Carnatic music Essays

  • Carnatic Music Essay

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    The most popular type of music of South India, Carnatic music, acquires it’s essence in public performances. Carnatic music, unlike most traditions in South India, is widely based around women performers. Women in South India have been fighting for more equality for centuries. Acts of domestic violence against women in India take various forms that include beatings, rape, burning, acid attacks, and others. These negative interpersonal experiences are set within a socio-cultural context in which

  • Synthesis Essay: Violin And Sing Carnatic Music

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    sultry yet poignant dance of rhythms is one that many generations cherish. This is the beauty and delicacy of the human voice and the stringed instrument which upstages all others. When I was six my mother decided that I would play violin and sing Carnatic music, insisting I would practice both. Scrutinizing the cheap stringed monstrosity, I grew disheartened at the screeches it emitted. I expected to make it sing like my new idols, Hilary Hahn and Lindsey Stirling effortlessly managed to do. I never

  • CAS Reflection Essays: An Eye Opening Two Years

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    Session: May 2014 Candidate number: 000480-0061 Word Count: 3373 Contents St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre 1 Friendly Shopper 1 Security Assistant 2 Volunteer Committee 3 Healthy Active Living Assistant 3 Summary 4 Contact Information 4 Indian Carnatic Music Lessons 4 Contact 6 Swimming 6 Contact 7 The Yearbook Committee 8 Contact 8 The Sears Ontario Drama Festival 9 Contact 9 Breakfast Club 9 Contact 10 Conclusion 10 St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre (SPLC) is an old age

  • The History of Indian Music

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    Indian Music: History: The history of the Indian music is based on the classical music as well as the art of the music of their traditions which related to the subcontinent of the Indian music. We can found the origin of the Indian music which is based on the Vedas this is the popular place of the Indian music from where the traditional music was started. The Indian music has the demand in the all over the world and they promote their music in the international level as well as used their traditions

  • Music of India

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    The Music of India Indian music is a very varied type of music which ranges from classical to film, more commonly known as pop. Both types are extremely popular throughout the Indian society in all classes. Music is apparent in Indian culture as a way of expression. The history of Indian music extends back many centuries. Traditionally in that period, there were various kingdoms, in which the power was held equally by the king and the temples. This was the division of music. The temples presented

  • Music Of Music In The Indian Film Industry

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    Music plays a vital role in the making of any movie. A good background score can enhance the vibe of a film. Imagine a movie without a fitting background score and the entire movie would fall out of place. Music, in the Indian film industry has a bigger role to play than in any other film industry. Music is also what generates a lot of revenue for the makers and it has an entertainment value which has remained unmatched by any other industry in the world. From our traditional forms of classical music

  • Rhythm: Concept Of Rhythm In Indian And Indian Music

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    Rhythm in Indian Music Indian and African Music Music has always played an essential role in the human society. Garfias (2004) notes that if we study the societies and cultures around the world and look at all the historical societies of the past, it can be deduced with a high degree of certainty that music has always played an important role in human society. Music has always played an important role in both Indian and African societies. According to Mbaegbu (2015), “African music is part of the

  • Origins and Influence of Hindu Saman Chanting

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    There’s also singings in Hinduism. The traditional music in Hinduism begins in saman singing (or saman chanting). Which is known first as Gan-dharva Sangita, or Sangita, Sama veda chants, etc. They are music from the hindu scripture Sama veda. Said in book Discovering the Vedas, “the Vedas are not a religion in any of the many senses of that widespread term. They have always been regarded as storehouses of knowledge, that is: veda.” Sama veda is a part of the scriptures of Hinduism, despite they

  • The Raga System

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    Music is an expression of inner feelings through tones (swar) and rhythm (taal). These swars and taals are combined so that they are pleasing to the ear. Music is sound created from the ideas and emotions of man. When these ideas are expressed through the voice in a rhythmic and appealing sound, music is born. Music in its true form controls human activity and is thus the source of attaining pleasure and salvation. At the base of Indian Classical music lies an appreciation for, and an emphasis on

