Book of Ezekiel Essays

  • The book of Ezekiel

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    The book of Ezekiel is often overlooked and not much is known about his personal life. His name is actually only mentioned twice within the entire book. What is known of this mysterious prophet is that he was the son of Buzi the priest, and his name means "God will strengthen.(Ezekiel)" Ezekiel was a priest who lived during the Israelite exile around 597 BCE, which was a decade before the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem. The Israelite exiles settled at a place called Tel-Abib, on the banks of the

  • The Book Of Ezekiel Analysis

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    Ezekiel, Book of The Book of Ezekiel was written in autobiographical narrative genre by Ezekiel during the time of his Ministry from approximately 593-571 B.C. There is a uniqueness to the book of Ezekiel as it is written in approximate chronological order and it contains a variety of literary forms. (Holman Illustrated, 2003) The theme of the Book of Ezekiel is about the Lord calling Ezekiel to be a prophet and to share God’s message to Jerusalem and the exiles. It tells of oracles he receives

  • Historical Research Paper: Prophet Ezekiel

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    Ezekiel denotes a Hebrew prophet who largely prophesied several instances of the destruction of Israel and its restoration. In the bible, Ezekiel is the son on Buzi and, as was at the time, in the lineage of priests and prophets. He describes himself in introduction as, ”In the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. On the fifth day of the month, it was the fifth year of

  • Outline of Lamentations

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    them have it sort of like a father who doesn’t just punish but teaches by pointing out the mistakes made. In this verse I saw Jeremiah as a stern father figure as well as a prophet. Bibliography Bailey Lloyd. Jeremiah, The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Incorporated, 1998. Beza, Theodore. Commentary on Lamentations, The 1599 Geneva Study Bible. Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry, A Commentary on The Whole Bible Volume 4 Isaiah to Malachi, Old Tappan New Jersey

  • Ezekiel

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    Ezekiel lived in a time of international crisis and conflict. Assyria was the world power in the area under the rule of Tiglath-pilesar III. In 724 B.C Israel raged war upon Assyria, and Israel was no match for Assyria. In 627 B.C the last of the able Assyrian rulers, Ashurbanipal died. Following the death of Ashurbanipal, Babylon under Nebuchadrezzer II wanted independence from Assyria. In 614 B.C the Assyrians under Nineveh surrendered to the rising Babylonians. In 605 B.C the Babylonians defeated

  • Ezekiel’s Vision of the Dry Bones

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    Introduction: Ezekiel was an exiled priest sent to live in Babylonia in 597BCE. He began his prophetic ministry while in exile and it is during this time that he received the vision of the dry bones. In this essay I will address the background, form, content and meaning of Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones. Background to Ezekiel’s Prophecy: Before Ezekiel began his prophecy there was widespread conflict in the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel at the hands of the Assyrians, Egyptians and

  • 5 Major Prophets Research Paper

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    The books in the Bible that make up what we call, The Five Major Prophets, are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. Some might think that the Major Prophets have been named “major” due to their importance, but it’s not. They are actually called the Major Prophets due to their size and their size alone, not necessarily meaning that they are more important than the Minor Prophets. It was just because they had a large amount of material, not because their messages were more important

  • The Prophet Ezekiel

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    The Prophet Ezekiel is considered to be one of the most colorful prophets found in the Hebrew Scriptures. Taking place during dramatic times, Ezekiel’s ministry reflected this drama with evocative, perhaps, even bizarre allegories designed to communicate his perspective on these events. Around the time of Ezekiel’s call, many important theological and historical events were occurring, the most significant of which was the Babylonian invasion of Judah with the subsequent exile of Judah’s inhabitants

  • The Gog and Magog Prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39

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    conclusive resolution when concerning this prophecy, rather it will patron an culmination of the tribulation position, as many souls have disputed over this topic throughout the centuries. When considering elucidation and syntactical organization Ezekiel should be construed as “literal” because “there is not a syllable at the beginning of this chapter to alert us to explain the passage in any other than a literal method.” Mechanical arrangement of the two chapters can be demarcated in various ways

  • The Prophets Jeremiah & Ezekiel

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    God inspired the prophets to tell the people what they needed to know and do in order to follow His will. God inspires the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel to reveal to the Israelites why they will become captives to Babylon, His anger against false prophets, and the restoration of Israel. In chapter 25 of Jeremiah, Jeremiah is inspired to go out to the people of Judah. The prophets had told the people of Judah earlier, “Turn now, each of you, from your evil ways… and you can stay in the land… Do not

