Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are Analysis

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Why do people feel powerless? Why do men or women feel like impostors when they have great careers? Can self-talk help solve our problems? There are many arguments about the effects of self-talk. Self-talk is talking to yourself aloud or silently to have a negative or positive influence. Amy Cuddy supports the strategy self-talk for situations whenever someone feels powerless. Cuddy gave a speech called, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,” in June of 2012. Kets de Vries disagree with technique of self-talk. In his article, “The Dangers of Feeling like a Fake” (published September 2006). He argues that the usage of self-talk results in neurotic imposter. Neurotic Impostors are men or women who have achievements, but feel like they do not deserve those (Vries “Dangers of Feeling like a Fake”. Amy Cuddy theory of self-talk can have a positive result or a negative result, which is neurotic imposter. Amy Cuddy explain in her Ted Talk the importance of body language and judgement. Cuddy states, “We make sweeping judgements and inferences from body language. And …show more content…

Vries article, “The Dangers of Feeling like a Fake”, he stress the issue of achievers feeling like imposters. Vries states, “In man walks of life- and business is no exception -there are high achievers who believe that they are complete fakes.” There are many reasons why men and women feel like imposters. Vries argues about the outcomes when people “fake it till you make it.” Lack of motivation, professionalism, and family structure are causes of neurotic impostors. Also, setting unrealistic goals can result in neurotic impostors. Vries’ article also addresses the danger of feeling like a fake. Neurotic impostors causes many consequences on their job, relationship, behavior, and life. Procrastination, feeling afraid, self-destructive behavior, usage of drugs, and destroying your own careers are results of feeling like a

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