Bionic Products In Prosthetics

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In recent years, the type of futuristic technology that we see in movies is finally coming to life through this idea of superhuman abilities in bionic limbs that use artificial intelligence. The new developments and breakthroughs in prosthetics, changed what we thought would only be fictional into reality.
They now are very useful in allowing amputees to lead a more normal life. This paper will outline the advanced technology of bionic limbs. These bionic products combine artificial intelligence with human philosophy to create a more human-like way to restore the function of a lost limb. These bionic limbs take the pressure off amputees by sensing how their lost limb should move and adapts to movement of the amputee. The bionic product automatically controls itself without the amputee having to think about how to move it. The purpose of this paper is to inform about bionic products. It will further explain how they operate, along with their efficacy in prosthetics. Innovative bionic technology continuously increases the quality of life for amputees. That innovative technology will be explored through this paper, along with their specific functions and operations. The new products like the Power Knee, the Rheo Knee, the Propio Foot, and Symbiotic leg allow more mobility and individualistic movement for the amputee. Each was developed and tested to be efficient in the prosthetic world. I will explore case studies of people who have these products. I will explore the struggles and adaptions they had to make with the use of this technology.
Furthermore this paper will discuss the ongoing research in the operating of prosthetics by thinking alone. New experiments explore a bionic arm that is said to be controlled through mind pow...

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...imbs, but some people believe that this will change in the future. If this comes available, people may want to voluntarily replace parts of their biological bodies with bionic equivalents. For these equivalents may have increased functionality and elimination of being disabled for individuals, and may be to enhance your education, creativity, and resources, and help reduce the chance of hunger and disease for society. With this though, the concern of unsafe procedures, security risks, psychological harm, and the loss of identity for individuals, superhuman villains, and stratification, comes about.
Overall, I do believe that elective amputation can be justified but there are always going to be those people that take it too far. Bionic technology is going to continue to expand and develop. New advancements will create more concerns and more controversial issues.

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