Chief of police Essays

  • Chief of Police and Discretion

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    The Police Chief must exercise extreme discretion. Discretion can be described as the use of choices that initiate a deliberate decision. These decisions can often later be questioned by the nature of the decision. The nature of the decision used for making decisions can be related to protocol, accepted verses unaccepted behaviors, and even if an alternative could have been made in lieu of a better decision. Discretion can be very dangerous when ridiculed or judged in the eyes of the public. A police

  • The Character Of Memory In Harry Mulisch's The Assault

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    life of a young boy, Anton, as he grows older trying to recall what happened one tragic night. Anton Steenwijk, a young boy growing up in occupied Haarlem Holland, is handed a unlucky card when his family is taken away from him. Fake Pleog, the Chief Police Inspector for town of Haarlem, whom is also on the Nazi’s side is shot outside their house in the night. Anton spends his whole life trying to figure out what happened that night. Harry Mulisch, the author, puts in the character of “Memory” as

  • Proper Use of Police Discretion

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    "Proper use of discretion is probably the most important measure of a police officer or department." -- Rich Kinsey (retired police detective) Police officers are faced each day with a vast array of situations with which they must deal. No two situations they encounter are ever the same, even when examines a large number of situations over an extended period of time. The officers are usually in the position of having to make decisions on how to handle a specific matter alone, or with little additional

  • Chief Fortier Role

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    The internal roles exhibited by Chief Fortier and Chief Davis differed dramatically. After reviewing the case studies, I feel Chief Fortier’s possessed the internal role of a manager. Upon assuming the position of chief in the Riverside Police Department, Chief Fortier’s primary objectives were to revamp the administration, install modern police systems, and establish a community-policing program (Cordner, 2016). I believe Chief Fortier exclusively exhibited traits as manager because he updated

  • Police Bureaucracy

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    notable comparisons that the police has with the military are the rank structure, the chain of command, and that they can both used weapons and force (Peak, 2014, p. 63). Other less notable comparisons is that they are both a bureaucracy meaning that the majority of the tasks, duties, regulations, and rules are made by a high rank official usually the police chief in local agencies and in state and federal agencies they are usually made by the state governor with the police chief or in federal agencies

  • police selection

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    The police chief selection is very interesting to me. Police chief of NYPD is Philip Banks III and he was selected in March 2013. The 26-year veteran of the force and former Chief of Community Affairs was officially installed as the Department's highest ranking uniformed officer in promotion ceremonies at Police Headquarters. I wanted to know how chiefs were selected and what they were selected based on. A Chief of Police is the title commonly given to the top official in leadership of a police division

  • Essay On Police Rank Structure

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    In the police and the armed services there are many ranks which determine the authority of individuals, all of the uniformed public services contain a rank structure. Police Rank Structure The police rank structure consists of 9 ranks which can be achieved by passing the exams given to you in the police and maintaining a high standard of work during your rank. Each rank that is progressed gains the individual authority and a bigger responsibility. In the police the ranked system works as a hierarchy

  • Black Lives Matter Case Study

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    The change in policies orient the Richmond Police force into a manner in which they are able to interact with individuals without being overtly and overly aggressive. Richmond officers are oriented to defuse high-tension situations and be reminded that the person they are dealing with are indeed human, a person like anyone else. One of the reasons why Richmond Police officers deal with situations with the least amount of force, is because of the new training regime that was that instated in 2008

  • August Vollmer's Career in Law Enforcement

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    Vollmer was the police chief of Berkeley (CA) Police Department from 1905 to 1932. He served as the first professor of police administration at the University of Chicago from 1929 to 1930, and he was a professor of criminology at the University of California at Berkeley. He served for one year as the police chief of Los Angeles Police Department (1923-1924) and he was the President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police from 1921 to 1922. A progressive-minded chief and a key advocate

  • Police Department Vs Law Enforcement Essay

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    agency’s administration will depend on what kind of department they are. A police department is a law enforcement agency that is governed by the city, whereas a sheriff’s department is governed by the county. A sheriff’s department is higher up than a police department. For example, a sheriff’s department can patrol in city limits, but a police department cannot patrol outside of city limits. That being said, in rural areas, the police department and sheriff’s department have mutual aid, which simply means

