Essay On Penetration Testing

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The term, “penetration testing”, often crosses our minds, but many a times we just let it go thinking of its literal meaning. A little curious folks give it a second thought, for, “what is it?” and “is it really needed?” So we are here to throw a little light on it and its benefits.
So, what is it?
Talking of a definition, Wiki explains, “A penetration test, or the short form pentest, is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to it, its functionality and data.” So talking in simple English, this is a test of security of a system (stand alone or networked) against attacks from a malicious or dangerous sources. An important thing to note here is that the results are bifurcated into layers, typically low, medium and high threat levels. So we know what are the vulnerabilities that need maximum attention. Though some readers may find it a little similar to hacking, and it is, but just the difference is with the permission of the system’s owner. In case you are planning to do a penetration test on someone else's system, ...

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