othello and human nature

520 Words2 Pages

Human nature, what is it? Is it what defines us as humans, separating us from good and evil; or what? What ever it’d be, it relates to our daily; and in truth, human nature is the idea of good and evil. “Othello” by William Shakespeare, depicts the negative side of human nature. Shakespeare demonstrates innocence and lust together in play, in order to illustrate the ideas of ignorance, distress, hypocrisy, and honesty. Ironically, Shakespeare depicts positive aspects of human nature but later reputes them by portraying their contradictions in order to present the conclusion of humanity’s self-righteous greed. Shakespeare’s intent is to illuminate humanity’s greed which extends to human nature feeding off the idea of ostentation.
Shakespeare initializes “Othello” with a conversation between Iago, the antagonist, Roderigo, a separate antagonist, and Barbantio, Desdemona’s father. In their conversation, Iago and Roderigo proclaim to Barbantio utter nonsense and accusations of Othello, that despite their ridiculous credibility, Barbantio is persistent in agreeing and believing....

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