You Belong With Me Synthesis

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I was listening to” You Belong With Me” by Taylor Swift the recently and a thought occurred to me about this catchy country-pop song. If you are unfamiliar with it, here is a summary. The song is an argument for how the cute boy should go out with a high school version Taylor Swift, which is simple enough in concept. Instead of just making a convincing argument of why the boy “ belongs” with her, Taylor Swift spends a good chunk of the song comparing herself to the other woman. Now, this could just simply be a vapid teen pop song, but I believe it is deeply indicative of the state of our society. We are constantly comparing ourselves to the other job candidate, student, or romantic competition.This …show more content…

These numbers were discovered after an Italian scientist named Leonardo Fibonacci observed them in nature. The best examples of the Fibonacci sequence are in plants. The Fibonacci numbers are as follows: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21. If you were to go outside and examine a flower, you would find that the number of petals is one of this set of numbers. The same is true of pine cones and seeds. As Hank Green said in his educational YouTube channel SciShow, “{plants}Don’t do this because they have received some kind of cosmic mandate, but because it is the most efficient way to pack seeds.” This intelligent design in building a flower has had an impact on how we build our …show more content…

Numerous studies have been done that suggest that various measurements of the face, such as total length to width, are most attractive if they equal the Golden Ratio. Another phenomenon of the human body about the golden ratio is the heart. One study made by an Austrian university took the blood pressures of 160,000 people. The university concluded that individuals whose systolic over diastolic blood pressure was equal to the golden ratio lived longer and healthier lives as opposed to people who did not. Whether this marvel is just coincidence or divine planning, the golden ratio is used everywhere, even the human

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