Social Phobia or Anxiety Disorder

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Having anxiety is common and a part of everyday life however; there is a huge difference between a fear and a social phobia or anxiety disorder. The difference and important distinction psychoanalysts make between a fear and a phobia is “a true phobia must be inconsistent with the conscious learning experience of the individual” (Karon 1). Patients with true phobias “do not respond to cognitive therapy but do respond well to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy” (Karon 2). Social phobia is a serious anxiety disorder that should not be taken lightly or mistaken as a fear you will simply grow out of the older you get. Social phobia has the power to destroy lives and can prevent people from living and enjoying their life to the fullest. Social phobia is a disabling condition that often starts between the ages of early childhood and late adolescence. The origins of social phobia can be linked to “traumatic social experiences and social isolation” (Hudson118-120). Social phobia is treatable however; research and statics show that not many seek help. Social phobia is “shyness taken to an extreme” (Myers 323). The origins of social phobia can be linked to “traumatic social experiences and social isolation” (Hudson118-120). A traumatic social experience can be “being laughed at or making a mistake in situations such as being called on to talk in class, being on a first date, speaking in public or being at a party”(Hudson 118). Social isolation includes “being teased, bullied, laughed at, rejected, neglected, or isolated from other children. Research from Allison G. Harvey shows that certain events around the time social fears being are when people are changing schools or work at 50.9%, not fitting in with or being ostracized by a p... ... middle of paper ..., Russell C., Amy Kimball, and Erin L. Stroup. "Understanding and Treating Social Phobia." Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD 82.1 (2004): 3-9. ProQuest. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. Fairbrother, Nichole. "The Treatment of Social Phobia – 100 Years Ago." Behaviour Research and Therapy 40.11 (2002): 1291-304. Print. Harvey, Allison G., Anke Ehlers, and David M. Clark. "Learning History in Social Phobia." Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 33.3 (2005): 257-71. ProQuest. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. Hudson, J. L., and R. M. Rapee. "The Origins of Social Phobia." Behavior Modification 24.1 (2000): 102-29. Print. Karon, Bertram P., PhD., and Widener, Anmarie J,M.S.W., PhD. "Cognitive Fears and Psychoanalytic Phobias." Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 15.1 (2013): 59-63. ProQuest. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. Myers, David G. “Psychology in everyday life” 2nd ed. Print.

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