Informative Movies

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As a digital Cinema student, I have learned a lot about the different types of movies that are created every year and what makes them successful, and unsuccessful. With this bit of insight, I have discovered that I take a strong interest and drive for documentary films. I find them to be meaningful, and more productive than other types of movies. Some documentaries are created to expose the reality of the world for what it is, and I think that with everything going on in this world, that is effective and necessary. It was not until this year that I was able to actually compose some short documentary films myself, and I found that I really enjoy it. I watched the movie Food Inc, a film devoted to exposing the reality of the agriculture production. Directed by Robert Kenner, he was successful in highlighting that meat and vegetables made by our type of enterprise are unhealthy and damaging to the environment. I find it a very inspirational and informative movie that allowed me to think critically about what I buy. The information that was addressed and exposed helped me learn more about the food industry and how it works. They also included a segment in the movie about a woman who had lost her son to e coli. It centered on her struggle, and her determination to send out awareness about the people who run these factories are not careful and clean when packaging the meat that is in our super markets. The movie sums up a lot of aspects, but I think a lot of it is this idea that we trust what is put on the shelves for us to buy, when really we should not. We should question it, and be given the truth. This movie allowed me to create my own short documentary about the brand, “Great Value” that is sold in Wal-mart stores. I thought I ... ... middle of paper ... ...te a video that reveals the truth behind Wal-Mart brands. Everyone needs to eat, and coming up with a method of producing cheap, but an abundant amount is hard. Wal-mart has great value that is at least a dollar cheaper than other brands, if not more. So when putting food on the table with little amount of money, they resort to this brand. But the reality is, is Wal-Mart pays their packaging employees a unlivable wage so that they can sell their products at these prices. Is this far? Is it far that we do not know what is being injected into chickens to make them fatter for more meat? The chemicals then in turn are in the meat that we eat daily. A one and a half minute vs. a ninety-four minute movie is quite a difference but we both were able to spread awareness and knowledge to our audiences about these corporations that is pretty much at the center of this world.

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