What is Human Enhancement?

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Human enhancement is any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means. It is in our human nature that we somehow increase our life expectancy, become stronger, fearless, independent and smarter. It is no surprise we turn to all sorts of technologies – neurotechnology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology – to improve human performances. While they might improve our performances and abilities, their use raises serious health, ethical and economic issues, furthermore, not enough is known about the long-term consequences.
Many students and young people trying to leave marks on their jobs now use brain-enhancing "smart" pills to help boost their exam grades or their ability to work long hours without tiring. It's quite possible that employers will start to demand that employees use stimulants. Drugs, originally made for dementia patients and children diagnosed with ADHD, are now available without prescription. Healthy individuals use them solely to improve their memory, motivation and attention, without any prior consult with their doctors. Many of these drugs are available on the Internet which comes in handy to young people who want to save their money for the future. What they do not take into consideration when buying stimulants on the Internet is the risk of not knowing for certain what they are getting. Moreover, long-term consequences and safety of the technologies are not known. Scientists haven’t done enough research to know how much of an impact even a short period of using such substances leaves on our brains.
Prosthetic limbs, one of the examples of physical enhancement, have improved to such an extent that the capabilities and...

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... has changed. People unnecessarily use drugs and other stimulus, e.g. coffee, to be able to work harder, longer and be smarter. Young people feel pressured to use enhancement pills because if they want to be at the head of the class or the best at what they do, they need to give the best they can. People have been given artificial body parts for some time now, while at the same time, the military is planning to use those same inventions on a more advanced level. The question of privacy and our freedom of choice is also present. Little gadgets enhance our lives, but at the same time they are the ones who control our decisions. With the economy where only those who have funded can afford enhancement, inequality rises. When there is a chance to make us, human being better and even more superior, everyone should have the same rights to become and achieve what they want.

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