The Bauhaus Essay

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In the year 1919 a design and architecture school was formed called the ‘Bauhaus’ (V.Ryan.2010). It is a German word, which means ‘house of architecture’, from Bau ‘building’ + Haus ‘house’ (oxford dictionaries).

The first division of School of Bauhaus was built in Weimar in the year 1919.In that the craftsman and artists taught school students a foundation course for six months. The second division of the school was opened in 1925 and was appreciated by the mayor of Dessau, as it was a perfect place where its heavy industry could join in the manufacturing of its products. Then the third division was briefly opened in berlin in 1933 but it couldn’t establish itself properly because of the rise of the Nazi party in Germany …show more content…

All of its openings rae completely closed to accentuate the vertical middle axis and emphasizing the closed wall sections on both sides. It was made by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer

6 master’s house
When Bauhaus school moved from Weimar to Dessau in 1925, Gropius not only built a school but also made a residences nearby. He thought for a detached house for a director and three identical house with studio appartments for the masters.

There are many more examples in which Walter Gropius have shown his creativity but his most refined and perfect example where he exercised his whole theory of fusion between arts and technology is The Bauhaus at Dessau (Germany)

It is the most famous architectural monument to modernism as it consisted three interlocked wings which formed a heterogeneous structure and a pin wheeled complex which is situated on both sides of the street. It also connects with a two floor administration wing, which also consist the Gropius’s office. there wasn’t any front/back ladders and technical quality of the glass facade showed gropius’s new invented concern for the industrial

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