Canine distemper Essays

  • Annotated Bibliography: California Channel Islands Literature Review

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    survey of the foxes on all of the islands for antibodies against canid pathogens. The results suggest that the foxes were exposed to canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, canine parvovirus, and toxoplasma before its population decline, while other pathogen exposure was rare. In 2001-2003, the foxes had exposure to canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, and canine parvovirus, while the other viruses were less common. This suggests that sharing of pathogens and infectious agents between the feral

  • feline leukemia virus

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    Order:          Mononegavirales Family:     Parvoviridae Subfamily:     Parvovirinae Genus:          Parvovirus Species:     Feline panleukopenia virus Also called feline infectious eneritis, feline “distemper”, and feline ataxia or incoordination. Examples of other viruses belonging to the same genus as Feline panleukopenia virus include Canine parvovirus type 2, Porcine parvovirus, Mink enteritis virus, and Raccoon enteritis virus. Virus Structure: Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) is a small (20 nm) autonomous , non

  • Feline Panleukopenia Research Papers

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    this at some point in their life. This is because the virus is so highly resistant. It can live up to a year in the environment and can survive freezing as well as disenfectants. (MarvistaVet, 2011). Feline panleukopenia is commonly called feline distemper although there is no relation between the two. (Delbert Carlson & James M. Giffin, 2008) This disease will affect and kill the cells of the cat’s bone marrow, intestinal tract, and the fetus of a pregnant cat. (VetInfo, 2012) This is such a serious

  • The Discovery of Ardipithecus Kadabba, the Oldest Hominid

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    mean that “The new fossils show the most primitive canines ever found among hominids” (Science Daily). Much can be told about the lifestyle of an animal through the wear and acquired shape of their teeth. In the case of Ardipithecus Kadabba this implicates that this species may be the first divergence from the chimpanzee line. “In the apes, the upper canine is continually honed against the lower third premolar to keep it sharp. Human canines lack this function” (Sanders). What is gathered from

  • Extinct Great Apes

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    Inferring Dentition and Diet in Extinct Great Apes by Looking at Extant Great Apes INTRODUCTION Knowing the diet of extant primate taxon opens up the possibility of predicting a good deal about its morphology and natural history. Morphology and natural history of extant primates is also important in making accurate inferences regarding their dentition and diet. However, when it comes to extinct primate taxon making dentition and dietary inferences are challenging and the evidence available

  • Class 3 Malocclusion

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    speech is likely intelligible. 2. Explain the active process of shedding of deciduous teeth (2 points) a. Around 6-9 months, deciduous (milk teeth) teeth erupt. The deciduous teeth start to shed around 6 years old. First the incisors shed. Then the canines and premolars. Finally, the

  • Essay On Raccoon

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    Because they eat plants and animals, omnivores survive well in many environments. Some omnivores, like the raccoon, the opossum, and the seagull have no problem adapting to living near humans. They often dig through garbage cans, dumpsters and gardens to find food. (Raccoons, 2015) The raccoon can be found in most of the United States The raccoon lives in wooded areas near water. It is very adaptable though and is also found in suburbs and cities. It usually makes its den in a tree, but it may

  • Animal Abuse Persuasive Speech

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    Canine distemper is highly contagious and spread by discharges from the nose and eyes of infected dogs. The distemper virus attacks many organs, and the nervous system. This virus is often fatal and if the dog recovers, they may have permanent damaged. Canine parvovirus is also a highly contagious virus and potentially fatal. This is especially important when we live in this area

  • Black Footed Ferret Essay

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    What is a black-footed ferret, what do they look like, and why they are endangered. A black-footed ferret is a critically endangered species which belongs to the weasel family (Mustelids), it is a carnivore which means that it only eats meat, black-footed ferrets are also a secondary consumer which means that it is in the third part of a life cycle. A black-footed ferret has a slim and long body covered with yellowish brown fur, with blackish fur on the back. It also has black feet, long claws

  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

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    and macro vaccine potency tests. Retrieved February 3, 2014, from Del Puerto, H. L., Martins, A., Vasconcelos, A. C., Milsted, A., Souza-Fagundes, E. M., Braz, G. F., et al. (n.d.). Canine distemper virus induces apoptosis in cervical tumor derived cell lines. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from f445183c8885%40sessionmgr110&vid=2&hid=105

