Algebraic topology Essays

  • Alex Grothendiek

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    In 1957, he began to work on algebraic geometry and simple algebra. (The Famous People) The Institute of Advanced Scientific studies in France hired Alex to organize seminars and teach young adults. In 1960, he visited The University of Kansas to start working on geometry and topology. After working at the University of Kansas, he transferred to IHES, and this was known as his Golden Age because during that time, Alex Grothendieck had made it the epicenter of algebraic geometry. Many concepts were

  • What would Maurits Cornelis Escher’s Regular Division of the Plane with Birds look like on the torus

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    tessellations. This brings me to my research question: how does Maurits Cornelis Escher’s Regular Division of the Plane with Birds relate to the tiling view of the torus? Tessellations and the torus are related to mathematics in the areas of geometry, topology, and the geometry of space. “A regular tiling of polygons (in two dimensions), polyhedras (three dimensions), or polytopes (n dimensions) is called a tessellation.” (Weisstein, Eric W.). Tessellations, or regular divisions of the plane, cover the

  • The Seven Bridges of Königsberg

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    Around the date 1763, a problem arose in Königsberg, Germany (Diestel). This problem began with a few curious citizens but soon spread to scientists and other intellects, and eventually became known as the Königsberg Bridge Problem. The town of Königsberg was cut into four separate land masses by the river Pregel (Green). At the time, Königsberg was a large trading city, valuable because of its position on the river. The prosperity of the city allowed the people to build seven bridges so citizens

  • Child Support Case Summary

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    Mr. McCoy’s testimony revealed that his first issue is regarding the custodial parent (CP), Sabrina Durant Hawthorne. He stated the CP has not had his daughter, Daisha Durant, since she was three years old. He stated he mailed the court order that stated that the child support was to stop to the DHR. He stated he received a garnishment from his bank account and did not understand why. He stated that he called Child Support and was told that he owed the CP $3,000.00; he did not understand why

  • Mesh, Bus, Ring And Star Topologies

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    Mesh, Bus, Ring and Star Topologies Mesh A mesh topology typically refers to a Wide Area Network where there are multiple paths connecting multiple sites. A router is used to search multiple paths and determine the best path for the data. Routes are determined by least cost, time of day and performance. A three or four site mesh network is relatively easy to create, whereas it is impractical to set up a mesh network of 100 sites or nodes. Mesh networks are used in Wide Area Networks (WANs) where

  • The Seven Bridges of Königsberg

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    of the ancient city of Königsberg posed a famous and almost problematic challenge a few centuries ago. But this isn’t just about the math problem; it’s also a story about a famous Swiss mathematician named Leonhard Euler who founded the study of topology and graph theory by solving this problem. The effects of this problem have lasted centuries, and have helped develop several parts of our understanding of mathematics. We don’t hear too much about Euler, but he is one of the most important and influential

  • Litzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Research Paper

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    in 4-dimensional space. Brouwer was a Dutch mathematician who founded mathematical intuitionism, which is a doctrine that views the nature of mathematics as mental constructions governed by self-evident laws, and whose work completely transformed topology which is the study of the most basic properties of geometric surfaces and configurations. The life of Brouwer is easily summarized. His upbringing was entirely uneventful. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer was born on February 27, 1881 in Overschie, Amsterdam

  • Anderson Redding Case Study

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    With economic decline in full effect, the city of Anderson is on track to become a ghost town. Anderson is located in Northern California, 150 miles north of Sacramento, and a 10-minute drive to Redding. The primary source of the problem is in Anderson’s Downtown which is defined as I-5 to 273 and North Street to Balls Ferry (See Reference 1). Nearby attractions include the Sacramento River, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and the Mt Shasta Mall (Things Web). However, all the main attractions are found

  • Paper On Leonhard Euler

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    Leonhard Euler A world relying so heavily on technology was not something that anyone hundreds of years ago could have predicted. In today’s modern society, computers can be seen practically everywhere. Computers can be programmed to do an unimaginable list of things, making them one of the most useful technologies. However, the people that use them seem to forget that the backbone of computers and technology is math. Mathematics is one of the core subjects that are associated with computing, and

