BackTrack Essays

  • Essay On Penetration Testing

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    The term, “penetration testing”, often crosses our minds, but many a times we just let it go thinking of its literal meaning. A little curious folks give it a second thought, for, “what is it?” and “is it really needed?” So we are here to throw a little light on it and its benefits. So, what is it? Talking of a definition, Wiki explains, “A penetration test, or the short form pentest, is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to

  • Nt1330 Unit 9 Final Essay

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    Final Essay Questions This essay answers two questions. Question one is to describe the methods and tools used in scanning and enumerating system and network targets and how one can use the results during the rest of the penetration test. The second question concerns what is the favorite tool that this student learned about in this class, how one uses it and an explanation of why and how it enhances one’s ability to conduct a penetration test. The first step in a penetration test would be reconnaissance

  • Description of Cisco IOS Vulnerabilities

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    Cisco's IOS operating system. Tools available in Backtrack 5 will be used to exploit the vulnerabilities. GNS3 will be used to set up a working topology to work in conjunction with Backtrack 5 to demonstrate the tools. The report also contains screenshots of the tools that will aid the readers understanding. 2. Cisco IOS Vulnerabilities 3. GNS3 Setup A network topology in GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator) is used in conjunction with Backtrack 5 to demonstrate the exploit tools of Cisco. The

  • Penetration Testing a VM

    2383 Words  | 5 Pages

    harming or compromising the system. The pen tester has permission to perform vulnerability checkes wheras the hacker does not. (Add more). 2. Configure Backtrack on VM Image Network In order to run network exploration and web vulnerability tools, Backtrack 5 must be on the same network as the VM image. This is accomplished by changing Backtrack and the VM image to a custom virtual network. In the Virtual Network Editor a network is added which can be customised to allow network connectivity. The

  • Errors In Spoken English Language Analysis

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    pretty.”, and it could be considered a fragment. What is the main clause? There is not one presented in this sentence. When an audience reads a fragment, they are likely to become confused and have to backtrack in their reading a few sentences to find the subject and verb, or main clause. If we backtrack to the sentence in A&P prior to this one, Updike writes “with the straps pushed off, there was nothing between the top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean bare plane of the

  • Backtracking E-mail Messages

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    So how do you determine where a message actually came from? You have to understand how email messages are put together in order to backtrack an email message. SMTP is a text based protocol for transferring messages across the internet. A series of headers are placed in front of the data portion of the message. By examining the headers you can usually backtrack a message to the source network, sometimes the source host. A more detailed essay on reading email headers can be found . If you are

  • Lawn Case Study

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    Make Lawns Great Again The problem with lawn care is simple, talking about water, mowers, gas, and fertilizers. Grass can be overwatered and over fertilized but when fertilized right and watered right can show amazing results. When it comes to grass soil has a big part of its growth if the soil is not collecting the right amount of nutrients in the grass will not grow. Soil isn’t the only problem with grass. Many people think that overwatering is okay but the process of overwatering a lawn can lead

  • The Sense Of Death In J. D. Salinger's 'Nine Stories'

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    In J.D. Salinger’s “Nine Stories”, there are two stories that indicate a death, and, remarkably, these two short stories are what begin and end this captivating piece of literature. The first story is called “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” and introduces a man who has been through the hell of World War II, which allows him to see things from a different perspective. The latter is called “Teddy” and revolves around a young, ingenious boy that seems to have a speculative mindset and very deep insight

  • Safe School Zones

    1283 Words  | 3 Pages

    School zones are meant to be safe areas around schools that provide student pedestrians with clear sidewalks and a buffer from speeding drivers and road hazards. While there are several positive measures being taken to ensure the safety of students in Brooklyn Center, dangers still exist for children who walk from the south side of the school and have to cross 59th Avenue N. in front of Earle Brown Elementary. The lack of sidewalk and viable crossing points puts children at risk every day and must

  • Hackers Essay

    975 Words  | 2 Pages

    A hacker by common definition is a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. Although some computer hackers are committing crimes, there are also computer hackers that counterattack these criminals and their actions are what keep us safe from the criminals on the world wide web. Although they are hackers they are what protect us from the criminals on the internet. Without them and their actions we would live in complete chaos. On the internet there are billions of people logged

