Albus Dumbledore Essays

  • Biblical Themes Within the Harry Potter Series

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    Potter died for the wizarding world much like Jesus Christ died willingly for our sins. After they died, they were resurrected by a father figure. Harry was resurrected by Albus Dumbledore in a way. After Voldemort tried to murder him a second time using the killing curse Harry went into a dream state where he met with Dumbledore who gave him a choice to live or die. Jesus and Harry are more alike than people think. It's not just because they both died for the people around them. Jesus Christ stripped

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Reveiw

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    directing of the movie and acting of the movie stars. I agree with Ebert’s view on Michael Gambon’s acting. “Gambon steals the show as Dumbledore, who for a man his age certainly has some new tricks … up his sleeve…,” which relates to Dumbledore tricking his student, Harry, into going with him on the trip to the underground cave. Where Harry was forced to give Dumbledore the Drink of Despair, a mysterious poisonous potion that has to be drunken in order to receive the Horcrux, a piece of Voldermort’s

  • Free Will In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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    The Power of Free Will The journey from childhood to adulthood is filled with many challenges with the desired outcome being a successful entry into adulthood. Almost everyone can relate to learning about the significance of family, how to win the respect of peers, how to value humility, the forces of good and evil, and right and wrong, and when it’s time to rebel or follow the rules. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling, is an adventure story set in Surrey, England. It’s about

  • Antihero Research Paper

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    An antihero is something that a lot of people tend to think about it in a fairly one dimensional facet. They imagine an antihero as a clear-cut contrast to the main hero, but that’s just not what an antihero is. An antihero is a literary device that can be used in many different ways. Some antiheroes are just clear cut contrasts, but most are not. There are some antiheroes, mostly seen in modern movies and TV, that are the actual hero, but they are fundamentally flawed. There are other antiheroes

  • Character Analysis of Harry Potter

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    In the novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K Rowling introduces her main character, a 11-year old British wizarding student, Harry Potter. Harry is described to have jet-black hair, green eyes, and to be pale, skinny, and bespectacled. While Harry was still and infant, he was responsible for the downfall of a dark and powerful wizard, as a result his name is known to everyone wizarding world. In the novel, despite all the fame and admiration he has, Harry only recently finds out he

  • An Analysis Of Earnest Essay

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    Everyone has a poker face. Everyone has a bunbury. Everyone keeps secrets, and everyone lies. The question is, how does one tell if another is truthful about their intentions? There are many different cases in which one will lie about who they really are, but there is no telling when it is okay and if they can be forgiven. In many different stories that were read in Late British Literature this semester, we have characters that keep secrets from friends and loved ones. The simple truth is, people’s

  • “One Man of Courage Makes a Majority”

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    rightly, to preserve one’s virtue, whether or not you consciously decide so or not? Is courage not found in the very heart and soul of an individual, rather than a calculated and deliberate decision to act so? Albus Dumbledore certainly thought so. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Summer 1881 – June 1997) was the Transfiguration Professor, Deputy Head and later Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Order of Merlin, First Class; Supreme Mugwump of the International

  • Analyzing Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2 Opening Scene

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    Hello, today I will be speaking about a 40 second segment clip I have chosen in the opening scene of Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows Part 2. However, firstly I will give you a short recap up to this point. Through the whole series, Harry Potter, the protagonist, is a teenage boy growing with the reputation of the only person to survive the curse of killing. This killing curse was cast by the villain of the series, Voldemort. A very impressive wizard who has extreme power which he uses for evil

  • Secondary Characters in Harry Potter

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    and the Sorcerer's Stone, we see more than just our main character closing in on his toughest opponents and overthrowing them on his own. The other characters in the story contribute a substantial amount to Harry's success. From Hagrid to Snape, Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers at Hogwarts School's of Witch Craft and Wizardry- without them, but not forgetting the question less Ron and Hermione, Harry would be nothing more than a young boy with a scar and a lucky fight. Ripped apart between

  • Compare And Contrast Harry Potter Book And Book

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    Take Dumbledore for instance; in the book he is the lovable kooky head master, who has immense love for Harry. In contrast to the novel, he is quite serious. He is still loved by everyone surrounding him, but he is missing that extra wacky sense of humor the book

