Charles Felix of Sardinia Essays

  • Uprising of Piedmont

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    Uprising of Piedmont · 1720 Dukes of Savoy ruled over the backward state of Piedmont in northwest of Italy. He became King of the island of Sardinia. Piedmont and Sardinia came together to be normally known as just Piedmont · End of the 18th century population was small and most were peasants. Life was short. The capital Turin had little industry and countryside was poverty stricken. · But Piedmont had 2 advantages over other states because it had a strong army & was well governed by

  • Failure of the Italian Revolutions

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    for the failure of the Italian revolts are the lack of organisation within revolutionary groups, the Austrian army’s strength, the political and military inexperience of those in power, the Pope’s abandonment of the revolution, the hesitation of Charles Albert to front the campaign of unity and Bonaparte’s intervention. In 1815 Italy was not recognised as a country, Metternich, an Austrian statesman, said "The word 'Italy' is a geographical expression, a description which is useful shorthand, but

  • Mazzini's Ideas and Inspiration and Attitudes to Change in Italy in 1830s

    2069 Words  | 5 Pages

    Mazzini's Ideas and Inspiration and Attitudes to Change in Italy in 1830s Introduction Guisseppe Mazzini was born in piedmont in Genoa; was a son of a doctor and a professor. He was a depressive and physically frail. In the revolutions of 1820 he became a nationalist. He tried two occupational directions, Medicine but became bored and kept fainting as well as Law that didn't interest him. In 1827 he amalgamated (joined) the Carbonari but was disappointed. In 1830 he took part