Individual Place in Our Society Affects Our Experiences, Values, and Choices

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Individual place on our society affects our experiences, values, and choices My specific place in society really comes down to a few labels, Student, Uncle, son, adult, Albanian and provider of all els. Due to these roles I play I have a individual place in society that also comes with power and expectation. Experiences have become more meaningful growing out of adolescents, you see the world and society in a new light almost as if it was a different life. Each experience comes with a responsibility that one must acquire before really understanding that experience. My place in society also changes my values and needs. More so I find myself doing “adult” things and having these values placed upon myself then gain the needs to accommodate these values. I also find myself making more beneficial choices for family. My Individual place in society is primarily based on my family and close friends. Role theory is explained as an essential to general social life, and since birth roles, obligations and privileges all get attached to your individual status that was preset for you. Society has a standard for how one should act depending on there labels starting from being a male or female. Once you are labeled in society they create a social norm for you to follow which is just a set of basic rules one must follow to be what society thinks as the right way to be. Boys playing with solders and girls play with dolls is one example of how society makes that a standard for families to teach there children. William Shakespeare said “All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts” (Henslin). This is an example of the general social life ever... ... middle of paper ... ...thority. Culture is a very diverse social acceptance that normally only occurs within the culture itself, and the actions that are taken depend on what set of morals and beliefs that culture follows. As an Albanian the mind set is less diverse but more family oriented and plays off the importance of trust and respect more then anything. In conclusion our individual place in society is based on what roles we play. Different roles create a basis for different experiences and different values all from that role, and as a person who plays many roles each experience just builds on your own character. The more you are exposed to different social labels the greater chance that you will be under a social norm category. As a family oriented individual my place in society is more so based off of my family’s standards and most everything comes back to benefits for relatives.

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