Mazzini's Ideas and Inspiration and Attitudes to Change in Italy in 1830s

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Mazzini's Ideas and Inspiration and Attitudes to Change in Italy in 1830s


Guisseppe Mazzini was born in piedmont in Genoa; was a son of a doctor

and a professor. He was a depressive and physically frail.

In the revolutions of 1820 he became a nationalist.

He tried two occupational directions, Medicine but became bored and

kept fainting as well as Law that didn't interest him.

In 1827 he amalgamated (joined) the Carbonari but was disappointed. In

1830 he took part in the revolts and was arrested then sent to France.

In 1831 he formed young Italy when he was 26 years old in Marseilles

and was based on Mazzini's own views of how revolution was to succeed

in Italy. It was a youth movement. The maximal age limit was 40(Later

raised), but most members were much younger. Their motto was 'Thought

and action'. They displayed a uniform of the national colours -Green

shirt, red belt, white trousers and a beret. They equipped themselves

with armaments -a rifle and 50 rounds of ammunition each member.

'Young Italy' was not a localised affair. Its aims were for the whole

of Italy, and its contacts international. Mazzini had grand plans for

liberal change throughout Europe, and soon groups such as 'young

Germany', 'Young Ireland'. 'And young Europe' kept pace with similar


I do not accord that Mazzinis key ideas and inspiration transformed

attitudes to change in the 1830's.He didn't really 'transform'

anything but was an idealist that opened peoples eyes to possibilities

and capabilities.

Mazzini wanted unification and the 'universality of citizens speaking

the same tongue as he put it.' He also wanted a...

... middle of paper ... in government. The

revolutionary governments were mainly middle class, except in Sicily

where peasants were involved. Elsewhere revolutionary leaders didn't

encourage popular interest and support. Not surprisingly, ordinary

people often welcomed back their past rulers with open arms because

middle class revolutionaries didn't want mass involvement in

revolution. They feared allowing the mob to intervene that was less

well educated and would animate a democracy that would unsettle

society and its class divisions would reinstate monarchies as well as


In conclusion: I do not accord with the statement that he transformed

attitudes but he did adapt many ways of thinking and aided reform. I

believe Mazzini to be a famous important publisher and revolutionary

that made many changes, that improved society.

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