  • Similarities Between The Bible And Willa Cather

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    land, that he is as old as the land is, and that he has a spiritual relationship with it. Ivar also Ivar is known for his visions and although they were unusual where he is now, Ivar states that where he is from visions are not unusual. Likewise, Ezekiel went to Israel to warn and teach the people of God’s ways despite others ridiculing him. Thematic echoes of the Bible can be found all throughout “O Pioneers!” from Moses’ journey to the land of Eden. Alexandra is similar to both Noah and Moses. Alexandra

  • John Griffith : The Controller Of A Great Railroad

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    INTRODUCTION A few years ago, I heard a true story about a man named John Griffith. John was the controller of a great railroad drawbridge across the Mississippi River. One day in the summer of 1937, John took his eight-year old son, Greg, with him to work. At noon, John put the drawbridge up to allow ships to pass and sat on the observation deck with his son to eat lunch. Time passed quickly. Suddenly he was startled by the train whistle heard in the distance. He looked at his watch and noticed

  • 640 B. C. King Josiah's Exile In Babylon

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    After the passing of Solomon, Israel and Judah were partitioned into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms separately. The book was composed in the middle of the fifth year and twenty-seventh of the exile in Babylon. Josiah became ruler in around 640 B.C. and reform Judah when he discovered the lost scrolls of the Law during the remodeling of the Temple in 622 B.C. King Josiah's reforms were considered as for his own personal benefits and desires despite his sincerity in doing so by his people

  • Ezekiel Temple

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    the future. For example, in Ezekiel 40-48, the prophet according to Hays, “brings his book to a climactic close by describing

  • 4 Personality Types Taught by Angels

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    the law of success could be universalized, it is necessary to consider the law of success accordingly to different personality types. However, many authors of “how to succeed” books write about law of success basing only on their personality types. If a person has same personality type as author of “how to succeed” book, he or she may like and agree with the author’s approach to success. But a person with different personality type will find author’s methods incompatible. For example, there

  • Nissim Ezekiel and A.K. Ramanujan

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    Nissim Ezekiel (December 24 1924 - January 9, 2004 ) was a poet, playwright and art critic. He was considered the foremost Indian writer in English English-language> of his time. Contents 1 Early life > 2 Career > 3 Books by Nissim Ezekiel > 4 Some of his well-known poems > Early life Ezekiel was born in Bombay (now Mumbai Mumbai). Ezekiel’s father was a botany professor and his mother, principal of her own school. He belonged to Mumbai's small 'Bene Israel' Jewish community. In 1947, Ezekiel did his

  • Recapitulation In The Book Of Revelation

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    The Book of Revelation Exam Recapitulation is a music technique employed by various composers which reiterates a familiar theme with slight embellishments, most commonly found in Sonata-form. A similar concept, of reiterated concepts is also employed by John in the Book of Revelation. While this essay will not discuss music, it will explore the use of recapitulation in the Book of Revelation. Through the use of this literary device, John creates a pattern which accentuates the ________________

  • Jeremiah 31 Research Paper

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    In old testament days, God would call on men to portray and deliver His message to the people of Israel and Judah. These men were entitled prophets and they served God by delivering messages of blessings and curses, enforcing the covenant, and modeling in their speech and conduct God’s plans for both Israel and Judah. Frequently using poetic language, they spoke in oracles such as lawsuit oracles as found in Isaiah, woe oracles as found in Habakkuk 2, and promise oracles as found in Jeremiah 31.

  • The Message Of The Torah And The Former Prophets

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    thrown into prison. Jeremiah leaves the Israelites with the choice to trust God and turn from their wicked ways or remain in exile. Ezekiel prophesies during the time Israel is in exile. Ezekiel is experiencing the time of exile with the Israelites. Ezekiel prophesies among the Israelites in order to turn them from sin to repentance. Finally, the last twelve books (Hosea to Malachi) focus on the dilemma and hope that is brought about in the Torah. Man’s heart is sinful but God has promised hope

  • Idolatry In The Bible: Isaiah Jeremiah And Ezekiel

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    When just glancing at these few books in the Bible; Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, they are found to be, and even after reading are found to be, very depressing. The books are filled with anger, judgement and many other negative things. Even though these books were written so long ago; the situations in these books fit so perfectly in today’s society. These books all have major themes; which some are pretty negative. Those themes are idolatry, which is the worshipping of idols, or “the worship