Unplanned Group Termination

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The goal of the ending stage is for the group members and the worker to have a clear conclusion where they evaluate both the positive and the negative elements of the group and their experiences. This can help members transition to their post-group (or Post worker) reality, as well as show them healthy ways to cope with endings while reflecting and learning from the experiences they had.

What are the differences in planned and unplanned endings in groups?

Closed, time-limited groups, workers and members decide how many times the group will meet. This is an example of planned group endings. Workers will have a specific time as to when to close the group’s work and summarize it. Summaries remind members of the tasks they have agreed to work on after they stop going to meetings. Unplanned group termination occurs when a person or a group no longer needs the professional services. This can occur because the members condition has improved, their goals have been met, or the content of therapy has changed. Unplanned termination of membership is a relatively common experience. Sometimes termination occurs before the planned end date. Early termination can have various reasons; external factors, group deviancy, or problems in developing intimate relationship are some of the …show more content…

This can be done by helping members gain confidence in their existing coping skills as well as develop new ones. Having members summarize what they have learned in the group as well as name general principles are also effective ways to help members see how they can be applied to other situations. Leaders also need to help members become more aware of their own abilities to resolve their problems. Exercises such as roleplaying are essential in learning how to practice these

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