Saviour in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Elizabeth gave a small inaudible sigh as she walked through the white grounds of Longbourn, not even pretending to be listening to the constant ramblings of her companion. Instead, she was paying much more attention to the snow that was crunching beneath her feet and to the refreshing cool breeze that hit her face as she walked. She had hoped that her sister Kitty would make this time spent with Mr Collins more bearable, but it seemed that Kitty had suddenly developed an extremely quick pace and was out of their sight soon after they left the house. Elizabeth deduced that this was probably the doing of her mother, who had been trying to get her alone with Mr Collins for days. Elizabeth was a great lover of long walks and even heavy snow or rain could rarely keep her indoors. However, when her mother had suggested that Elizabeth and Kitty take a walk with Mr Collins, Elizabeth declined without a second’s thought since he was not pleasant company. Furthermore, soon after his arrival in Hertfordshire two weeks ago, he had been making advances towards Elizabeth that were wholly unwelcome and undesirable. At first, Elizabeth could not contemplate the reason why Mr Collins would choose herself over Jane; Jane, the eldest Miss Bennet, was decidedly Elizabeth’s superior in beauty and in any almost any other way. Later, she came to realise that her mother had actually discouraged Mr Collins from paying such attentions to Jane, due to the fact that she was certain her most beautiful and kindest daughter could do much better. With regards to her second eldest daughter, she was convinced that Elizabeth would become an old spinster if she did not manage to ‘catch’ Mr Collins. And so, despite her daughter’s reluctance, the mistress of Longbou... ... middle of paper ... slightly numb from the cold and she lost her balance on the slippery ground. Consequently, she tripped forwards onto the iced waters of the lake. She initially thought herself safe, but the relatively thin sheet of ice could not stand the pressure of her weight and instantly began to crack, meaning that Elizabeth fell into the cold waters of the deep lake below. As a child, Elizabeth and her friends had spent many summers playing in and around this lake but now, her heavy clothing and boots made it impossible for her to swim out of its treacherous black waters. She could just about manage to keep herself afloat but could feel herself quickly losing control. Knowing that she was not going to be able to get out of this dilemma by herself, Elizabeth started to cry out for help. At first, all hope seemed to be lost but she then heard some heavy footsteps in the snow.

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