The Periodic Kingdom Summary

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In the book The Periodic Kingdom by P.W. Atkins went through the journey into the land of chemical elements. Atkins divided his book into three parts: Geography, History, and Government and Institutions. It provided a lot of good information that we study in Chemistry or in any other science classes related to the periodic table and helped to understand the concept much better. In the Geography section he talked about the characteristics about each element in every region and how they are used in real life. In the History section he talked about the history and discovery of the elements, and also mentioned several scientists and their discoveries. And, finally the last section that is Government and institution in which he went on talking …show more content…

Alkali metals such as sodium, which is an essential component of the nervous system and brain, and without it we wouldn’t function as humans but rather like plants. Next, he talks about the alkaline earth metals such as Calcium and states that it is also a component of nervous system, but it also is a characteristic of construction. Then he went on talking about the Eastern Rectangle elements, which are in the east and how they are important in our life. And, at last in the chapter Physical Geography he talked briefly about the how the atoms are distinguished by their masses and their diameters. To give a perfect understanding of it he provided different visuals. Also, he talked about how the kingdom is plotted in terms of the ionization energies of the elements and how it increases from west to east across the kingdom and decreases from north to …show more content…

Copper, though known for millennia, takes its name, via the Latin Cuprum, from Cyprus, where much was found” (59). He then also talk about some of the elements colors for example chlorine a pale yellow-green gas and iodine, which is a violet solid. He then went on talking about how hydrogen was the first element to be formed and soon as the island of hydrogen appeared, the Northerner Cape of Helium appeared. After these two elements were formed millions of years passed everything remained the same and no elements were formed. Then later on the formation of stars opened up new opportunities and lithium and beryllium were formed. Atkins in chapter The Origin of the Land he mentioned a process called resonance and he defined it, as “the effect that lets one pendulum couple strongly to another pendulum of the same frequency, and by extension is the coupling between a nucleus and a proton of the appropriate energy” (71). And, he tells the readers that without resonance there would be no life because a lot cabon has formed. He even tells us that in a few or hundred years Atlantis will be found which would be a good achievement but not of

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