5 Major Prophets Research Paper

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The books in the Bible that make up what we call, The Five Major Prophets, are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. Some might think that the Major Prophets have been named “major” due to their importance, but it’s not. They are actually called the Major Prophets due to their size and their size alone, not necessarily meaning that they are more important than the Minor Prophets. It was just because they had a large amount of material, not because their messages were more important than the other prophets. The first of the five Major Prophets is Isaiah. The name Isaiah is said to mean, “salvation of God” or “The Lord helps me.” Isaiah is said to contain some of the most powerful prophecies of any of the other books. During the …show more content…

Daniel was a prophet who was taken captive into Babylon. He wrote the book of Daniel around 530 B.C during the time of Babylon captivity. The purpose of this entire book is to show faithful believers how God promises to protect them while in captivity like he did with Daniel. As well as that, this book includes themes like future redemption to give the captive people hope. In the first part of the book, Daniel uses his testimony of captivity as a servant. He was chosen to work under King Nebuchadnezzar. However, while everyone around Daniel was choosing worldly temptations over God’s commandments, Daniel and his friends showed what true faith looks like through their actions. Some of these actions Daniel showed faithfulness through was praying illegally, refusing idolatry, and kept his hope in God while thrown in a furnace. A gift Daniel had while at the service of the king however was interpreting dreams. Daniel interpreted not one but two dreams the King had. At the end of Daniel, he starts to receive dreams and visions from God about the soon to come Messiah and even apocalyptic …show more content…

The author of this book is Ezekiel, and it was written in 571 B.C. This book was to tell God’s people that they had one more chance to repent and submit to God. While Ezekiel was actually writing this book, it was while he was taken into captivity and trying to minister to other Jews in captivity. If they decided to fall into their continual sin, then, judgment would come upon them. However, there is a string of hope because Ezekiel also announces that God will deliver the people from captivity under Babylon. At the beginning of Ezekiel, God is calling the prophet to share the message with the selfish and sinful nation. The book continues by Ezekiel following through with the call God has on his life. He shares God’s message through many different parables, and ultimately, Ezekiel was explaining that God wanted to cleanse his nation. In the middle of the book, there are nations who make fun of God’s ultimate power since his people are in captivity. These nations include Moab, Egypt, Ammon, and many more. Ezekiel says that these nations making fun of the all-powerful God do not know what they are getting themselves into. At the end of Ezekiel, there is a promise of a Messiah to come that will ultimately restore God’s nation and all

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