Black-footed Ferret Essays

  • Black Footed Ferret Essay

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    What is a black-footed ferret, what do they look like, and why they are endangered. A black-footed ferret is a critically endangered species which belongs to the weasel family (Mustelids), it is a carnivore which means that it only eats meat, black-footed ferrets are also a secondary consumer which means that it is in the third part of a life cycle. A black-footed ferret has a slim and long body covered with yellowish brown fur, with blackish fur on the back. It also has black feet, long claws

  • Black Endangered Ferret

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    The black-footed ferret (Mustela Nigripes) is known as the most endangered mammal in North America and it belongs to the weasel family. Researchers paid little attention to this species until it was discovered as threatened in 1967. According to an article issued in 1985, black-footed ferrets were perceived to be extinct until Lucille Hogg’s dog discovered a dead carcass of the species in 1981 (Gustkey, 1985). The discovery made by taxidermists reintroduced the species to the world as endangered

  • Mustela Furo: The Domesticated Ferret

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    The ferret, known to the scientific community as Mustela Furo, is a domesticated version the European pole-cat and has been introduced into many parts of the world. But they threaten native prey species, ground nesting and flightless birds. Their habitat usually consists of semi-forested areas near a source of water. In Europe, you can usually find them in dune systems with large rabbit populations. In New Zealand they reside in grasslands, scrub, forest fringes, and suburban areas. Some ferrets are

  • Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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    Imagine you’re in the zoo, and you see so many exotic animals that your head is overwhelmed with the amazement of each one. You decide to witness one more animal before you head out home. You check out the black-footed ferret. When you look at the sign, it says “endangered”. Suddenly, you have this strong urge to protect this species. Why? Since there is not a lot of them left, you want others to see these beautiful animals. This is what many people feel, and their emotions can actually help species

  • Captive Animals

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    Everyday, while people are living their comfortable lives, animals are getting closer and closer to being wiped out. Animals live in fear of poaching, habitat destruction, and many more dangers that people could help control. People may have the ability to stop these issues but few care, they would rather sit back and watch as millions of animals die each year. Zoos are taking the lead in conserving endangered animals by acting as sanctuaries and giving animals the protection they lack in the wild

  • Persuasive Speech: Ferrets Make Good Pets

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    Introduction: I. Ferrets are amusing creatures that can make good pets. II. Many people would be interested in a low maintenance pet that is softer than a turtle and more affectionate than a goldfish. III. I currently have three ferrets. I got my first one about five years ago. I found my second and third ferrets a couple of years later at the Oregon Ferret Shelter, where I ended up adopting them for a modest price. I have also volunteered at the shelter now and then and have learned a

  • Save the Endangered Animals

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    we would like these animals to be around for future generations, we cannot hesitate in our efforts to help them. Rhinoceros - Sadly, the White, Black and Javan rhinoceros are all on the critically endangered list. The Indonesian Javan Rhino is in particularly bad shape with having less than 60 of their kind left in the world. There are about 3000 Black Rhinos. Illegal Hunting is their major threat. Giant Panda - The Giant panda originates from China, Burma and Vietnam. High estimates say there

  • The Pros And Cons Of Keeping Animals In Zoos

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    After a 90% drop of Tasmanian Devils, the Australian Government responded quickly by making a nationwide breeding program held in captivity. Keeping animals in captivity or a zoo helps them not be classified as an endangered species. The animals held in zoos can avoid natural disasters and predators. So, keeping animals in zoos protect them from disasters, keep them healthy, and make zoos come together as a better zoo. In a like manner, Australian zoos are breeding disease-free Tasmanian devils as

  • The Importance Of Zoos

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    Most people never receive the opportunity to view a bengal tiger in its natural habitat. Even those people who live near the tiger’s native area rarely see this creature since only 2500 still survive in the wild today. Their numbers, as well as the populations of countless other species, are plumbing because of poaching, deforestation, and other harmful human activity. With the busy world we live in today, nobody bats an eye to this startling truth about the decline of animal populations. The only

