Ankle monitor Essays

  • The Tortilla Curtain Summary

    2044 Words  | 5 Pages

    Brandon Misko Reading Logs Part 3 The Tortilla Curtain Ch. 1- 3 In this chapter Delaney, Kyra and Kit, Kayra’s mom, go to a thanksgiving party at Foold’s house. At the party Delaney feels out of place and worrying about the turkey cooking at his place and the fact that he is drinking a beer so early in the day. Kyra, unlike Delaney, was enjoying herself at the party, confident leaving the dinner in Orbalina's hands. She had been excited to meet Dominick Flood, whom Erna Jardine constantly talked

  • Bionic Products In Prosthetics

    2890 Words  | 6 Pages

    In recent years, the type of futuristic technology that we see in movies is finally coming to life through this idea of superhuman abilities in bionic limbs that use artificial intelligence. The new developments and breakthroughs in prosthetics, changed what we thought would only be fictional into reality. They now are very useful in allowing amputees to lead a more normal life. This paper will outline the advanced technology of bionic limbs. These bionic products combine artificial intelligence

  • Psychological Effects Of Long

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    a second degree ankle sprain. This would fall under the category of a long term injury. A long term injury is one where the rehabilitation time is longer than four weeks and may take up to a year. Some other examples of injuries in this category would be fractures, orthopedic and general surgeries, second and third degree sprain and strains, and debilitating injuries. In the reaction to the injury itself, there is a primary reaction followed by a secondary reaction. With this ankle sprain, a common

  • Judgments of Conduct in Sense and Sensibility

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    practical and conventional, met and fell in love with Edward Ferrars, Mrs. John Dashwood's brother. One rainy morning, after being settled in their new cottage at Barton, Marianne, emotional and sentimental, was brought home from her walk with a sprained ankle by Willoughby, a dashing young man in his mid-twenties. Marianne immediately fell for Willoughby and he for her and in the following days and weeks he was invariably found at Barton. Another new friend to the family, Colonel Brandon watched the formation

  • Oedipus the King: The Pierced Ankle in Oedipus Rex

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Symbol of the Pierced Ankle in Oedipus the King The classification of Oedipus the King as a tragedy requires it to meet certain criteria pertaining to the main character, Oedipus. Oedipus must have no control over the situation which he is in, he has to have been harmed by someone for doing nothing or doing what is just, and he must come to an end in which he is utterly lost, or dies without resolving the situation. All three of these criteria can be found represented under a symbol, and that

  • Houdini

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    day he gives her the new dress. Often when I here of Houdini I think, and even have been told, that he died in an escape accident. That is not only untrue it is nowhere near his true means of death. During a performance one night he broke an ankle. That is when it all started. He began feeling worse everyday. He had stomach pains. He waited to late. He had a ruptured appendix and gangrene had set in. The doctors told him that he would not survive more that twelve hours. However he fought

  • Evaluating Portable Hand Controls

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    Evaluating Portable Hand Controls At the beginning of January, Mrs. Jones broke her right ankle, had surgery on it, and she was left with a cast that stretched up to her knee. For the next several weeks, she was at the mercy of family and friends to take her back and forth, for there is no such thing as public transportation in this little town. Feeling desperate and trapped led her to seek out another avenue to get around without having to rely on others for transportation. Having knowledge

  • Front Handspring: Gymnastics

    2270 Words  | 5 Pages

    “As contestant number one executes the movement, there’s a complete revolution of the body. Lunging headfirst, pushing off the ground…there’s the rebound and PERFECT! The Front Handspring has been executed flawlessly!” The Front Handspring is a well-known gymnastics movement. Gymnastics comes from the Greek origin and is better described as a disciplinary exercise (Strauss, 2016). This sport combines self-control, balance, coordination, and acrobatic skills (Strauss, 2016). This sport is performed

  • Synesthesia

    2317 Words  | 5 Pages

    to account for an invisible cat. Now suppose that the next time I heard guitar music, I failed to perceive a soft brushing sensation around my ankles. It would not bother me a bit. But for Carol Crane, a guitar that didn't affect her ankles might provoke the same sort of confusion and anxiety an invisible cat would induce in me. To Crane, the ankle-brushing sensation has always been an integral part of guitar music, just as violins always act upon her face and trumpets on the back of her neck

  • Global Positioning System

    3742 Words  | 8 Pages

    latitude and altitude of the user or vehicle with the tracking monitor. This location is determined by using trilateration between at least three, and preferably four satellites overhead. However this new emerging technology is not without it’s issues, privacy being the biggest one of them. Ethicists and the public at large argue that if gadgets can determine your location anywhere on the planet, can they also be used to monitor you and could that information be turned against you. This paper