  • Personal Narrative: Springtime Carnivore

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the winter’s eve of the 27th of February, I attended an indie rock show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg located in the hipster hub of Brooklyn. The Music Hall, owned by The Bowery Presents, was opened eight years ago, and it is a charming little venue that actually holds up to more than its capacity. It’s built with three floors: a lounge with seating and tables, a ground floor where the experience is much more exciting, and a second floor with a spacious seating area and benches. I would definitely

  • Faux Friendship By William Deresiewicz Summary

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    and less intimate, which turns an individual into an indistinguishable mass of people. He does gives credit to social media, since they do have their benefits such as, reconnecting long-lost friends while far-flung ones can stay in touch, but he backtracks by stating that people seem more like they are trying to imitate themselves. Lastly he compares positing personal information to pornography, which is slick, impersonal exhibition. He finishes by solemnly stating that friendships have turned into

  • Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And A Jury Of Her Peers

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    The U.S. saw the rise of the many groups during the Progressive Era which began in 1890 and continued through 1920. Specifically, there was social activism associated with the women during this time period. This turn of the century was characterized by what are now considered great works of feminist literature. Examples of such are “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gillman and “A Jury of her Peers” by Susan Glaspell. Both short stories were written during this Progressive Era, during which feminism

  • Comparing Miss Brill And A Worn Path

    586 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Occasional Walk This world is full of exciting things to do. With beautiful parks and majestic forests, even a stroll can bring up some wild thoughts. In the short story “Miss Brill” by Katherine Mansfield, and the short story “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty, two women (Miss Brill and Mrs. Jackson) embark on mysterious and imaginative journeys. Like a lot of stories, “Miss Brill” and “A Worn Path” have a great number of similarities. While the general idea of each story is similar, the actuality

  • Cyber Crimes

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    someone by taking their information such as bank security pins, social security numbers, and Id's. By doing this some people open themselves up to being traced back which is what the police use to backtrack and trace the signal to the person who committed the crime. With the people trying to catch the perpetrators it all comes at a price and it’s not cheap. With today’s technology

  • How Did The Tenerife Airport Crash

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spencer Perkins 5/29/2014 AVSC 2070 Tenerife Airport Disaster The Tenerife airport disaster happened on March 27, 1977. Five hundred and Eighty Three lives were taken making it the deadliest accident recorded in the history of Aviation. This accident has had a lasting effect on the industry, more specifically affecting the communication between pilots and the control tower. There were a few factors that went into the crash including the fog that made it hard to see on the runway, and a bomb exploding

  • Satyam Scandal Summary

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    son's companies, i.e., Maytas Properties and Maytas Infra. In order to fill the fictitious assets with real ones and once the Satyam's problem was solved the payments of Maytas could be delayed. But it created such a furore that Raju was forced to backtrack his move and the deal was aborted. • As a result of which law suits was filed in US contesting Maytas deal. The World Bank banned Satyam from conducting business for 8 years due to inappropriate payments to staff and inability to provide information

  • Was Reconstruction A Success Or A Failure Essay

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Civil War left the South in ruins, socially, economically, and literally. The Confederacy’s currency was destroyed, people were debating if colored people deserved rights, and the towns inhabiting the South were left in shambles. President Abraham Lincoln proposed reconstruction plans before his assassination, allowing the country to prevent another Civil War. These plans included the Freedman’s Bureau, an organization which helped former slaves start their lives as free men and the Ten Percent

  • Essay On English Language Learners

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    middle of paper ... ... ideas, and keeping all information easily organized for students. Monitor the cognitive progress by creating accurate duration times for activities, making sure students are on track, and keeping an eye open for the need to backtrack, revise meaning, analyzing information and delving deeper into the material in order to help students more accurately understand. Evaluate by reviewing material, asking students questions, and analyzing assessments to be sure of student accomplishment

  • Great Depression Dbq

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    October 29, 1929 is the day it all came tumbling down. There were warning signs preceding the Great Crash, which evidently were the causes behind it in the first place. Backtrack to early 1929: the stock market was booming. The rise of easy credit allowed consumers to purchase more than they had before. However, in September of 1929, the stock market began to peak and fall in an uneven way. People sensed that something was