Canine parvovirus Essays

  • Canine Parvovirus

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    This paper reviews the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of canine parvovirus 2-strain c (CPV-2c), a viral infection that affects dogs of a variety of ages, mainly puppies or unvaccinated adult dogs. As a virus, CPV-2c is resilient; the replication of CPV-2c in rapidly dividing cells facilitates acute-onset of the virus. Conventional detection of CPV-2c consists of systemic symptoms, a thorough patient history, and diagnostic testing. Although symptoms presented in the right patient are distinct

  • Feline Panleukopenia Research Papers

    1098 Words  | 3 Pages

    Feline panleukopenia is a very contagious and serious viral disease caused by a parvovirus. It should be kept in mind that almost all cats will be exposed to this at some point in their life. This is because the virus is so highly resistant. It can live up to a year in the environment and can survive freezing as well as disenfectants. (MarvistaVet, 2011). Feline panleukopenia is commonly called feline distemper although there is no relation between the two. (Delbert Carlson & James M. Giffin, 2008)

  • feline leukemia virus

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    Classification: Order:          Mononegavirales Family:     Parvoviridae Subfamily:     Parvovirinae Genus:          Parvovirus Species:     Feline panleukopenia virus Also called feline infectious eneritis, feline “distemper”, and feline ataxia or incoordination. Examples of other viruses belonging to the same genus as Feline panleukopenia virus include Canine parvovirus type 2, Porcine parvovirus, Mink enteritis virus, and Raccoon enteritis virus. Virus Structure: Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) is a

  • Annotated Bibliography: California Channel Islands Literature Review

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    of the foxes on all of the islands for antibodies against canid pathogens. The results suggest that the foxes were exposed to canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, canine parvovirus, and toxoplasma before its population decline, while other pathogen exposure was rare. In 2001-2003, the foxes had exposure to canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, and canine parvovirus, while the other viruses were less common. This suggests that sharing of pathogens and infectious agents between the feral cats

  • The Discovery of Ardipithecus Kadabba, the Oldest Hominid

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    mean that “The new fossils show the most primitive canines ever found among hominids” (Science Daily). Much can be told about the lifestyle of an animal through the wear and acquired shape of their teeth. In the case of Ardipithecus Kadabba this implicates that this species may be the first divergence from the chimpanzee line. “In the apes, the upper canine is continually honed against the lower third premolar to keep it sharp. Human canines lack this function” (Sanders). What is gathered from

  • Extinct Great Apes

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    Inferring Dentition and Diet in Extinct Great Apes by Looking at Extant Great Apes INTRODUCTION Knowing the diet of extant primate taxon opens up the possibility of predicting a good deal about its morphology and natural history. Morphology and natural history of extant primates is also important in making accurate inferences regarding their dentition and diet. However, when it comes to extinct primate taxon making dentition and dietary inferences are challenging and the evidence available

  • Class 3 Malocclusion

    905 Words  | 2 Pages

    speech is likely intelligible. 2. Explain the active process of shedding of deciduous teeth (2 points) a. Around 6-9 months, deciduous (milk teeth) teeth erupt. The deciduous teeth start to shed around 6 years old. First the incisors shed. Then the canines and premolars. Finally, the

  • Animal Abuse Persuasive Speech

    1396 Words  | 3 Pages

    Canine distemper is highly contagious and spread by discharges from the nose and eyes of infected dogs. The distemper virus attacks many organs, and the nervous system. This virus is often fatal and if the dog recovers, they may have permanent damaged. Canine parvovirus is also a highly contagious virus and potentially fatal. This is especially important when we live in this area because

  • Arguments Against Animal Testing

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Should Animals Be Used For Testing An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for commercial or scientific testing. Did you know according to an article on Animal that research on living animals has been practiced since at least 500 B.C. California Biomedical Research Association states that an estimated medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. When a new drug or surgical technique is

  • Veterinary Medicine: My Passion For Veterinary Medicine

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    “But it’s mooing from both ends!” Although an unlikely observation for a 13-year-old from Brooklyn, nothing seemed more appropriate when staring down the rear end of a dystocic, hip-locked Holstein for the first time. The farm manager’s colorful language conveyed her concern: the complication was due to the calf’s large size, that typical of a male, which would have no place on the dairy farm and yet was putting at risk the farm’s prized Holstein. With the ropes secured to the front legs of the