  • Home Confinement: An Alternative to Incarceration

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    Home Confinement: An Alternative to Incarceration West Virginia state prisons have a maximum capacity of 2,154 inmates; currently they house 2,363 inmates, and more remain in City and County lockups to manage the overflow (West Virginia Blue Book). Home Confinement solves this problem. Reduction of the prison population should be reason enough to institute home confinement, but other reasons do exist. Would you like lower taxes? Home confinement costs much less than incarceration. Do you favor

  • Personal Narrative- Ridicule of a Child

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    a relaxed sweatshirt unevenly rolled at the sleeves. Her plump belly took shape under her shirts, creasing slightly, like a curtain conforming to its width. Her feet plowed into her white Keds and snuggled inside fluorescent socks scrunched at the ankle. Mary Beth’s Keds curved toward each other as she stepped, and it was evident she was pigeon-toed. (This was another characteristic we loved to imitate.) I saw her ferociously sprint during gym and on our Field Day. It was dreadful. Her leg stampeded

  • Greco-Roman Gods And Those Who Worship Them

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    Although, when she went too far, or tried to cause death, Zeus would intervene and stop her. Hera tried to ship wreak Hercules on his return from Troy, and with that Zeus had her hung by the wrists from top of the mountain with an anvil tied to each ankle. The two had four children together. Juno, Hera’s counterpart, was the wife of Jupiter. Juno was the protector of women, especially 1 2 those who are married. Women often gave offerings to Juno to help with their childbirth.      The God of the Underworld

  • Tattoos and Mainstream Culture

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    getting them and from all different backgrounds. On a nice day in just about any public place one can spot a tattoo about every five minutes, from the business man who had a portrait of his daughter put on him to a young girl with a butterfly on her ankle and even people with extensive tattoo coverage. What is even more interesting is the rise in the number of people who are heavily tattooed and that they come from all different backgrounds. Not too long ago tattooing did not experience the popularity

  • A Waste Of Talent

    1055 Words  | 3 Pages

    Althea gave him ankle weights. She gave him this because she realized her son had a talent, which was jumping high, hoping this talent would payoff for both of them in the future. Jim and his family were not very wealthy living in the Harlem projects were drugs and constant violence plagued the neighborhood so he didn’t really receive many other gifts. With these two gifts in hand he started playing basketball at the local parks developing his game. He would play and practice with the ankle weights on

  • Clubfoot

    913 Words  | 2 Pages

    CLUBFOOT Clubfoot is defined as a congenital foot deformity characterized by a kidney shaped foot that turns inward and points down. The forefoot is curved inward, the heel is bent inward, and the ankle is fixed in planter flexion with the toes pointing down. Shortened tendons on the inside of the lower leg, together with abnormally shaped bones that restrict movement outwards cause the foot to turn inwards. A tightened achilles tendon causes the foot to point downwards. The medical term for clubfoot

  • Book Report On 1984 By George

    1975 Words  | 4 Pages

    Smith lives. There are signs reminding citizens that Big Brother is always watching. Big Brother is the leader of the party in which Winston is a part of as well as all the people of Oceania. Winston Smith is about 39 and has on ulcer on his left ankle. He had to wear blue overalls as a rule of the party. He lives in Victory Mansions by himself. One vocabulary word that I didn’t know I found on page 6, eddies, which is a current air running contrary to the main current. Also on page 6 I learned that

  • Art versus Pornography

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    Art versus Pornography Her head rests on her left knee, with her hands clasped on her ankle.  Locks of hair are thrown about in an auburn blaze.  Her tight rosy lips are as red as her cheeks.  Her dark-blue eyes reveal a half-seductive, half-submissive look.  Her legs are in a subdued spread-eagle formation, leaving her crotch area quite visible.  Her white panties leave little to the imagination. The sexual overtones are more than just a coincidence. Suspend your imagination for a minute

  • Oveercoming an Injury - Not giving up

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    stands. I nervously waited for the ball to complete my first lay-up of the night, to ease my way into the game atmosphere. My fear of getting hurt again haunted my mind, and the fear was affecting my athletic performance. The thought of spraining my ankle again chilled my body with apprehension. It really hurt me as a player not being able to play the sport I loved. I knew that the only thing to do was to stay strong and cheer for my teammates. The game had begun and my team had the ball. I watched

  • Social, Political and Economic Effects of WWI

    2176 Words  | 5 Pages

    led the way in clothing change. The bright blue-and-red prewar French infantry uniforms had been changed after the first few months of the war, since they made whoever wore them into excellent targets for machine guns. Women's skirts rose above the ankle permanently and women became more of a part of society than ever. They undertook a variety of jobs previously held by men. They were now a part of clerical, secretarial work, and te! aching. They were also more widely employed in industrial jobs. By