Peripheral Vision: Does Glasses or Contacts Help the Best?

565 Words2 Pages

Our peripheral vision is the part of our vision that occurs outside of our central vision. This means our peripheral vision occurs on the sides of our eyes. The reason we have peripheral vision is to see objects and movement out of our central vision. What we see in our peripheral vision is blurrier than direct vision.
Our eye is made up of three tunics, also known as layers. The first tunic contains the transparent cornea and the scelra. The sclera is the white of the eye. It helps maintain the shape of the eye. The transparent cornea allows the light to come through and completes two thirds of the focusing process. In the transparent cornea there are no blood vessels, but there are nerves. The second tunic consists of the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid. The iris is the colored part of the eye. It also controls the how much light can enter the eye. The ciliary body consists of the muscles that adjust the body of the lens. The choroid supplies all the tunics with blood from the vessels it contains. The last tunic holds the retina. “The retina is a light sensitive membra...

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