  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

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    micro and macro vaccine potency tests. Retrieved February 3, 2014, from Del Puerto, H. L., Martins, A., Vasconcelos, A. C., Milsted, A., Souza-Fagundes, E. M., Braz, G. F., et al. (n.d.). Canine distemper virus induces apoptosis in cervical tumor derived cell lines. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from f445183c8885%40sessionmgr110&vid=2&hid=105

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Cats And Dogs

    1455 Words  | 3 Pages

    Although cats and dogs are both animals they are different in many ways from, showing love, grooming, vaccinations, food, and vet care. To me dogs are more loveable than cats. However, cats are cheaper when it comes to grooming, vaccinations, and food. Owners treat and take care of their dogs better than their cats. I have always been more of a dog person even though they are expensive. Cats and dogs are different in the way they bond with their owners. While I have always been more of a dog person

  • Science Needs Animal Testing

    1985 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pharmaceutical and medical research benefits humans greatly. Much of these life-saving developments are being conducted via animal experimentation. It is often said that animal testing should not be implemented, for it is not morally ideal or necessary. Opponents of animal testing urgently demand for alternative methods, which aim to replace the practice of animal studies. However, first and foremost, animal research saves lives. It is undeniable that animal-based experimentation has played a vital

  • The Inevitability of Animal Testing

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is an animal tested product? Is it a medicine? Or is it a cosmetic?Some people might think animal tested products as complicated stuffs. In fact, animal tested products are easily found around our lives. As animal testing is available in many uses, it has a long history and has been controversial for many years. Those who insist on abolition of experiments for animals argue that alternatives for animal testing exist. In addition, the protesters think that human’s anatomy and that of an animal

  • The wolf and moose populations

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    that cause the populations to fluctuate. The graph in Case Study Update #2 shows the wolf population at its peak in 1980 with 50 wolves on the island. However, in the same year a wolf disease was introduced to the island accidentally by humans, canine parvovirus, causing the population to drop and reach 14 wolves in 1982. Then in Case Study #3 another disturbance took an effect on the wolf population. In 1998, a new wolf that wandered from an ice bridge to Isle Royale was introduced to the local wolves

  • Do Pit Bulls Make Good Pets?

    1909 Words  | 4 Pages

    “If somebody is too stupid to understand the fundamental immorality of dog fighting, you’re never going to be able to explain it to him” (Kevin Hench). Most people think that pit bulls have locking jaws. This is false however; no dog breed in the whole world has locking jaws. Dogs are not always aggressive how they are raised and trained determines the behavior of a dog. Dogs have tendencies to be aggressive only if not trained properly. The discrimination against pit bulls is wrong and uncalled

  • Animal Research A Necessary Evil Or Just Evil?

    1242 Words  | 3 Pages

    Is experimenting on animals cruel and unethical, or is it a necessary evil? Those against, argue that animal research is unreliable, archaic and a waste of money. There are many activist that lobby to make animal research illegal. I disagree with making animal research illegal. I agree that we have come a long way with technology, and technology has offered many alternatives to animal research but unfortunately, there are still some circumstances where animal testing is necessary. If we stop

  • Animal Testing Argumentative

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    Have you ever known of someone, or had a loved one with a life threatening disease? Have you ever known anyone still surviving with it, or even beating their disease? If you can't think of anyone, just imagine it. Where do you think a lot of the information and resources came from to help gain more knowledge of that disease? How do you think scientists and doctors figured out how to help it?...Or maybe even cure it? Thats right, animals. How would you feel if we didn't have that knowledge, and hadn't

  • Medical Research with Animals Saves Lives

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    What would the world be like if there was no vaccine for polio? If there was no discovery of insulin? Thanks to animal research we don’t have to live without vaccines or insulin. Animal research is a topic debated everyday around the world. Some argue it is cruel to put animals through experiments that animals have no voice in what is being done to them. Others argue that animal testing is good because it collects a lot of information and helps with surgical techniques. I believe that without animal