  • Humanity and Endangered Animals

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    also impacts species causing them to becoming imperiled. On occasion ailments are distributed from domestic animal; due to the loss of habitation wild animals to come in contact with infected animals. For example Siberian tigers have development distemper from domestic dogs; and this has triggered the tigers to lose their fear of humans. This proves to be hazardous when the tigers approach villages and roads and are killed; furthermore the disease may cost the tigers their lives. (Dell’Amore, 2013)

  • Arguments Against Animal Testing

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    Should Animals Be Used For Testing An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for commercial or scientific testing. Did you know according to an article on Animal that research on living animals has been practiced since at least 500 B.C. California Biomedical Research Association states that an estimated medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. When a new drug or surgical technique is

  • Synthesis Essay On Animal Testing

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    for mistreatment. Finally, despite animal testing benefiting humans, it also benefits the animals that are being tested. “If vaccines were not tested on animals, millions of animals would have died from rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, infectious hepatitis virus, tetanus, anthrax, and canine parvo virus” (Source E). If it weren’t for animal testing, many animals would have died from these diseases, as well as

  • Raccoons Essay

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    Everything you need to know about Raccoons What are Raccoons? Raccoons are mammals native to Northern America although today they can be found also in Europe and in Japan. These fuzzy animals are easily recognizable thanks to their bushy, ringed tail and the unique black furry mask that covers the eye area. Raccoons, also known by their Latin name Procyon lotor have an average lifespan of 5-6 years. These fox- like animals are roughly the size of a small dog. They mate around December, producing

  • Red Panda Decline

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    more people tend to move into the mountains to live. Clearing land for habitation, domestic herds eating the bamboo. Herders collect bamboo for fodder and also other necessities. Domesticated dogs are also a major treat. Dogs carry fatal virus “Canine distemper” the illness is extremely fatal to the Red Panda. Recent reports of smuggling for skin purposes have been increasing. Skins used by the villagers for clothes. One other major treat is several reports indication that Red Pandas are used as pets

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On Cats And Dogs

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    Although cats and dogs are both animals they are different in many ways from, showing love, grooming, vaccinations, food, and vet care. To me dogs are more loveable than cats. However, cats are cheaper when it comes to grooming, vaccinations, and food. Owners treat and take care of their dogs better than their cats. I have always been more of a dog person even though they are expensive. Cats and dogs are different in the way they bond with their owners. While I have always been more of a dog person

  • Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane

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    from 350,000 cases in 1988 to 27 cases in 2016 (Procon 1). Many argue that animals have benefitted from animal testing. If vaccines were not tested on animals, millions of animals would have died from rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, infectious hepatitis virus, tetanus, anthrax, and canine parvo virus (Procon 3). While some debate that they’re alternatives to animal testing, human cells in petri dishes are not always accurate because to evalute a drugs sideeffects there must be a circulatory system

  • Coyote

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    and a black nose. Unlike most dogs, the top of the muzzle on coyotes forms an almost continuous line with the forehead. The yellow, slightly slanting eyes, with their black round pupils, give the coyote a characteristic expression of slyness. The canine teeth are remarkably long and can inflict serious wounds. The neck is well furred and looks oversized for the body. The long tongue often hangs down between the teeth. The coyote regulates its body temperature by panting like most dogs. The paw,

  • Black Bear Research Paper

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    Age and Sex Specific Seasonal Variations in Weight of Black Bears in Pakistan Bears Sanctuary Little is known about the natural ecology and behavior of the Asiatic bear. Their diet varies depending on the season but, in common with most other bears, they are predominately herbivorous feeding on acorns, beech and other nuts as well as fruits and berries (Burnie,D. 2001). These bears spend around half of their time in the trees (Animal Diversity Web, July 2002) and construct platforms from branches

  • Endangered Species

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    Endangerment is a broad issue, one that involves the animals as well as the environments where they live and interact with one another. In order to solve or even slightly elevate this problem, every aspect must be studied. So exactly what could cause the endangerment of animals? There are several factors of which only a few will be discussed. One of the main aspects is that of habitat destruction. Of course our planet is continually changing, causing habitats to be altered and modified, but these