Chemical elements Essays

  • The Periodic Table: Electronic Separation Of The Chemical Elements In Chemistry

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    The Periodic Table. The Periodic Table is an arrangement of the chemical elements and is one of the most important references for anyone doing chemistry. The elements on The Periodic Table are arranged according to their atomic number and their electronic configuration. The atomic number is listed next to the chemical symbol for the element in the top left corner. The atomic number can also be known as the Proton number of an element. The electron configuration of an atom is the representation the

  • Explain With References To Chemical Properties Why Aluminium The Most Common Metallic Element

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    1. Explain with references to chemical properties, why aluminium – the most common metallic element on our planet – was not extracted and used until the 19th century whereas gold, a much rarer element was one of the first metals used. (10 marks) Gold was discovered around 6000 BC; it was first discovered in its Natural state un-combined. Gold can be found in the earth’s crust in two different types of deposits: Lode deposits which are deposits in solid rock and placer deposits which are found in

  • The Chemical Element Tungsten

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    Tungsten The chemical element tungsten, atomic number 74, is listed as a transition metal in group VIB on the Periodic Table of Elements. Tungsten was formerly known by the Germanic name Wolfram, after the tungsten mineral wolframite, hence its chemical symbol W. The name tungsten was derived from the Swedish words tung and sten, meaning heavy stone, because of its high density. Discovery of the element is credited to Spanish brothers Fausto Jermin and nobleman Juan Jose de Elhuyar in the early

  • Biography of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

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    creation of the periodic table solidified his reputation in the scientific community. In conclusion, who is Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev? Well, Dmitri I. Mendeleev is a Russian chemist, born in Tobolsk Russia. He has written papers that question chemical elements, volume, temperature, liquids, gas, solids, atomic weights, and The Periodic Table. He had the opportunity to teach in the University of St. Petersburg, College of Engineering, Transport Institute, and University of Heidelberg. Experienced tragedies

  • Empirical Formula Lab Report

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    physical change, its shape changes but the energy inside the can did not change meaning it couldn’t be a chemical change. Chemical changes happen on a very small scale and can happen over a period of time. Chemical changes are a change that forms a new chemical substance. A chemical changes is the breaking or joining of bonds and atoms. Iron rusting, gasoline burning, and milk souring are all chemical changes because new substances are formed. Boiling water, dissolving sugar, and dicing potatoes are

  • Advanced Chemistry Theory - Questions and Answers

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    2. What was phlogiston? Based on what theoretical and experimental bases did Lavoisier reject it? According to Bowler’s Making Modern Science, A Historical Survey, the theory of phlogiston was first stated by Johann Joachim Becher in 1667. In 1703, Georg Ernst Stahl, a professor of medicine and chemistry at Halle, proposed a variant of the theory in which he renamed Becher’s terra pinguis to phlogiston theory and it was in this form that the theory had it influence. Phlogiston was a fire-like substance

  • Essay On The Periodic Table

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    scientific resource that is used to display the elements that make up all matter. Elements are the simplest matter and cannot be broken down into purer substances using chemical methods . The periodic table shows all elements and there are over 100. The discovery of the periodic table was a pinnacle in science as it categorizes the elements by their various chemical and physical properties. Even in ancient times, people had always been aware of elements like gold, silver and copper. In 350 BCE, Aristotle

  • Essay On Baking Soda And Vinegar

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    reaction happens? Well in order to find out how it happens you will need to know the elements that make up baking soda and vinegar. You will also learn why these elements are where they are on the periodic table and what is released during the baking soda and vinegar reaction. Baking soda is made out of sodium, carbon, and 2 oxygens while vinegar is made up of 4 hydrogens, 3 carbons, and 2 oxygens. These elements are on the periodic table in their columns and rows, but how did they get there? Well

  • Johann Dobereiner, John Newlands, Dimitri Mandeleev

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    began to cluster elements with similar properties into groups of three also known as triads. • Law of Triads- Began in 1817 when Dobereiner noticed the atomic weight of strontium, Sr, was midway between the weights of calcium and barium. These elements also had similar chemical properties. • In 1829 Dobereiner had discovered the halogen triad (chlorine, bromine and iodine) and an alkali metal triad (lithium, sodium and potassium). He proposed that nature contained triads of elements where the middle

