Young Marriage Should Be Allowed Essay

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Reasons Why Young Marriages Shouldn’t Be Allowed Creating a family requires maturity, understanding, and responsibility. The age at what people should get married is a question which many people argue about. Every country has its own law toward the age to get married; for example, in Ecuador girls are allowed to marry at the age of 12, and boys are allowed to get married at the age of 14. However, people under the age of 18 should not be allowed to marry due to many reasons specifically because they don’t have enough ability to take care of their own families, they don’t have enough life-skills to accept their partners’ habits, manners, and attitude easily, and the most of young people under the age of 18 are not financially stable. Money is an integral part of every family’s life, as everything in our time has its price. People who get married at the age of 25 and older usually already have some financial stability, which means they have already received their education and have a stable job. Obviously, this is in comparison to young people under the age of 18. Family means daily expenses such as rent, utilities, food, household, medical services, fuel, child care, and much more. Additionally, young people have to sacrifice their education in order to find a job and take care of their families. Eventually, money causes fights and family discord. Sonya Britt, a Kansas State University researcher, author of the study titled Examining the Relationship Between Financial Issues and Divorce, in one interview for an article “Divorce Study” said, “Arguments about money [are] by far the top predictor of divorce. It’s not children, sex, in-laws or anything else. It’s money for both men and women.” Also, “Ameriprise Study On Couples and Money” shows that approximately 31% of all couples, even the happiest one, clash over their finances at least once a month, and one of the most common reasons of disagreement is a partner’s spending habits – 23%. One can easily assume that young people do not know how to spend

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