  • Ethics Video Paper: Conformity Bias and Fundamental Attribution Error

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    When considering business related ethics, it is important to take into account ethics in general. Two such important sub topics within ethics are the dangers of Conformity Bias and the threats imposed by the Fundamental Attribution Error. On the “Ethics Unwrapped” site, two videos, each relating to and named after one of the previously mentioned topics are helpful in gaining knowledge about what these two topics are about and the potential ethical dilemmas they create. I believe these two topics

  • Stella Archer Chapter 10

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    *Two Years Later, 12 Years Old, Month of June* It was right after my 12th birthday, I woke up normally like I did every day in the palace today I was going to spend extensive time bonding with my elements. This was the most relaxing way for me to unwind. I went for a walk in the gardens Queen Frigga and the princes were there getting their daily lessons about the plants of Asguard. I loved all the plants in Queen Frigga’s garden they were all so beautiful. Queen Frigga didn’t even turn around “Afternoon

  • Harry Potter Q&A

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    been living there ever since Voldemort killed his mother and father. 3. Mention the most important event (or events) in the story? In the end. When Harry is in the Headmasters office of Dumbledore and discovers the reason why he could defeat Voldemort when he was a baby. Here is a little sample of it. Dumbledore lowered his hands and surveyed Harry through his half-moon glasses. ‘It is time.' He said, ‘for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going

  • The Opening Scenes of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

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    wallpaper fame) and Lord Dunsany. Before the publication of the trilogy, in the 1950s, fantasy writing rarely reached publication. Traditional sett... ... middle of paper ... ...e characters introduced in the opening of 'Harry Potter' (Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid) are incredibly nice. However sometimes film openings are too sweet, almost saccharine. 'Harry Potter' barely escapes becoming one of these films. But escape it does, and the end result is a cute, tasteful opening, suitable

  • Harry Potter's Development of Friendships

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    around each other. During many occasions, Ron risks getting into trouble to help Harry out. When Malfoy dares Harry... ... middle of paper ... ...ds, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Neville, who has never been praised for anything, won points from Dumbledore who ended saying, “ ‘It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends’ ” (306). Harry Potter begins his life as a loner because his relatives did not want to acknowledge him. At Hogwarts

  • Summary Of The Setting Of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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    TITLE: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling SETTING: The story has more than one setting first it starts in a suburb of London sometime in the summer. Later on the story moves around from hotels to huts. After that the story reaches its main setting point sometime in September its location is somewhere in Scotland and its Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. And the next 9 months of the story are set here. PLOT: The Dursleys seemed as a very ordinary family the wore

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is an excellent book. Out of ten stars I would rate this one an eight because it was to short. Once you get into it and finish it. It seems so short, because it is so interesting. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban starts out with a bang. In the beginning Sirius black a Man accused of thirteen murders in one night escapes from Azkaban.( A wizard prison guarded to the tee by dementors, deadly spirits that feast

  • Character Analysis Of Dumbledore

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    Dumbledore : The Dumb one Adored When you think of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, besides his vastly long name, what comes to mind? For most, it isn’t the fact that Dumbledore is an extremely flawed character, but it should be. Firstly, the things he put Harry through are unacceptable. Secondly, what was he thinking hiring all those terrible/questionable Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers? Dumbledore’s reputation should not be sugar coated and molded into him being a perfect man -

  • Greed Essay

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    achievement is negative but geed associated with the feeling of achieving something for the betterment of the society, humanity or ones family can have several positive outcomes. In the very famous book Harry Potter, two of the most vital characters Albus Dumbledore and... ... middle of paper ... ...mage is out in public. The promises made by them at the time of the election take a backseat. If a person even creates a false image of themselves but full fills all the commitments made by them and helps

  • Loss Of Loved Ones In Harry Potter And The Book Thief

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    and moral decisions are at some point determined by the memories and beliefs of their loved ones. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry’s actions are solely determined by the memories and beliefs of his lost loves ones, specifically Albus Dumbledore. Subsequently, in The Book Thief, Liesel Meminger’s actions in