Another Cinderella Story Essays

  • The Rise Of Perrault's Rocky As A Cinderella Story

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    Rocky (1976) by Sylvester Stallone is a movie that shows the story of Rocky Balboa, an American-Italian small-time boxer from Philadelphia. At the beginning of the movie the audience can see that Rocky is an underdog who earns his living by collecting debts for a loan shark named Gazzo and fighting once in awhile for money in a church. Mickey, Rocky’s ex-trainer thinks that Rocky has the potential to become a great boxer but his lack of willpower and inspiration have not allowed Rocky to succeed

  • Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre as a Cinderella Story

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    Bronte's Jane Eyre as a Cinderella Story Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre can be characterized in many ways as a variation of Cinderella. There are several versions of this popular fairy--tale. At the time Bronte’s novel was published, the Grimms’ book of tales, which included Cinderella, was very popular. According to Sally Mitchell, "The serious interest in folklore was spurred by the translation, in 1823, of the stories collected by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm." A version of Cinderella was also written

  • A Cinderella Story the Movie

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    A Cinderella Story is set firmly in reality and in the present day; in fact, it's every bit a fantasy as the original story. This film refrains from any allusions to magic, but instead lets serendipitous occurrences provide the engine on which this fairy tale creates its plot. The impression A Cinderella Story is in place of a well-thought out story and characters that anyone could relate to or believe. Although the target audience of the film are teens, females, and romantics, A Cinderella Story

  • cinderella

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    Cinderella: Once Upon A Time The story of Cinderella has appealed to a number of audiences since its earliest dated version in A.D. 850. Even with the extensive selection of fairy tales in existence, "Cinderella" is undoubtedly the best known in the world, with over 700 versions of this story available. However, this popularity is not limited strictly to literature, for the Cinderella theme is also seen in many movie productions. Two movies, Walt Disney's Cinderella and Andy Tennant's Ever After:

  • Traditional Literature: Three Cinderellas

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    Most people are familiar with the Cinderella story as told in the translation by Marcia Brown. There are also cultural and parodied versions of this tale. For a cultural version, I will be referring to Sootface, an Ojibwa tale retold by Robert D. San Souci and illustrated by Daniel San Souci (San Souci, 1994). The parody I've chosen is "Cinderumpelstiltskin", found in the book The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith (Scieszka, 1992).

  • A Cinderella Story

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    A Cinderella Story When examining adaptations of fairytales you must look at the original source. This can be a very difficult task because with fairytales we never really know where the original came from. I will base my paper on the theory that the original tale of Cinderella comes from the Grimm Brothers version of Ashputtle. In comparison we will examine two movies. First there is the Disney version Cinderella. Secondly we will look at the movie 'Ever After'. Characterization is an important

  • Kate Chopin’s Short Story Desiree’s Baby

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    Kate Chopin’s Short Story “Desiree’s Baby” In Kate Chopin’s short story, “Desiree’s Baby”, she demonstrates how racism played a major part in people’s lives in the 1800’s. Kate Chopin is extremely successful in getting her readers to feel disturbed by the events in the story. Through words and images, the reader feels touched by the story, either by relating to it at some points or when confronted with things we frequently decide to ignore in the world: the evil some human beings are capable

  • White Oleander

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a result of her mother’s incarceration, Astrid is thrusted into a myriad of unmerited situations- the foster homes. One evil stepmother leads to another in this tale of adversity and just when Astrid’s prospects brighten under a shining sun, the clouds roll in and it begins to rain. “White Oleander” is a Cinderella story with all the ingredients of misery and misfortune but the wrong ending. At the beginning of her first real encounter with calamity, Astrid is inundated with a deluge of emotions

  • Essay on Pride and Prejudice as Romantic Novel and Romantic Criticism

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    follows conventional romantic-novel wisdom, down to the obstacles in the form of Darcy's and Bingley's sisters' disapprobation (the typical disapproval of the Family) and the attraction between the rich young man and the middle class maid. Their Cinderella story ends in happily-ever-after, as does Elizabeth's and Darcy's. Elizabeth's defiance of Lady Catherine recalls Meg's defiance of her aunt in Little Women, and Darcy's willingness to accept Elizabeth despite the inferiority of her connections is

  • Review of A Cinderella Story

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    Many traditional fairy tales have been remade into Hollywood movies. The fairy tale of Cinderella has been produced in movies many times like Ever After (1998) and A Cinderella Story (2004). A Cinderella Story (2004) has an interesting storyline, cast, themes, and appeals to teenagers and young adults. The movie begins as Sam narrating how she is in a far away kingdom with a beautiful little girl with her “weirdo” father. Then Sam clarifies that this was not “long ago” and “not a really far away

