Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting

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Marriage is one of those things most women and some men look forward to in life. This generation is different from the rest of the generations before, where you had to get married by a certain age and follow a standard of living. Nowadays everyone has the option of getting married or not. There is so much individuality, and liberty to do whatever we please without lives that we can marry the same sex. Even if a couple does marry and say their vows that should mean so much to them, they are getting divorced the next day. “Among adults who have been married, the study discovered that one-third (33%) have experienced at least one divorce. That means that among all Americans 18 years of age or older, whether they have been married or not, 25% have gone through a marital split (New Marriage).” “Around the world, people are marrying later and divorcing often (Sernau).” Now that this epidemic of marriage and divorce has taken place over the last few generations parenting suffers a great deal.
Marriage is a bond and a union between couples and their families. It is not about romance but it is about love and sacrifice. In the book it stated how people feared loved. It caused war and disaster, especially if a person fell in love and married the wrong person it threatened the stability of the clan or kingdom. Marriage takes time to happen. It is a process in which two parties agree on. It is a time of nurturing a friendship first before the feelings of love take place, which is why in my culture, which is the Jesus culture, we do not recommend sex before marriage because it destroys the marriage before you even discuss marriage. Having sex before marriage clouds the mind and makes you blind to the truth because you’re so in love, so by back...

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...hy children.
Writing essays is uplifting for me because I get to learn new things and also see how much knowledge I have obtained on certain topics. Marriage, divorce, and parenting are not an easy thing. It takes time, commitment, and a willing heart. Perseverance is what will help one in the journey of marriage. Like any relationship is hard work, but when you see your hard work pay off it is rewarding to your family, and yourself.

Works Cited
"Marriage & Relationships." How Could Divorce Affect My Kids? N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
"New Marriage and Divorce Statistics Released - Barna Group." New Marriage and Divorce Statistics Released - Barna Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
Sernau, Scott. "Chapter 3 Gender and Family/ Marriage and Divorce." Global Problems: The Search for Equity, Peace, and Sustainability. Boston: Pearson/A and B, 2006. 83-84. Print.

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