  • History of Chemistry: The Influence of John Dalton

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    John Dalton faced many obstacles while studying chemistry. Although many obstacles were faced, Dalton still achieved becoming one of the best known chemists of all time. Before John Dalton, the majority of people did not understand the makeup of an element and why it could be held together. But Dalton came up with the modern atomic theory, explaining the basics of atoms. And also opening many doors to boundless amounts of research on the atom. The idea that all matter is made up of small particles dates

  • The Many Uses of Cobalt

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    are many elements in the world and one of them is cobalt. It is a silvery blue metal with a blue coat. It is element number twenty-seven on the table, which means that it has twenty-seven protons and electrons. One mole or its atomic weight is 58.9 grams. It has a relatively high melting and boiling point, the melting point being 1,495 degrees Celsius or 2,723 Fahrenheit and the boiling point being 2,927 degrees Celsius or 5,301 Fahrenheit. The top three countries that mine this element are the District

  • The Periodic Kingdom Summary

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    Kingdom by P.W. Atkins went through the journey into the land of chemical elements. Atkins divided his book into three parts: Geography, History, and Government and Institutions. It provided a lot of good information that we study in Chemistry or in any other science classes related to the periodic table and helped to understand the concept much better. In the Geography section he talked about the characteristics about each element in every region and how they are used in real life. In the History

  • Noble Gases: Properties of Each Element

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    and are chemical elements with similar properties. All of the noble gases have a full outer shell. None of them have color, odor, and all have very low chemical reactivity. There are six of them and they are Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Helium Helium has an atomic number of 2. It is has no color, no odor, or no taste. It is also an inert monatomic gas. It is the first of the noble gases on the periodic table. It’s melting and boiling points are the lowest among all elements and only

  • The Age of Discovery of Elements

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    The Age of Discovery of Elements "The nineteenth century was the golden age for the discovery of elements. Scientists began to look for patterns of behaviour between elements."*1 Johann Döbereiner, a German chemist, was the first to attempt to categorise the elements. He used their atomic weights, which we now know as atomic masses. In 1863, John Newlands, produced something that he called the 'Law of Octaves'

  • Science: History of The Periodic Table

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    substances now know as elements. They began recognising patterns in the properties as the number of know elements grew, leading to the beginning of classification schemes that would come to devise the periodic table as we know it today ("The Periodic Table", n.d.). In 1789, French chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (1743-93) separated 33 substances he considered elements -including light (now know not to exist as an element) and a liquid called ‘Caloric’ (now known not to exist) (Chemical Heritage Foundation

  • Biography of Dmitri Mendeleev

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    between atomic weight and chemical properties and how they are arranged in the Periodic Table. Mendeleev was head of Russia’s Bureau of weights and measures. Dmitri has a vast realm of contributions to chemistry in his lifetime. His upbringing and knowledge of the elements along with other areas of chemistry is what has shaped the area of science today. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev created his first Periodic Table in 1869. Dmitri left gaps in his table for he predicted elements to be found later on in

  • Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

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    scientists of all time who contributed greatly to the world’s fields of science, technology, and politics. He helped modernize the world and set it farther ahead into the future. Mendeleev also made studying chemistry easier, by creating a table with the elements and the atomic weights of them put in order by their properties. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk, Siberia, on February 7, 1834. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy was the son of Maria Dmitrievna Korniliev and Ivan Pavlovitch Mendeleev

  • Essay On The Periodic Table

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    scientists, teachers and students, for quick location of information about elements. The periodic table did not come by overnight though, the periodic table is a table formed from years of work, on the atomic structure. It all started years back with Democritus and his discovery of the atom. This was followed up by John Dalton many years down the track, after elements had been discovered Dalton attempted to create a way to make the elements easier to remember. 84 years later, JJ Thomson discovered electrons

  • The Disappearing Spoon Summary

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    of the Periodic Table and all its chemical elements. It’s a refreshing story of the oddity and obsession, associated with one of chemistry’s greatest creations. The tales of each element flawlessly lead to another, as Kean animates the history of the Periodic Table. Chapter 4 of The Disappearing Spoon describes the origin of all elements, which was theorized to have occurred during the big bang. People discovered that if this theory was accurate, than the elements would be seen in equal amounts throughout

  • Dmitri Mendeleev Original Periodic Table

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    Arranges elements in order of increasing relative atomic mass. Mendeleev realised that the physical and chemical properties of elements were related to their atomic mass, ordering them so that groups of elements with mutual properties fell into vertical columns in his table. Due to the pattern in which the elements have been arranged, the table fails to indicate the element’s atomic number. While Mendeleev is most often regarded as the founder of the Periodic Table, his table was the first to gain