the impossible dream

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It was just an ordinary day. The sun had just set and we were all sitting around the table eating dinner. My mother and father always asked us about our future and what we were hoping to accomplish. My brother and sister always explained how they wanted to go into the air force and be doctor. Of course I would just sit there and think about how I didn’t know what I wanted to be. But this particular night I had an idea of what I wanted to do! So before my mom and dad could get out of their mouth the question, I said “I know what I want to be!”. They all stared and asked what that might be and I replied, “A famous artist!” I said, “I want my paintings and sketchings to be shown worldwide!”. They told me that, that was all good and well but that there was a lot of steps to achieve this goal and that it wasn’t very realistic. But what they didn’t know was that very line pushed me to prove them wrong.

I started sketching and painting when I was about 12. I started liking what I was seeing and thats what gave me the idea that I wanted to be an artist. Of course there were many step...

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