Although the

  • Health, Safety and Welfare at Work

    1937 Words  | 4 Pages

    Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Health and safety in the workplace is not only the responsibility of the designated Health and Safety Officer, it is the duty of all members of staff to be responsible for the safety of everyone they may have to deal with during the working day; both their colleagues and members of the public. The Health and Safety Executive are a body whose role is to promote safety in the workplace; both by providing information to employers and their employees,

  • The History of Construction

    1024 Words  | 3 Pages

    Construction is a trillion dollar enterprise that has been vital to the expansion of civilization over the course of history; starting with the ancient Egyptian’s great and luxurious pyramids made of limestone, up unto the modern day mammoth skyscrapers around the world today; Most of these innovations incorporate three elements: Lumber, steel, and cement; Knowing how to work and maneuver these elements into a construction venture, in a safe and resourceful way, is a monetarily beneficial asset.

  • construction

    1073 Words  | 3 Pages

    Construction is a great hard working hands on job. Construction workers make everyday life better and easier for people around the world they make roads for traveling buildings for people to live in and much more. The work of a construction worker is always exciting there is always different jobs to take so different bosses and different people to meet. Construction is not just an outside job like everybody thinks there are also a lot of jobs that are worked inside and there are also jobs where they

  • Essay On Water Dams

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    reservoir. A reservoir is a manmade lake that is primarily used for storing water, and it can also be defined as the specific bodies of water formed by the construction of a dam ( Briney,A). Woodward(2004-2005) claims that there are one or more reason why dams is built. Dam functionally to provide a supply of water for towns, cities and mining sites. For example, Warragamba Dam in Australia is the main water supply dam for the city of Sydney. Second, dams built to contain and store waste (tailing) from