  • Summary: The Thames Barriers

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    The Thames barrier is a barrier system that consists of 2 different types of gates: falling radial gates and rising sector gates. The falling radial gates are held in position over the river and are non-navigable. The Rising sector gates rest on the river beds allowing the traffic to pass over them in the open position. The gates are rotated by hydraulic cylinders and the whole barrier takes approximately one and a half hours to close, usually taking place after low tide. The barrier creates a solid

  • A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference

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    A Kantian Interpretation of Demonstrative Reference ABSTRACT: According to Kant, we refer to what is out there in the world by performing a demonstrative act, like pointing at an object with a finger. A Kantian mode of demonstrative reference is characterized by the existence of a real, 2-placed affective relation between an intuiting subject and the referent. Parsons suggests that Kantian intuition is both singular and immediate, and immediacy demands an object of intuition to be present, a condition

  • Frequency Data

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    As a student of Saint Leo, it is our responsibility to uphold and utilize our core values. The core vale of “Excellence” states as follows, “All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders” (Florida Catholic University). Using and creating opinions on data leaves one vulnerable to data fraud and other unethical qualms. In order to uphold the integrity

  • Architecture And The Experience Of Architecture By Bernard Tschumi

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    Bernard Tschumi was a one of the few architects that connected with the people and essential focused on the inhabitants. He did not care how you should inhabit it, but what you experience from it. These experiences essentially become stories of events that are eventually retold events. Tschumi argues that these events or in other words sequences that establish a memory of the proceeding frame or space. These sequences often tell a story or follow a scenario. The architecture itself becomes part of

  • The Structure of Wholeness

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    The Structure of Wholeness Using a part-whole-calculus the vague concept of wholeness is rendered precisely as the structure of an atomic boolean lattice. The so-defined prototypical structure of wholeness has the status of a category, since every element of our experience may be considered as an intended application of it. This will be illustrated using examples from different ontological spheres. The hypothetical and therefore fallible character of the structure is shown in its inadequacy in

  • Five Stage Group Development Model

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    According to our textbook, there are five stages that develop throughout group development. The five stage group development model characterizes group as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The forming stage is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership. The storming stage is one of intergroup conflict. The norming stage is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common set of expectations

  • Essay On Richard Dedekind

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    Richard Dedekind was famous for his redefinition of irrational numbers, as well as his analysis of the nature of number, his work on mathematical induction, the definition of finite and infinite sets, and his work in number theory, particularly on algebraic number fields. Before Dedekind came along there was no real definition for real numbers, continuity, and infinity. He also invented the Dedekind cut, naming it after himself of course. The Dedekind cut is a cut on ... ... middle of paper ...

  • Gaspard Monge Research Paper

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    Gaspard Monge, also known as Count de Péluse, was born on Monday, the 9th of May, 1746 in Beaune, Bourgogne, France. He was the son of Jacques Monge and Jeanne Rousseaux. During his childhood his father was a small merchant. Later in 1777 Monge was wed to Cathérine Huart. Gaspard died on Tuesday, the 28th of July in the year 1818 in Paris, France. Monge majored in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and education. During his 72 years of life Monge created descriptive geometry and also laid the

  • Unplanned Group Termination

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    The goal of the ending stage is for the group members and the worker to have a clear conclusion where they evaluate both the positive and the negative elements of the group and their experiences. This can help members transition to their post-group (or Post worker) reality, as well as show them healthy ways to cope with endings while reflecting and learning from the experiences they had. What are the differences in planned and unplanned endings in groups? Closed, time-limited groups, workers and

  • Different Types of Topologies

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    A Mesh topology is a style of connecting computers in a network in a fashion where every link has a redundant path. A mesh topology is also known as a self healing network in that if a segment of the network fails for what ever reason then the data can still be transmitted across another linked path. This would include possibly hoping across a few extra network segments to reach the destination but it would be able to do it. This redundancy of course comes with a price for the extra pathing that

  • advantages of topologies

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    Network topologies have some advantages and some disadvantages as well. This essay discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of three of these main topology technologies, to mention, the ring, the bus, and the star, showing the associated wiring types for each one of these topologies. In the ring topology, each node is connected to two other nodes, hence, “data sent between nodes will typically require paths of at least two links” (Mansfield, K. C., & Antaonakos, J. L., 2010, p. 27). Among