America the Beautiful Essays

  • Cultural and Diversity Advertisement

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    language and way of living life but the United States of America is unique because of its diversity of citizens. And for this reason America is called a “melting pot” because it has a variety of citizens who are of different ethnicity and they each have their own culture and languages, and all these people are living in a single united nation. Coca-Cola has created an advertisement that opens with first paragraph of the song “America the Beautiful” being sung in English. This part of the song goes on

  • America the Beautiful

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    America was built on the foundations of independence, adventure, and patriotism. The people of the original thirteen colonies sought out more. They yearned for the once forbidden expanses past the Appalachians and west of the Mississippi when they were under the control of the tyrant British crown. The wilderness contained savagery and temptation, which threatened the authority of the community, but it represented a new beginning, which was mysterious but could flourish. Contrasting views of the

  • America The Beautiful

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    dreadful happening shocked all of America. Most are still in denial and grieving over the tragedy. It seemed that America was getting little support from other countries; unlike the support America gives many other nations when they are in trouble. One reporter from Canada, Gordon Sinclair, thought this was a terrible injustice. In a report given by Sinclair, many times America has helped out, even its enemies, were pointed out. Sinclair points out the fact that America has some of the best technology

  • David Brower and the Sierra Club

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    first Executive Director and served from 1952 until 1969. He also served on their Board of Directors three times: from 1941-1953; 1983-1988; and then from 1995-2000. He, as well as Muir, was considered to be one of the greatest conservationists in America. The Sierra Club was responsible for establishing The National Park System, which has been beneficial in preserving wilderness areas all across the United States. There were several preservation projects attributed to their club. The first was

  • Summary Of America The Beautiful

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    In the documentary America the Beautiful directed and narrated by Darryl Roberts, the narrator states several central points and arguments. He makes a case for objectification of the female body, socialization of genders, and how culture plays a role in todays in society. When Darryl asked a teenage boy about how his perfect women should look, his answer was that she has to be “hot”, “attractive”, and have nice legs. This shows how males are objectifying the female body, because they do not care

  • America The Beautiful: A Rhetorical Analysis

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    Coca-Cola’s “America the Beautiful” commercial premiered February 2, 2014, during halftime of the NFL Super Bowl for a total of 60 seconds. It depicts shots of American people in all parts of the country doing ordinary things such as riding horses, dancing, and surfing. Katherine Bates’ song, “America the Beautiful”, is sung in the background in nine different languages: English, Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Hindi, Hebrew, Keres, French and Arabic (Younge). Coke’s “America the Beautiful” commercial

  • Immigrants Singing 'America The Beautiful'

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    of equality in the world. The commercials shows immigrants singing “America the Beautiful” in different tongues while sharing the love of America, smiles, and a Coke. It is important because a multi-million dollar corporation is using their power and taking a stand showing the world everyone is accepted despite their culture and ethnicity background.

  • Personal Narrative-America The Beautiful

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    My feet are sore from rushed reps, and the sun is beating down on my back as I spin the routine for “America the Beautiful” for the umpteenth time. Mr. Rice had no sympathy despite this being the last day of band camp. The longer that I spent marching circles around the school, the more nervous I was about running out of time. It wasn't necessarily anybody's fault that the clock was ticking down, and that I was afraid of losing everything. The metronome beat endlessly, speeding up as if it wanted

  • A Brief Summary Of The Film America The Beautiful

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    In the movie America the Beautiful, Director Daryll’ Roberts argues that the media creates an unrealistic idea of a “perfect image” of beauty and this causes many problems. Roberts starts his documentary by introducing a model that seems to be the eye for the modeling world. Gerren wears the clothes of a twenty-year-old, hangs out with twenty-year-olds, and acts like a twenty-year-old; other than at her school. We then find out that she is only twelve years of age. Roberts then interviews girls

  • Comparing The Star Spangled Banner, And America The Beautiful

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    Spangled Banner”, and “America the Beautiful” are two songs that talk about America and what it means to its citizens but, each song has a different message, one is very heroic and shows how powerful America is and the other shows America’s true beauty and its nature. The “National Anthem” is considered to be very militaristic because it talks about the war that America thought it’ll lose but, they find the flag still waving in the sky. In contrast, “America the beautiful” shows us a picture of America’s

