Abkhazia Essays

  • Conflicts After the Break Up the Soviet Union: The Conflict on the Territory of Georgia

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    between Georgia and the region of Abkhazia distinguishes itself as one of the bloodiest, most consequential and most unresolved. It caused tens of thousands of casualties and led to the displacement of about 250,000 people. (Oksana, 2005) The conflict on the territory of Georgia began as a result of declaration of independence of Abkhazia by Abkhaz Supreme Soviet fostered by Soviet Federation. On August 14, 1992, a fratricidal war broke out on the resort beaches of Abkhazia, a small territory of the newly

  • Discordant Neighbours Summary

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    selective approach regarding the time period and sources can also be applied to George Hewitt’s work Discordant Neighbours: A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts. The author mentions the neighboring region to Abkhazia, Megrelia, and argues that “every attempt should be made to encourage” Megrelians to “regain their self-awareness” as a distinct ethnic group since the Georgian identity has been forced on them in 1930s. In fact, a clear majority of Megrelians have

  • My Father's Life

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    able to describe his/her life the way great writers do.” This was my father’s first response to my request of knowing more about his past life. My father, Ruben Aslanian, was born on April 12 the year 1951 in a small village of Abkhazia called Mteesoubanee. Abkhazia was part of the Georgia republic during the mid nineteenth century and Georgia was one of the fourteen republics of the outdated Soviet Union. The village my father lived in does not have anything in common with the villages of the

  • Should People Use Military Force Justified?

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    For example, in 2008, Russia attacked the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. The reason being that the conflict centered on “South Ossetia and Abkhazia, two ‘breakaway provinces’ in Georgia”(2008 Georgia Russia Conflict Fast Facts), who were supported by Russia. Military power was not justified by Russia, but Georgian military forces certainly had the right to defend its country and keep it from

  • The Ukraine Crisis

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    Crimea successfully severed ties. These sort of intrusive actions aren’t necessarily new for Moscow. Russia invaded Georgia in 2008. Ultimately the West mounted enough diplomatic pressure to end that short lived conflict. However, Russia did seize Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which Russian troops still occupy. The US, along with European... ... middle of paper ... ... deploying international monitors and a general de-escalation of the situation. Another matter of contention is the amount of federalization

  • Transnistria Case Study

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    Located between the Moldovan-Ukrainian border and the River Dniester, the territory of Transnistria covers approximately 4160 km2 where over half million people live (Blakkisrud and Kolstø, 2013). In 1992, the civil conflict broke out in Transnistria (Cantir and Kennedy, 2015). When the former 14th Soviet Army interfered with the insurgent side, the Moldovans had to withdraw (Blackkisrud and Kolstø, 2013). It was thanks to Moscow that the attacks and fighting between Moldova and Transnistria were

  • Disadvantages Of Vegetables

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    micrograms of vitamin C, and has 38.6 calories and 0.1 grams of fat. There are about thirty different names for Chayote worldwide. Originally native to Mesoamerica, the crops main regions for growth are now Brazil, Costa Rica, Veracruz, Mexico and Abkhazia. The United States receives chayote mainly from

  • Importance Of Grand Strategy For Small States

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    4. Grand strategy for small states To be a small state, even it declared itself as a neutral, is a question of to be conscious of the size that small states have and the possibilities that gives to the state and which also are the pitfalls. Thus, small states have an opportunity to be extremely agile and they need to take very swift decisions and to play on different agendas. The small states have to be very aware of the political changes of the world, because the small states cannot play in all

  • Andrew Brener: Why Did Crimea Wrong His Own Way?

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    INTRODUCTION On March 16, 2014, the ataman of the Cossack was on the polls in the center of Sevastopol. He was dressed in a military uniforms, in a hat made from the lamb’s fur and in a bulletproof vest. He came to observe that everything were right during the vote. He readily interviewed the Russian journalists and complained that Europe often followed the instructions of the United States. The same opinion had Johann Goodinen who was a member of the Austrian Freedom Party. He arrived as an authorized

  • To Become or Not to Become a Memeber of NATO

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    would provoke regional relations with the Russian Federation . Georgia’s prospects for future membership were further postponed in August of 2008 when they entered an armed conflict with the Russian Federation over the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The five day conflict between the Russian Federation and Georgia ceased after an outcry from the international community. Although the S... ... middle of paper ... ...s should continue efforts to ensure the security of Georgia during their development

  • Issues in Defining the Black Sea Region

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    The Black Sea region is a disputed notion that is geographically bound to the actual area of the Black Sea, which comprises according to different sources: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and going beyond possibly integrating other countries that are economically, strategically and by means of security liked to the region (M. Aydin, 2004). This crossroad of geopolitical

  • An Analysis Of Bok Choy

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    Bok Choy also referred to as Chinese cabbage is considered part of the "head-forming" group of vegetables, which also includes vegetables like kale, broccoli, and cauliflower. One cup has 9 calories, 1 gram of protein, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of dietary fiber, 0 grams of cholesterol and 0.1 grams of polyunsaturated fat. Bok Choy offers several vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, sodium, copper, manganese, selenium, niacin, folate, choline, beta-carotene and vitamin K.

  • The Importance Of Vacations In Kenya

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    Exploring a vacation is always filled with excitement. Traveling far from countries has become simply due to technology. Selecting a destination is the prime most task of planning a vacation. We always notice the must-see places in the world. The least talked about countries are one to better avoid. These less talked about countries are the danger zoned places in the world. The increasing crime rates, Political strife, economic unrest, terrorist attack, disease outbreak has made these countries

  • The Solution to the Ukrainian Crisis

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    Summary Political crisis in Ukraine has been dubbed as the biggest confrontation between the East and the West since the end of the Cold War. As the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine was annexed by the Russian Federation, the escalation of the current crisis is increasingly probable. While pro-Russian demonstrators are protesting in the eastern Ukraine, especially in Luhansk and Donetsk, approximately 40,000 Russian troops are amassed close to the Ukrainian border. Despite numerous attempts from the

  • Socio-Economic Impact of the Nagorno- Karabakh Conflict

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    V. SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICT Azerbaijan – incurred damages and unseized opportunities After the restoration of its independence in 1991, the Republic of Azerbaijan experienced a drastic decline in its economic output. The GDP decreased annually 13-20% and in 1994, according to the related data from the International Monetary Fund, GDP with the official exchange rate reached 2.258 billion USD that indicated the fact that the national economy was significantly weakened