Robotics: The Visual Simulation Displays

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The visual simulation displays:
• A specific agents traversability or visibility map upon request • A background image unique to that scenario
• Agents moving around the workspace area
• Current agent’s actions
The simulation’s primary goal is to confirm the author’s claim that implementing the method outlined in Failure An- ticipation in Pursuit-Evasion will provide the ability to get assistance to the primary pursuer within the visibility criteria.
This claim is tested using all three scenarios mentioned above.
The secondary goal is to measure the amount of time it takes to discover potential failures as the time horizon increases. A regression analysis is performed on the data to determine the rate of change. The rate of chance is then compared to the author’s results. The goal is to have the rate of change less than the O(h3) limit cited by the authors.
Searching problems can be studied using many different constraints on the problem (Fig. 2). Failure Anticipation in
Pursuit-Evasion mentions about some the constraints the au- thors decided to use but not all of their decisions. The authors specified heterogeneous search group, use of a finite discrete graph and number of targets. This leaves a lot of implemen- tation details such as target’s motion, pursuer’s motion and pursuer’s sensory model that are not explicitly stated. The lack of details on those topics is expected because the algorithm discussed in the paper does not focus on these items. But, the lack of these details add uncertainty when attempting to replicate and evaluate their results.
There are also a few important difference between this paper’s implementation and the methods described in Failure
Anticipation in Pursuit-Evasion because of a lack o...

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...l exploration task. If the high value pursuer could take target location into account while still exploring the environment you could greatly reduce the cost of providing support while increasing the likelihood that the visibility criteria will always be met.
Sixth, apply D*-lite ideas to the failure prediction algorithm to get better performance. Between time steps the failure prediction graph nodes don’t change very much. You could leverage this by caching and reusing the nodes, similar to
D*-lite, between failure checks to greatly reduce the cost of predicting potential visibility failure.

Works Cited

[1] C. Robin and S. Lacroix, Failure anticipation in pursuit-evasion. Proceed- ings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Sydney, Australia, July, 2012.
[2] T. Chung, G. Hollinger, and V. Isler., Search and pursuit-evasion in mobile robotics. Autonomous Robots, 2011.

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