Youth Football Ap Essay

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Robert Hill Common App Essay College Essay Throughout youth football I was an unnoticed player. I was cut from the A team in eighth grade. I was not the best kid on the field but I knew I could play better than some of the other kids that ere selected to be on the A team. I remember how bad it hurt to be told I didn’t make the team. Many of the kids quit when they found out they were on the B team. I was so emotional inside but I never complained, I showed up to practice everyday, I worked hard everyday, and I listened to the coach’s criticism and used it to make myself a better player. I was even on JV until my junior year in high school. However, Everything started to take shape my junior year. My work …show more content…

It felt like for a second I froze, there I was in my senior year of high school, standing in a circle with nine other kids that all made the A team I got cut from in eighth grade. Some of them were established varsity players that had played since sophomore year. My coach was about to announce who was elected. It was the moment of truth, he began to read the names off, and when I heard my name I could barley keep it together. The mere fact that I was considered was enough to make me grateful, not only that, but also my team put their faith in me to actually be a captain on our team. When we found out who the captains were, our team congratulated us and shook our hands, I was able to make it back to my room and I held my composure in front of my roommate, but when I got in the shower I cried for the for the first time since as long as I can remember. It is one thing to consider yourself a leader, but it is even greater when an entire team believes in you to lead them through the season. Nothing felt better than knowing all of my hard work paid off. My team put their faith in me and I was so grateful. I knew at that point my attitude needed to be even better than it was before, my work ethic needed to be better than before, and I needed to prove them all right. This moment of my life made me want to be a great person for other people, and that is the way I will

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