  • Coca Cola Commercial Analysis: 'America The Beautiful'

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    advertisement, “America the Beautiful” featured visuals of people of different ethnic or racial background all drinking a coke living their daily lifestyles while enjoying a Coca Cola. The music featured children singing the well-known national song, “America The Beautiful”, not only in English but in seven other languages. Xenophobic comments and a boycott against Coca Cola caused the controversy, but this advertisement was met

  • Coca-Cola's Patriotic Song 'America The Beautiful'

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    again before Super Bowl 51, was largely interpreted to be a response to President Trump’s immigration ban that was signed just a week before. This one-minute commercial to the tune of the popular American patriotic song, “America the Beautiful”, captures what is beautiful about America—its diversity. People from all walks of life are seen engaging in popular American activities, in areas across the country, as the song transitions from being sung in a variety of languages. In further including the portrayal

  • Coca Cola Rhetorical Analysis

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    America the Beautiful During the Super Bowl season of 2014, the Coca-Cola “America the Beautiful” commercial has evolved into a big controversial issue in the media. This corporation advertised their product with a short commercial displaying images of the varied population of the United States while featuring children singing “America the Beautiful” in many different languages. They purposely emphasize how the people in the video are holding their coke products as they are happily dancing and enjoying

  • Social Perception Of Beauty Essay

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    Our Social Perception of beauty in America All young girls in America can remember watching the movie Beauty and the Beast by Walt Disney. At that time, it was a story of love and triumph, a girl falls in love and gets her prince charming. As we grow older, we question that movie and its intentions that we were too young to understand. Who is the real beauty and who is the real beast? A puzzling question due to our society constantly telling us how we need to look and be perceived as in order to

  • Response to Langston Hughes' Poem I, too, sing America

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    Hughes, Langston. “I Too. Sing America.” New York Times 5 Jan 2010: A16 Online. [Summary] This poem is about the struggle of a working minority, a black man, suffering the hardship of unfair labor. Langston Hughes gives out such a real and positive impact on the read, too which makes them think about how they can hope for the future. '' But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong '' This doesn't only suggest that he is getting stronger physically but also mentally which states that he

  • Varying Definitions of 'America' in American Literature

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    Varying Definitions of 'America' in American Literature Denotations and connotations inherent in the word "America" in different works of American literature have a number of similarities and differences. Often, the definition of the word is not known at the beginning of a work and one of the thematic elements is the search for the true "America," whatever it may be for the author in question. Many American authors raise the question, "What is America?" and go about answering it in their

  • History Of The Star Spangled Banner

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    Over the years people have often questioned our national anthem. The real question is should the national anthem be the Star Spangled Banner, or America the Beautiful? Let’s go back and take a look at history on both songs. Major George Armistead arrived in Baltimore, Maryland, in June, 1813, to take command of Fort McHenry. Fort McHenry was built so it could guard the water entrance to the city. George Armistead ordered Mary Pickersgill, a flag maker from Baltimore, to sew two flags for the fort:

  • Football Commercials

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    much controversy. Coca Cola took a unique take on the classic “America the Beautiful” song that has caused quite an uproar regarding prejudice, discrimination, and ethnicity in America. The ad opens with “America the Beautiful” being sung in English while every few seconds after that the song changes to a different language. It depicts children, teenagers, and adults of all cultures enjoying the adventures and combined principles of America, while essentially being brought together by Coca Cola. “The

  • Different Types of Beauty to an Extent

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    America is also known as the universal "melting pot", where diversity is welcomed with open arms. This nation as a whole re programmed itself to be more accepting and more tolerable of what is out of their form of ‘the norm’; but, to what extent? According to Google definitions: beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight. So, speaking of technicalities, beauty varies in the eyes of the beholder or the individual’s opinion

  • Langston Hughes: Voice of the Working-Class African Americans

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    back to Abe Lincoln visiting New Orleans, and he tells of seeing the muddy bosom. The words muddy might be a color imagery connecting with the sunset shining on the people and making them beautiful. Hughes poem shows a tie to the poem “I Too.” Both poems, Hughes talks describes to the audience how African America as their white brothers, because they worked the land with their hands, building and working the land near the Euphrates, which is an ancient Mesopotamian river. This simple and factual poem