  • Benefits Of Zoos

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    vaccines and proper diagnosis and care; zoos take care of animals who have been seriously ill or injured in a hunting incident or just an accident in general. According to the AZA, “The last 18 black-footed ferrets were placed in the care of AZA-accredited institutions. Due to the efforts of the AZA Black-footed Ferret SSP Program and other conservation partners, these animals have successfully reproduced and over 700 animals have been reintroduced into in situ population,”(Cohen, J., 2014). The California

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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    survival for many of the planet's threatened and endangered species. According to the AZA, the Species Survival Plan Program has brought back several endangered species that were once so close to extinction and now bountiful in population such as black-footed ferrets, California condors, red wolves, and many more in the past 3 decades.

  • Persuasive Essay Zoos

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    protected in a zoo helps them reproduce easier so that the population of that animal can go up not down. Keeping endangered animals in a protected area has saved several species of animals over the past 30 years. It has saved the Red wolves, Black footed Ferrets, Golden lion tamarins, and many other species. Although some of the animals in a zoo are not going extinct some of them are and the zoo is trying to save that animals species. This means that if people keep on putting animals that are endangered

  • Lakota Struggles Essay

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    middle of paper ... ...f the ferret. “There are no other instance in history where a great nation has so shamefully violated its oath. The United States must forever bear the disgrace and suffer the retribution of its wrongdoing. Our children's children will tell the sad story in hushed tones, and wonder how their fathers dared so to trample on justice and trifle with God.” Henry Benjamin Whipple, chairman of Bureau of Indian Affairs, on the taking of the Black Hills; statements made in official

  • Do Zoos Hurt Animals Natural Instincts?

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    animals are forced to breed, and this is half true, but here's a question for you: Would you rather have 2 animals forced to breed, or not have that animal at all? There are many animals over the years that have been repopulated by zoos like black-footed ferrets, California condors, or red wolves. This all suggests that zoos are saving animal species.

  • Bison Bion Research Paper

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    Bison bison, or simply bison, have an average body mass of 579 kg. They are herbivores, mainly surviving on prairie grass. Bison are selective grazers, and never remain in one place for long. This means they do not overgraze any one area. The hooves of bison leave indentions in the land where they travel. These indentions in the earth help trap moisture and rain fall necessary for plants to survive upon. The upturned earth also aids in burying seeds. Larger indentions may also be created when a bison

  • Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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    The black-footed ferret, California condors, and the famous red wolves just to name a few. These animals were kept in medium-sized habitats, well fed, and reproduced enough that they could be released back into the wild. Now, many argue that animals placed back into

  • Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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    diseases. She also says that animal testing has also helped saving endangered species from extinction. I agree with what she said because many animals have been saved because of animal testing by finding cures for them. Also many animals like the black-footed ferret, the California condor and other endangered species have been saved from extinction because of animal

  • Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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    Most of us have had the opportunity to visit a zoo before, whether it be in your home town, out of state, or maybe even out of the country. Well I think a lot of us may look at visiting a zoo simply as something fun to do with your family or friends, but today I would like to inform everyone on the other benefits of having these zoo’s. The main focus of Zoos are to help endangered animals, provide animal research, and educate the public about the animals living there. Some may disagree, but there

  • Shooting An Elephant Analysis

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    Jaclyn Caserta Instructor Watson English 242—Section 800 The 20th Century and After Essay May 2nd, 2014 Humanities Ease in Killing Animals The short story by George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant” brings into sharp light the nature of humanity, the narcissism and callousness we exhibit when it comes to creatures we consider to be a rogue animal. Within the story a rogue elephant going through a bought of “must” has escaped its owner, gotten into a town and caused damage and a death. At the point that

  • Persuasive Essay Zoos

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    extinct, like the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Association of Zoo and Aquarium Species Survival Plan Program. Species of animals that have been endangered but are no longer on the Endangered Species list due to these programs include animals like the black-footed ferret, red wolves, the Arabian Oryx,