Zombie Apocalypse Narrative

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Remember when you were little? And you were scared of all those things like monsters, witches, zombies, and more? Well in this town those “things” are real. They lurk in the woods and no one has ever come back alive to tell about it. A cold breeze came across Jason’s back. He had just gotten done running his daily run before school. His dog, Peter, was a waze ahead of him like normal. Jason ran past the house of his best friend, Carson, who was preparing for school. Just after school, Jason would meet all of his friends at the light post outside. The time was finally 2:45 and they were heading out to the light post. Jason walked home with his friends Marty, Matthew, Carson, and Jack. Every Friday, they hung out at Carson’s house. They all …show more content…

They did not know. It looked like a completely different forest. Nothing was familiar to the eye whatsoever. It was becoming dark and Jack was kind of spooked. Jason then heard a rustle in the leaves and jumped. Just then, the boys all looked at the bush and saw a pair of beady yellow eyes staring directly at them. The boys slowly backed away as it crept out of the bush. Matthew, looking horrified, then realized exactly what it was. A zombie, the same zombie that he was afraid of when he was little. It had the same beedy yellow eyes that got you into a trance. The group of young boys stood there horrified, looking like someone just died. Marty was the first to move a muscle. He sprinted up the trail not looking back. The rest of the boys broke shock and followed. Matthew, on the other hand, was in such a trance that he saw completely blurry vision and tripped over a log on the trail. The zombie moved in toward Matthew. With the rest of the group nowhere in sight, Matthew trembled frozen in fear. He smelled the hot breath of the zombie. It smelled like mustard and pumpkin. Matthew looked directly into the amber eyes of the monster as he watched his arm being ripped from his body. He fell into immediate shock staring down at his pants drenched with his own blood. He let out a soft scream as he collapsed on the …show more content…

He turned the corner and froze at the sight of his friend. A tear streamed down his horrified face as he sprinted toward his friends. They had heard the scream of Matthew and were scared to death. They needed to find a way out. Jason led the way through many trees and logs. They then found an opening to a small section of land, lined with sticks, that was completely clear. “Did you hear that?” questioned Marty. “That weird whoing noise?” responded Jack. The boys were still scared and trying to run as far as possible away from the zombie and were not in the mood for another scare. As soon as Jack asked the question, a flash of light went by. They all saw it and were skeptical. Just then, Jack spoke. “I feel really cold and weird, guys.” Suddenly, Jack snapped his body in a circle and beelined for the side of the creek. Jason called after him to stop and come back toward them, but Jack whipped his head around revealing those same beady eyes. He had been possessed by a ghost. Jason, Marty, and Carson called after him but were cautious to go near. He walked as if he were just wacked in the head with a frying pan. He was a different person. Over to the side of the creek he went. He jumped in. The boys scrambled over to try and grab him and bring him up, but he never came up. They were traumatized with fear and ran as far away as

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