Arcangelo Corelli Essays

  • Arcangelo Corelli Research Paper

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    key role in shaping the baroque period. Arcangelo Corelli was one of those important composers that influenced many people during his time. He lived in Italy from 1653 to 1713. He was a composer, teacher, and a violinist. Corelli was an influential person in the baroque period; “History has remembered him with such titles as ‘Founder of Modern Violin Technique,’ the ‘World's First Great Violinist,’ and the ‘Father of the Concerto Grosso.’” (Arcangelo Corelli: A Concise Biography). Little was known

  • Testing for Drugs In The Olympics

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    and javelin throwers of ancient Greece and Rome, athletes have been looking for supposedly magic potions (Corelli, par. 1).  With competition growing stronger and stronger throughout the years, athletes have tried to beat their opponents by any means necessary. Back in 1904, American Thomas Hicks won the marathon fuelled by a combination of brandy and strychnine, a nerve stimulant (Corelli, par. 1).  Soviet weight lifters of the 1950's discovered the benefits of steroids (Cowley and Brant, par

  • 'Captain Corelli’s Mandolin'

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    Italian officer, Captain Antonio Corelli,arrives on the beautiful Greek island of Cephallonia as part of an occupying force. He is billeted in the house of the local doctor, Iannis and his daughter Pelagia. He quickly wins the heart of Pelagia through his humour and his sensitivity, not to mention his stunning ability on the mandolin. But Pelagia is engaged to Mandras, a local fisherman who is away fighting with the Greek army. Despite her growing affection for Corelli, Pelagia continues to write to

  • Triumph of Good in Captain Corelli's Mandolin

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    truth about the brutality of her son's death, saying that "he died with a smile on his lips". Despite losing his loved one, Guercio's strong character and goodness allow him to go on and love again. This time the object of his affection is Captain Corelli, for whom he eventually sacrifices his life. Captain Corelli's goodness is evident from his first appearance despite the fact that he is a captain of the occupying force. As he marches his troops through the streets of Cephallonia, he breaks the

  • The Era of Baroque Music

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    Occurring between 1600 and 1750, the era of Baroque music was an astounding, inventive and foundational period of classical music. Following the Renaissance period, the Baroque period preceded the Classical era. Originating from the Italian word “Barocco,” which means bizarre or exuberant, the title of the Baroque period was well suited to its composers and music ( Many instruments used by the Baroque composers and musicians reached their peak during this period. Using all of these

  • The Baroque Bow

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    Zan violin research paper Violin Bow History The Baroque Bow Making the Baroque bow is a story of many attempts and fails. When the Baroque violin was invented is the late 16th century, the making of stringed instruments reached a peak so high, that it triggered a musical revolution. The violin's ancestors were mainly used to keep time on the dance floors of weddings and festivals. But with the invention of the newer form of the instrument quickly separated itself from other stringed instruments

  • The Life of G.F. Handel

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    thus during the baroque time period the most popular piece composed was “Messiah” which was first performed in 1742 (McGee 49). During the baroque time period, there were many composers that specialized in different areas of instruments. Arcangelo Corelli was an Italian musician that led the way for Antoni... ... middle of paper ... ... tells you without saying the conclusion of the piece is near by the way the dynamics change and at the rate in which they switch. Overall the Messiah was

  • Concerto Grosso Research Paper

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    piece Concerto Grosso, it was originally supposed to be played as a trio of violins and violoncello. The music was first published in London by John Walsh in 1739. Concerto Grosso was written by George Handel style/ idea of the music was from Arcangelo Corelli. The piece Concerto Grosso Op.6 is originally supposed to be played by a trio or two violins and violoncello and ripieno four-part string orchestra with harpsichord continuo. George Frideric Handel also incorporated movement, such as rio sonatas

  • George Frideric Handel's Passion For Music

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    George Frideric Handel was born February 23, 1685 in Halle, Germany, being born the same year as Johann Sebastian Bach. His father was 73 years old at the time of his birth. George, at a young age, had a passion for music, but his father wanted him to pursue a career in civil law. George’s father believed that music would not provide a real source of income and he would not even allow his son to own an instrument. Although his father objected, George’s mother, Dorothy, supported his love for music

  • Baroque Era Research Paper

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    Essay Topic: The Baroque era was a period of development and innovation in the field of music. Give a detailed description of three music genres that developed during this time period. Describe the stylistic characteristics of these new Baroque music genres as well as the names of composers and titles of compositions that represent them. The Baroque genres you can write about include opera, oratorio, cantata, organ chorale, concerto, and concerto Grosso. Concerto Grosso, is a

  • The Concerto

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    The Concerto Since the Baroque era, the concerto has played a vital role in the music world. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a concerto is “a composition for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements.” There are two main types: the concerto grosso and the classical concerto; both will be discussed later. While the term concerto is relatively easy to understand in context, when put into use the term becomes more complicated to define. The basic elements that

  • George Frideric Handel Research Paper

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    George Frideric Handel 1685-1759 George Frideric Handel was born on February 23, 1685 in Saxony Germany to George and Dorothea Handel . Ever since Handel was younger around the age of five and six he wanted to study music, but his father disapproved of Handel's musical interest. Handel's father did not that that a job in the musical field would being in any realistic amount of income. Although, his father did not approve of his musical interest his mother did. She didn't see anything wrong with

  • Parthenon Vs. Pantheon

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    Parthenon vs. Pantheon In this essay, I will compare and contrast two buildings of different time periods and cultures. The first building is The Pantheon, built in 118–128 CE. It is placed in Rome, Italy. The building was completed by the roman emperor Publius Aelius Hadrianus (Pantheon, n.d.). The second building is The Parthenon, built in 432 BCE. It is placed in Athens, Greece on the Acropolis,which is a citadel above the city. The building was constructed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates

  • Handel and the Politics of The Messiah

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    duties of harpsichordist, and early in 1705 he presided over the premiere in Hamburg of his first opera, Almira. Handel spent the years 1706-10 traveling in Italy, where he met many of the greatest Italian musicians of the day, including Arcangelo Corelli and Alessandro Scarlatti and his son Domenico. He composed many works in Italy, including two operas, numerous Italian solo... ... middle of paper ... ...eaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. Handel now began to experience trouble with his sight. He

  • The Baroque Period: Then or Now?

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    period, it is important to first gain a better understanding of the period as a whole. Some of the most influential composers of the time include: 1. Johann Sebastian Bach 2. George Frederic Handel 3. Antonio Vivaldi 4. George Philipp Telemann 5. Arcangelo Corelli 6. Henry Purcell 7. Domenico Scarlatti 8. Jean-Philippe Rameau 9. Johann Pachelbel 10. Giovanni Battista Sammartini (Green, 2014). The Baroque Period can be broken up into three main sections: Early, Middle and Late. In the Early Baroque Period

  • George Frideric Handel: The Journey of a Baroque Composer

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    organist Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow. Handel went to Hamburg in 1703, when he was 18 years old and began composing Italian operas. He spent the years 1706–10 traveling in Italy, where he met many of the greatest Italian musicians of the day, including Arcangelo Corelli and Alessandro Scarlatti and his son Domenico He composed several works in Italy, including two operas, several Italian solo cantatas, and oratorios. Handel visited Italy where he composed the operas Rodrigo and Agrippina. He also visited London