Procedures in the Criminal Justice System

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“The criminal process is part of the State’s response to crime, part of the mechanism which the State applies substantive criminal law to its citizens”. (Ashworth & Redmayne, 2005, p.2)

Within this essay, I will be looking at the procedures in the Criminal Justice System. Before laying the foundations of this work, I will briefly dedicate a few lines on what the Criminal Justice System is about. A Criminal Justice System is a set of legal and social establishments for carrying out the criminal law in agreement with a definite set of procedural regulations and restrictions.

In every country there is a need to shield, guard and protect people and their properties. The creation of laws is an indispensable form of protection and the establishment of a system to apply and to enforce these laws, is imperative. In this work I will be looking at the Procedures in the Criminal Justice System in the UK.

As it is outlined in the Aims and Objectives section of the Criminal Justice System online, “The purpose of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is to deliver justice for all, by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop offending, while protecting the innocent. It is responsible for detecting crime and bringing it to justice; and carrying out the orders of court, such as collecting fines, and supervising community and custodial punishment”. (

According to Malcom, D, et al. (2010), the Criminal Justice System in the UK has been developed over many centuries and by the 20th century its primary focus was on the way someone who is indicted of a crime is dealt with. In the UK, three main elements constitute the Criminal Justice System, the law enforcement, adjudication or el...

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...with a reward system for good behavior whilst at the same time, great effort is being put forward to instruct and train the prison inhabitants in becoming good citizens.

As a result then, in the UK the correction establishment is not only the final point in the Criminal Justice System, it is also held accountable for two essential responsibilities, that is, to penalize for any given crime and to rehabilitate the criminal.

Works Cited

Ashworth, A., & Redmayne, M. (2005). The Criminal Process.( 3rd ed). Oxford University Press.New York

Cavadino, M., & Dignan, J.(2007). The Penal System : An Introduction. Sage Publications. London

CJS Criminal Justice System. Aims and Objectives. Retrieved from,

Davies, M., Croall, H., & Tyrer, J. (2010). Criminal Justice. (4th ed.). Pearson Education Limited. England

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