  • citizen vs police officer

    2001 Words  | 5 Pages

    Citizen vs. the Police Office I interviewed Lieutenant Harris of the Hattiesburg Police Department. He has been the Lieutenant for two years, and beforehand was Sargent at the Hattiesburg Police Department. Lieutenant Harris is from Gulfport, Mississippi and has been with Hattiesburg Police Department for seven years. Since being a Lieutenant, he is over the net and strike team. The net and strike teams are the drug prevention section of the police department. They also deal with gang violence and

  • LAPD Professionalism

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    LAPD struggled during the first dozen years of its existence, going through sixteen chiefs of police and developing an unsavory reputation for corruption and brutality.” (Escobar, 1999, p. 27) From the notorious “Bloody Christmas, to the infamous Rodney King scandal, the Los Angeles Police department has been at the forefront of unprofessionalism for the past few decades and has been deemed one of the most corrupt police departments in the country. Greed, race and politics played a role in the development

  • The Assassination Of The Terrorists In The Olympics

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    they didn’t break into our room. The terrorists took nine of my fellow Israeli athlete’s hostage. One of the terrorists placed a body outside of the houses so the police would know that the terrorists were there. When the officers found the dead body on the sidewalk, they contacted the police chief to come investigate. When the police chief arrived, they found out this was no accident. This was the black September terrorist group trying to bring terror to the Olympics.

  • Roles Of Community Oriented Policing

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    each other. Community-Oriented Policing is based around relationships. Community police supports the use of partnerships and problem-solving methods in order to give a statement regarding the rise of public safety, dealing with crime, community ordinance, and fear of crime. In community-oriented policing the following are all assigned roles in order to increase their relationships: community, police, and chief of police. All have different assignments and tasks they should follow to assure that they

  • 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay

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    Additionally, this caused in-depth investigation on police brutality within the LA police department were police Chief Daryl Gates and Chief Parker (former police chief) received tremendous pressure and investigations. Founding's showed that throughout Parker "sixteen-year tenure the LAPD escalated its war against the black community"15 as a history of police brutality towards blacks were found. Consequently, on "April 2nd Mayor Bradley called upon on police Chief Daryl Gates to resign after similar findings

  • Body Cameras

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    Perez discusses the Police Union’s push back on body cameras in El Paso, Texas. Perez states the denial of El Paso Police Department to equip body cameras because they believe other funding priorities and privacy concerns must be addressed. Some of the top funding priorities that Perez states are “hiring more police officers, buying new police cars, and updating radios”(par. 5). In addition, the police union is also concerned over unfair disciplinary actions against the police officers because of

  • US Metropolitan Police Department Case Study

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    Metropolitan Police Department, Washington D.C. to show readers the importance of organizational structure when it comes to following commands within a major organization that deals with homeland security. Following, September 11, 2011 terrorist attack, homeland security and MPD was forced to make changes in the organizational structural. Because the order of communication between the national security and the police department wasn’t communicated inefficiently between

  • Pros And Cons Of Being A Police Officer

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    Being a police officer is one of the most demanding jobs in today’s world. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a police officer as “a peace officer responsible for preserving public order, promoting public safety, and preventing and detecting crime”. There are many dangers that go along with performing these duties. As police officers it is our duty to protect citizens of our communities and also to be hunters for those who are committing crimes. There are many people out there that do not like police officers

  • The Importance Of Police Organization

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    The military form of organization has been a long standing model for police organizations; however, there has been many arguments regarding the value of traditional policing in today’s society. Line level officers are at the bottom of the hierarchal totem pole, and in most cases they are not considered as professionals as compared to other ranks supervisory ranks and pay grade. Critics of the pyramid structure, believe that a decentralize structure will provide better communication, efficiency and

  • Public Safety

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    reaction for citizens to automatically view police officers as crime fighters, when in fact, real policing is not so much about crime fighting, but much more. Nevertheless, it is understood that police officers deal with a wide variety of different crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary and theft, but research suggests that all these crimes mixed together only account for ten percent of all police business. In addition to these crimes, police officers also have to deal with crimes