lung cancer

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The working of the lungs is vital to the human physical structure. They provide the body with oxygen to keep the cells happy and help to maintain homeostasis. There are many carcinogens that cause cancer leading to the lungs not to doing their job. Sometimes the cancer spreads and causes metastases. The patient’s medical diagnosis is malignant neoplasm of the bronchus and lung brain metastases.
The lungs are two large sacs within the human body that optimize gas exchange between the air breathed and the blood. (Lung cancer, 2013) The lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The lungs are made of spongy tissue, which allows for expansion and contraction. The lungs occupy most of the thoracic cavity. Because of the location of the heart the right lung is slightly larger than the left lung. The base of the lungs sits on the diaphragm allowing the diaphragm to help with breathing.
When breathing occurs, air enter through the mouth or/and nose and passes through the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. At this point in the body, the trachea splits off into the right and left bronchi....

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