  • Social Attitudes and Fairy Tales

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social Attitudes and Fairy Tales For hundreds of years, parents have been enthralling children with stories of magic and wishes coming true. Fairy tales are passed from one generation to the next through oral tradition, and, in modern times, books. As various societies develop, fairy tales are changed to fit the needs and morals those societies want to impress upon their children. Thus, the style and content of a fairy tale is directly affected by the social attitudes of a particular society

  • Cinderella Story

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    ashen? I think I'll change your name to Cinderella. Do you like that?" Poor Cinderella had to sleep in the attic, where bats and mice roamed. In the fall, Cinderella was allowed to go to school, but also had to do the household chores- mowing the lawn, cleaning up the stables, and preparing the next meals as soon as she arrived home from school. In her spare time, Cinderella would travel to her parents’ house, and dig through the rubble. By luck or magic, Cinderella happened upon a chest, which had no

  • The Diana Phenomenon

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    The Diana Phenomenon The sudden death of Diana Princess of Wales at the end of August 1997 sparked off a massive display of emotion in the world, especially in Britain. The event provided the opportunity for the expression of what appeared to be a short-term and superficial, but undoubtedly sincere, manner by a large number of people. “An emotion felt throughout the countryside was that many people saw themselves in some way connected to this public figure and able to grieve for her as if she were

  • Legend Of Love

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    Approximately 500 versions of the Cinderella story are in circulation, making it one of the most famous tales in the world. The plot in this timeless classic has been used as a model for writers for countless generations. Whether in print or on film, Cinderella is an inspirational story. It allows young girls to fantasize being swept off their feet by a sweet, handsome prince, marry and "live happily ever after." For over hundreds of years the story has been refined and reworked, whether as

  • Into The Woods: A Cinderella Story

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    entertainment and to learn and teach important life lessons. Adults read these stories to their children, so their children can develop a wondrous imagination. Fairy tales are suitable for kids because in stories like Rapunzel and Ariel’s, they are taught to think outside the box and to try new things. In addition, Cinderella’s story instructs kids to always be kind and courageous even if you are being treated unfairly. Cinderella is appropriate for children to read because of the chosen audiences for each

  • A Girl A Shoe, A Prince: The Endlessly Evolving Cinderella

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    they lived happily ever after”. “Cinderella” is a very widely known story that many children around the world look up to and admire through their entire life. The history of this story, how scholars interpret this tale, and how the authors have retold the story are all key points to keeping this story fresh and popular. Most of the time when people hear the story of “Cinderella”, they think about the Disney version and maybe it is time that changes. All in all, the story brings light to everyone’s life

  • The Many Versions of Cinderella

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    the world has heard of Cinderella, no matter what kind of version it may be. Cinderella is the one fairy tale story that has been popular and will always be the one tale that has to be told to children. Words and story lines might be twist and turn, but in the end the knowledge of the story will be learned in similar ways. As we all know when one story is told another is created, when one is at its best then another is at its worse. One version will always be better than another, but no matter what

  • Anne Sexton Cinderella Analysis

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    a classic, the story of rags to riches. A story all find familiarity, inspiration, and hope in. A story with a common theme, anyone can follow. This same idea exists with the story of Cinderella. Another classic, this tale is told around the world in more than five hundred versions according to Mary Northrup, a reference librarian working with the American Library Association. Due to the multitude of versions, it is easy to say most everyone is familiar with the story of Cinderella. However, each

  • Compare And Contrast Cinderella Vs Aschenputtel

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cinderella vs Aschenputtel There are many versions of Cinderella, and according to Cinderella History, there are between 350 and 1500 different versions. Each version is different in some way, such as the plot or characters, yet similar too. In the Brothers Grimm version titled “Aschenputtel” and the Perrault version titled “Cinderella,” there are many differences and similarities. The differences have made society’s view of Cinderella different; between “Cinderella” and “Aschenputtel,” the differences

  • Comparing 'Yeh-Shen And The Algonquin Cinderella'

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    version of Cinderella? The one where Cinderella gets a happy ending, but the stepmother and stepsisters don’t receive punishment for all the bad things they did? Then I got some stories for you. “Ashenputtel”, “Yeh-Shen”, and “The Algonquin Cinderella” are all different versions of “Cinderella” from around the world, as well as “Interview”, a poem. In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting all three of these Cinderella like stories. To start off with, all three of these stories have a