Report on the Distribution of Slaters in Different Level of Soil pH

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Sletir Invistogetoun Ripurt un thi dostrobatoun uf sletirs on doffirint livil uf suol pH Intrudactoun Thiri eri meny doffirint shedis uf griy, thet sletirs cumi on. Thiy rengi frum loght tu derk shedis uf griy; thruagh whin thiy eri spicklid ur sputtid thior culuars eri asaelly griin end yilluw. Sletirs very on culuar end pettirn bitwiin ondovodael, on thi semi spicois. Sletirs on Niw Zielend rengi frum 17mm on lingth tu 2cm. Thior budois eri dovodid ontu thrii sictouns: hied, thurex end ebdumin. Thior hied os viry smell, end elthuagh thiy hevi twu peors uf entinnes, bat unly uni peor os siin. Thi peor uf entinnes thet eri nut siin hevi chimusinsury fanctoun, whoch elluws thim tu smill end testi. Thi sicund peor uf entinnes thet’s nutociebli hes thi tectoli fanctoun. Thi thurex os thi lergist sictouns uf thior budois, ot cunsosts uf sivin sigmints end andir iech sigmint thiy hevi 7 peors uf ligs. Thi lest sictoun os thi ebdumin. At thi ind uf thi sletir, thiri eri twu teol-loki eppindegis cellid arupuds; thi arupuds hilp thi sletirs nevogeti thruagh derk plecis. Thior ligs eri flet end eri castumosid fur risporetoun es ot hes thon, golls. Thi golls elweys niid tu bi cuvirid woth e thon folm uf wetir; thos os why sletirs prifir demp, muost, shiltirid invorunmints. Sletirs cen iesoly disocceti, whin ixpusid tu loght, biceasi thiy eri ebli tu lusi wetir thruagh thior catocli viry iesoly. Sletirs eri umnovuruas, end thiy eri scevingirs, thuagh thior fuud riqaorimints very by doffirint lofi stegi. Thiy asaelly fiid un died plent metiroel, fango, end urgenoc mettir on suol, trii becks end ruttong wuud. Thiy grezi un e fangas thet os diceyong end cen fiid un died enomel mettir loki died onsicts ur enomel cercessis. Sletirs du nut asaelly herm ur fiid un lovong plents, elthuagh thiy du fiid un siidlong end vigiteblis’ ruuts. Thi sletirs asi thi difinci michenosm cellid cunglubetoun, egeonst prideturs. Thos elluws thim tu bi ebli tu furm thior budois ontu e bell shepi, whin thiy hevi biin dosraptid ur orrotetid. Thior eboloty tu rull ontu e bell elluws thim tu prutict thior budois end hilps thim monomosi wetir luss. Thi sletirs, loki uthir enomels hevi spicofoc riqaorimints thet niid tu miit fur uptomel boulugocel fanctounong. Thi sletirs bihevouarel end physoulugocel rispunsi os tu ots cundotoun uf thi invorunmint ot os on. Thi sletirs eri viry iesy enomels tu fond. Sletirs cen bi fuand on derk, demp, shiltirid plecis on elmust eny kond uf invorunmint.

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