Stomata Count Experiment Lab Report

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Stomata Count Experiment


To peel the epidermis layer from underneath of the plant leaf and count the average distance between the stomata.

Background Info

Guard cells open and close to let stomata take in Carbon Dioxide that is required for plants to make glucose in photosynthesis, the Carbon Dioxide comes in through stomata, which consist of guard cells which contract and relax (become turgid and flaccid) depending on the amount of water that inside them making them turgid.

Each part of the leaf needs an equal amount of carbon dioxide; otherwise the part with less carbon dioxide would die.


The distance between the stomata should be equal because each part of …show more content…

It should be available in the cap of the nail varnish


1. Take the leaf, open the nail varnish bottle and apply the nail varnish with the brush to the underside of the leaf.

2. Wait 5-10 minutes.

3. Rip the leaf in two halves. There should be a transparent layer visible. If not, rip one of the halves again and again until a sufficiently big piece can be peeled off.

4. Use the tweezers to peel off the piece of epidermis. Peel slowly to make sure that the piece doesn’t rip accidentally.

5. Place the piece on the slide and use the pipette to apply the

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