  • Indian Music

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    Indian Music The music of India is one of the oldest unspoken musical traditions in the world. The basis of for Indian music is “sangeet.” Sangeet is a combination of three art forms: vocal music, instrumental music (Indian music). Indian music is base upon seven modes (scales). It is probably no coincidence that Greek music is also base upon seven modes. Furthermore, the Indian scales follow the same process of modulation (murchana) that was found in ancient Greek music. Since Greece is also

  • Indian Music Essay

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    or content. There are different genres of music in the world, the list of which is available in this weblink * .2.1 THE INDIAN GENRE The musical traditions of India: Music is a very integral part of India and is closely linked with spirituality. India has a rich and varied cultural heritage and boasts of a civilization more than 2000 years old. The diverse cultures and traditions in different states of India find expression in diverse genres of music that form a very important part of Indian culture

  • Hindustani Classical Music

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    Hindustani Classical Music “Music gives a soul to Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato. The world will lose its meaning in the absence of music. There is a vast treasure trove of music exists in the world. Out of all the harmony and melodious kind of music, Hindustani Classical one has always fascinated me with its essence and beauty. However, the roots of music in ancient India are found in the holy scriptures of Hindus, the Vedas. According

  • How Did The Cherokee Influence Indian Culture

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    the faces behind the famous group also known as “The Fabulous Four”. From the United Kingdom’s city of Liverpool, the band itself already was a foreign influence to the United States, however, this band also managed to introduce other cultures of music to themselves and their enthusiasts. The culture of India was one particular culture that generated several prosperous hits by the band. India is a large South Asian country, which is

  • Music in Tibet

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    Music in Tibet Music is a part of everyday life for almost everyone in the world. Music provides us with enjoyment and relaxation, and can be used in many ways by many different people. Some may use it to calm down after a long, hard day, while others use it for religious purposes or still others in and attempt to try and forget something that hasn’t been favorable to them. The possibilities are endless, for music is one language that can be transmitted to all people of the world, no matter

  • Analysis of Gerrit van Honthorst's Painting, Musical Group on a Balcony

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    speaker in Marlowe’s poem invites his lover to discover with him all the pleasures that a pastoral life can offer, the group on the balcony urges us to join them in their merry-making. Both entreaties are effective in evoking the sweet and simple music of a carefree life.

  • Aesthetic Music Educatin and the Influence of Bennett Reimer

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    first developed to provide a strong philosophical foundation for music education and continues to evolve as a solid theoretical orientation for current effective practices. Bennett Reimer has contributed much to the discussion and development of the value of aesthetic education for the teaching and learning of music. Others in music education also support and promote these ideals and focus on developing an improved understanding for music educators. Some scholars oppose the principles of an aesthetic


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    opera. The mere fact opera has a narrative, although told through music and libretto, combines the two. Michael Tippett’s opera, The Midsummer Marriage, contains influences from other established form’s (drawing examples for Wagner and Verdi) as well as containing Tippett’s own futuristic ideas. Tippett writes about the heightened style of opera and also later argues that although this is a marvellous event, the categories of music and drama must be coherent and specific to the desired product

  • are todays celebrities role models

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    donate time to help today's youth to learn about what music really, with the help of MTV’s network Vh1 they support a program called save the music. It is a program which is designed to save music programs in school because budgets cut music programs out of the overall picture when it comes to spending. Musicians came in to help stop this and donated their time and money to this cause. Many musicians also speak of their troubled life and how music also helped them escape their fears and troubled areas

  • How Music Works

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    How Music Works The way in which music affects the human organism is complex. Attempts to explain the relationship between the organized sound which we call music and our responses to it fall into two broad classes, heteronomist theories and autonomist theories, although the boundaries between the two may be by no means watertight. That music causes a response in humans is undeniable, but does it do so by some form of direct appeal to our inner selves, our emotional sides, as the proponents

  • I'm a Band Geek

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    than just in the band. I am the band. Unless, of course, that makes me sound conceited. In which case, I describe myself as an integral component to the marching band. The band would never be the same without me! I admit it: I'm a band nerd, a music nut, and a clarinet geek. You can describe me with whatever phrase you want. Regardless of how you look at it, I'll always be a band geek, and I'm proud of it! Not only am I in the band, but I am an essential component to the success and