Solar Cell Electricity

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In order to competently compare photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cell's production of electricity i.e. solar cell electricity, they both must be defined. Photosynthesis is defined as, (Biology Online, 2010) “The synthesis of complex organic material using carbon dioxide, water, inorganic salts, and light energy (from sunlight) captured by light-absorbing pigments, such as chlorophyll and other accessory pigments.” According to Thomas gale, ( Thomas gale, 2006), solar cells create electrical energy by converting sun light into electricity by using photovoltaic effect. These processes are similar because they both require sun light, transform that sun light and both processes are environmentally friendly. Photosynthesis and semiconductor –based solar cell production of electricity have many differences. These processes differ by their transformation method. Also, Photosynthesis occurs naturally in nature where as solar cell electricity is manufactured. Lastly, solar cell technology isn’t nearly as successful as photosynthesis. A Concluding the comparison of photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cell's production of electricity will engage how both relate to the Laws of Thermodynamics. Having introduced the concept of this paper and defined these two processes it’s time to move on to their similarities.

Photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cell's production of electricity are closely related. The first and most basic is that they both perform the same function. The both process solar energy. Solar powered technology is often referring to as artificial photosynthesis. Both processes harness the suns energy in order to convert it into a usable form. Actually the transforming into a usable form fr...

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